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- Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice..
- I know there are advantages to living in a modern apartment, but I'd prefer to live in a traditional house.
- So, because of the way it looks, I'd choose a traditional house..
- I recognize the fact that a modern apartment is going to be in much better shape.
- Being new probably means all the plumbing works, the roof isn't going to leak, the windows are properly sealed, and the kitchen appliances are in working order.
- A traditional house can't guarantee any of that.
- In fact, it's likely that things will break down or need replacement, simply because of age..
- Space is always important to me, too.
- I need a lot of room for my home office, my clothes, and to display all the knickknacks I've picked up in my travels.
- I also like to have interesting space.
- I don't want all the rooms and windows the same size or a boxy design.
- A modern apartment usually comes in one size and shape.
- A traditional house is going to have a variety of spaces where I can put a little table or a window seat.
- These are all good reasons for me to prefer living in a traditional house..
- Some people love modern design, but it's not for me.
- The space and beauty of a traditional home are more important to me than having everything new and perfect..
- Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need.
- Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.
- Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- The whole point of advertising is to encourage us to buy things we don't need.
- Advertisers are in the business of making money of themselves and their clients.
- If they manage to sell us something that's good for us too, that's fine.
- It begins when we're children.
- They watch these children and get the message that if they want to have that much fun, they need to buy those things.
- Thus, at a very early age, we're introduced to two ideas: that we want to be like everyone else, and we want to have what everyone else has..
- This continues throughout our lives.
- We spend a lot of our money trying to keep up with our neighbors.
- We buy the latest model cars, have all the.
- measurements of what matters in our lives..
- However, it is also one of the ways in which our economy keeps growing.
- People need to buy products in order for other people to have jobs manufacturing, transporting and selling those products.
- Advertising also keeps us informed about new products that may actually help us in some way.
- For these reasons, you could say advertising is a necessary evil..
- Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors.
- Other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors.
- Would you prefer to be outside or would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice..
- Enjoying Time with Mother Nature.
- If I had to choose where to spend my leisure time, I'd rather spend it outdoors.
- When I have some free time, I want to completely change my environment.
- Getting outdoors gives me a new perspective and helps clear my mind..
- Being outdoors gives me the opportunity to try new tings, see new sights, and meet new people.
- Staying indoors means reading a book or watching television.
- Those are all relatively inactive.
- Being outdoors means a chance to stretch my mental and physical muscles.
- I can go hiking in an area I've never been before.
- I can visit all the outdoor monuments in my city that I've never seen before.
- In each case, I'm doing something that.
- At times like that, it's fun to sit inside with a good book or a good friend looking out at the weather and enjoying the comforts of home.
- But if the weather cooperates, it's fun to read that book outside on a park bench or go swimming with that friend..
- Enjoying leisure time outdoors can also mean making new friends..
- Getting outside my own environment gives me the opportunity to meet new people.
- All in all, leisure time Is better when it's spent with Mother Nature rather that a television set.

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