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- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an.
- important decision alone.
- Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- A person should never make an important decision alone.
- People close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience..
- When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in college, I talked to my teachers and.
- They had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career.
- In college, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play..
- When I told her I didn't feel I was good enough, she was shocked.
- She was able to provide me with another perspective on myself and my talents.
- and got a lead in the play..
- Last year when I was trying to decide whether or not I should study overseas, I talked to my.
- This was the best thing I could have done.
- This was a big decision for me because I had never been overseas on my own and I wasn't sure I could do it.
- She told me about the challenges and opportunities I might encounter and helped me make the right decision.
- Whenever I am faced with an important decision, I seek advice from others so that I am.
- well-informed and have the benefit of their perspective and experience..
- A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment .
- Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- Deciding between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is a difficult choice to.
- make, but I think I would choose protecting the environment.
- Arts help to maintain our culture and serve as a source of entertainment.
- However, we need a healthy environment in order to survive so we must protect it.
- We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children..
- Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment..
- Moreover, pollution causes health problems particularly for children and the elderly who have weaker immune systems.
- We need to ensure that there are controls on the amount of pollution when possible so as to prevent health problems caused by breathing dirty air..
- We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem.
- If we do not respect our environment now, it will continue to get worse and our children will suffer the consequences.
- They would not have the same quality of air to breathe or natural beauty to admire.
- Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race would not survive.
- That's why protecting our environment is important.
- If we have a healthy environment, we have healthy children who will be able to participate and appreciate the arts..
- Some movies are serious designed to make the audience think.
- Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain.
- Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- Movies have the power to make you laugh, cry, or think about an issue that you might not otherwise think about.
- Although I sometime watch movies that are serious in nature, I prefer movies that amuse and entertain.
- When I see an amusing movie it makes me relax, laugh, and keeps me in good spirits..
- After a long day at school and work, I need a break and something to take my mind off of the troubles of the day.
- I can do that with an entertaining movie.
- When I watch an amusing movie, I don’t have to think.
- After a movie, I then feel ready to get back to work on my studies..
- Amusing movies make people laugh.
- Laughing is important for the soul..
- When people laugh together, they become friends..
- things like my studies and work.
- Being in good spirits makes me feel better about myself and gives me a positive outlook on life..
- While I can appreciate serious movies that make you think, I prefer to be amused and entertained after a long day of work.
- Such movies allow me to take a break from the rigors of life by making me laugh and putting me in a good mood.

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