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- Each year more and more people try setting new and unusual records..
- more and more b.
- Why did all the customers at the Red Lion have to pay of their beer that week?.
- have to d.
- The heavy rain made it possible for us to have our picnic..
- If you make a five-days trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone everyday..
- five-days c.
- When he arrived at the furniture shop, they had been sold the table he wanted..
- had been sold d.
- May Day regularly is celebrated in many countries around the world..
- If airplane ticket wasn't expensive, I could fly to Singapore for my holidays..
- could fly d.
- Friends advised her to stop doing the housework because her old age..
- to stop c.
- Although she is 103 but she still does a lot of work in the flat..
- a lot of.
- It is the larger city in Europe with a population of over eight million..
- It is a beautiful building of two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben..
- Many hundred years ago there were many villages and little towns in England..
- They usually took a tree back with them and put it on the centre of the village..
- The international working class made the one of May their day of solidarity..
- The first May Day celebrated in England in 1890..
- Television is one of man's important mean of communication..
- The rubber farms will make a lot of money and give jobs to a great deal of.
- a great deal of.
- Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decision of your.
- Junko Tabei, is a Japanese from Hokkaido, was the first woman to make this.
- to make.
- A Tokyo newspaper - television company had organized the climb in 1975..
- had organized d.
- Bill and Fred was students at a university and they were friends..
- The noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quick..
- David was a bravery man to go on this adventure by himself..
- hundred years..
- She would be killed if that she did not betray the patriots in the area..
- if that c.
- did not d.
- The city of Lufkin, Texas, has had much than ten million employees working.
- has had c.
- The worms eat the waste and turn it into clean fertilizer whom the city then.
- The women would spend their time to make bread and bullets for the soldiers..
- to make d.
- The women were indignant and decided that they themselves would do one.
- more effort to drive off the enemy..
- to drive.
- The delay to prevent the surrender and allowed time for reinforcements to.
- arrive and drive off the enemy..
- to prevent b.
- The Japanese first developed fake food in the 1920s to introduce people to.
- David was a young man who working in an office in a big city..
- He decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains where there were much streams..
- to have b.
- A rich men and his wife went in a shop to buy a bracelet..
- to buy.
- She traveled to villages and religious centers, with only an interpreter and a.
- She adopted a fifteen-years-old Sikkimese boy to travel with her..
- fifteen-years-old c.
- to travel.
- One day a lady saw a mouse to run across her kitchen floor..
- to run d

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