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- Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.
- Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies.
- Which opinion do you agree with? Give specific reasons and details to support your answer..
- While physical exercise is important, I do not believe that it is the school’s responsibility to provide physical training for its students.
- Many students get plenty of physical exercise as part of their daily life or recreation.
- Otherwise, some students will spend valuable class hours repeating physical exercise..
- If a school offers such activities, it also suggests that students will be graded on them.
- The range of possible physical activities is great: football,.
- because the school could not provide an activity they enjoy or do well.
- Research suggests that participation, not excellence, in these activities determines the physical benefits the body will get..
- Many schools do not have the money to provide gym facilities, playing fields, and athletic equipment for their students.
- They can provide space for notices about activities, events, and classes for physical activities..
- They can encourage students to plan time away from academic studies to get some exercise.
- However, I think that providing exercise should not be the school’s responsibility..
- A university plans to develop a new research center in your country..
- Some people want a center for business research.
- Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming).
- Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation..
- The importance of agricultural and business research centers cannot be underestimated.
- Success in farming and success in business each can improve a country’s standing.
- I think that agricultural research tends to improve the quality of individual citizens’ lives, whereas successful business practices improve a country’s economy in relation to other nations.
- Choosing between an agricultural and a business research center is a difficult decision..
- However, I believe that the agricultural research center would be most beneficial because its benefits are more widespread..
- Business practices in the United States already serve as a model for many other countries.
- They have the advantage of the Internet and other.
- On the other hand, an agricultural research center would help all people.
- No country can survive without adequate means of food production..
- Natural resources are eroding, and more and more American farms are closing.
- Farmers need to build stronger networks across the country and internationally, much as businessmen already have done.
- Ultimately, better systems for farming will help all people.
- For example, food prices can be reduced as farmers discover more effective means of food production..
- Morally, I believe that it is best to do what will benefit the most people.
- I believe that the university’s decision to build an agricultural research center could do just that..
- Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.
- Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- It’s important to them, but for the majority, it’s just one type of activity out of many that they do.
- They spend almost all their time and energy practicing.
- This has both advantages and disadvantages..
- Sports are good for young children in many ways.
- Kids who enjoy sports are likely to have better health.
- Sports, whether a little or a lot, can have positive effects..
- Kids whose drive comes from inside usually do okay, but others can be unhappy and have health and emotional problems.
- So sports, like anything else in excess, can have negative effect too..
- When I was young, I liked books and hated sports.
- I saw other people who loved sports and hated school.
- Now that I’m older, I’ve found a better balance.
- People have to figure out what’s right for them.
- Is there such a thing as too much sports? There is no right answer, because there is no “right amount.” Everyone is different

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