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Grid Computing P1

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- The Grid: past, present, future.
- 1.1 THE GRID.
- In this book we consider the Grid in depth, describing its immense promise, potential and complexity from the perspective of the community of individuals working hard to make the Grid vision a reality..
- In Section 1.2, we highlight some historical and motivational building blocks of the Grid – described in more detail in Chapter 3.
- Section 1.3 describes the current community view of the Grid with its basic architecture.
- Section 1.4 contains four building blocks of the Grid.
- Section 1.4.2 presents the corresponding computing backdrop with 1 to 40 teraflop performance today moving to petascale systems by the end of the decade.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) TeraGrid project illustrates the state-of-the-art of current Grid technology.
- Section 1.4.3 summarizes many of the regional, national and international activities designing and deploying Grids..
- Standards, covered in Section 1.4.4 are a different but equally critical building block of the Grid.
- Part D and Chapter 35 of the book describe these applications in more detail.
- Section 1.6.2 is a brief discussion of Grid programming covered in depth in Chapter 20 and Part C of the book.
- It is instructive to start by understanding the influences that came together to ultimately influence the development of the Grid.
- In the late 1990s, Grid researchers came together in the Grid Forum, subsequently expanding to the Global Grid Forum (GGF) [2], where much of the early research is now evolving into the standards base for future Grids.
- Recently, the GGF has been instrumental in the development of the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA), which integrates Globus and Web services approaches (Chapters 7, 8, and 9).
- Although we tend to think of the Grid as a result of the influences of the last 20 years, some of the earliest roots of the Grid can be traced back to J.C.R.
- ‘Lick’ was one of the early computing and networking pioneers, who set the scene for the creation of the ARPANET, the precursor to today’s Internet.
- In the next sections, we provide an overview of the present Grid Computing and its emerging vision for the future..
- Over the last decade, the Grid community has begun to converge on a layered model that allows development of the complex system of services and software required to integrate Grid resources.
- This model, explored in detail in Part B of this book, provides a layered abstraction of the Grid.
- We begin discussion by understanding each of the layers in the model..
- The bottom horizontal layer of the Community Grid Model consists of the hard- ware resources that underlie the Grid.
- Moreover, the resource pool represented by this layer is highly dynamic, both as a result of new resources being added to the mix and old resources being retired, and as a result of varying observable performance of the resources in the shared, multiuser environment of the Grid..
- The next horizontal layer (common infrastructure) consists of the software services and systems which virtualize the Grid.
- Figure 1.3 Layered architecture of the Community Grid Model..
- The Grid will ultimately be only as successful as its user community and all of the other horizontal layers must ensure that the Grid presents a robust, stable, usable and useful computational and data management platform to the user.
- The vertical layers represent the next steps for the development of the Grid.
- At the same time, the increasing globalization of the Grid will require serious consideration of policies for sharing and using resources, global-area networking and the development of Grid economies (the vertical layer on the right – see Chapter 32).
- The Community Grid Model provides an abstraction of the large-scale and intense efforts of a community of Grid professionals, academics and industrial partners to build the Grid.
- In the next section, we consider the lowest horizontal layers (individual resources and common infrastructure) of the Community Grid Model..
- UC Office of the President UC Santa Cr uz Cal State-Ha yw ard UC Da vis.
- High-capacity networking increases the capability of the Grid to support both paral- lel and distributed applications.
- The performance of the most high-performance nodes on the Grid is tracked by the Top500 site [46] (Figure 1.12).
- are developing high-end, high-performance Grids with fast networks and powerful Grid nodes that will provide a foundation of experience for the Grids of the future.
- Much of the critical Grid software is built as part of infrastructure activities and there are important activities focused on software: the Grid Application Development System (GrADS) [69] is a large-scale effort focused on Grid program development and execution environment.
- One of the most significant and coherent Grid efforts in Europe is the UK e-Science Program [7] discussed in Section 1.1.
- A striking feature of the UK e-Science.
- The portfolio of the UK e-Science application projects is supported by the Core Pro- gram.
- This provides support for the application projects in the form of the Grid Support Centre and a supported set of Grid middleware.
- Each of the nodes in the UK e-Science Grid has $1.5 M budget for collabo- rative industrial Grid middleware projects.
- The requirements of the e-Science application projects in terms of computing resources, data resources, networking and remote use of facilities determine the services that will be required from the Grid middleware.
- The UK projects place more emphasis on data access and data federation (Chapters 14, 15 and 17) than traditional HPC applications, so the major focus of the UK Grid middleware efforts are concentrated in this area.
- Three of the UK e-Science centres – Edinburgh, Manchester and Newcastle – are working with the Globus team and with IBM US, IBM Hursley Laboratory in the United Kingdom, and Oracle UK in an exciting project on data access and integration (DAI).
- Each of the four TeraGrid sites specializes in different areas including visualization (Argonne), compute-intensive codes (NCSA), data-oriented computing (SDSC) and sci- entific collections (Caltech).
- An overview of the hardware configuration is shown in Figure 1.17.
- Key choices for the TeraGrid software environment include the identification of Linux as the operating system for each of the TeraGrid nodes, and the deployment of basic, core and advanced Globus and data services..
- The development of key standards that allow the complexity of the Grid to be managed by software developers and users without heroic efforts is critical to the success of the Grid..
- However, the community faces a ‘chicken and egg’ problem common to the development of new technologies: applications are needed to drive the research and development of the new technologies, but applications are difficult to develop in the absence of stable and mature technologies.
- In this section, we discuss some of the successful Grid application and application middleware efforts to date.
- As we continue to develop the software infrastructure that better realizes the potential of the Grid, and as common Grid infrastructure continues to evolve to provide a stable platform, the application and user community for the Grid will continue to expand..
- One of the fastest-growing application areas in Grid Computing is the Life Sciences..
- MCell is one of the many scientific tools developed to assist in the quest to understand the form and function of cells, with specific focus on the nervous system.
- the study of calcium dynamics in hepatocytes of the liver)..
- Figure 1.18 Biomedical Informatics Research Network – one of the most exciting new applica- tion models for the Grid..
- APST has also been used by other distributed parameter sweep applications, forming part of the application-focused middle- ware layer of the Grid.
- A novel feature of the workbench will be provision for personalization facilities relating to resource selection, data man- agement and process enactment.
- One of the most comprehensive approaches to deploying production Grid infrastructure and developing large-scale engineering-oriented Grid appli- cations is the NASA IPG [50] in the United States (Chapter 5).
- in the first, we depict key aspects – airframe, wing, stabilizer, engine, landing gear and human fac- tors – of the design of a complete aircraft.
- Shown are a set of Web (OGSA) services for satellite control, data acquisition, analysis, visualization and linkage (assimilation) with simulations as well as two of the Web services broken up into multiple constituent services.
- Key standards for such a Grid are addressed by the new Space Link Extension international standard [109] in which part of the challenge is to merge a preGrid architecture with the still evolving Grid approach..
- As described in Chapter 36, data is emerging as the ‘killer application’ of the Grid.
- Data-oriented applications described in Chapters 38 to 42 represent one of the most important application classes on the Grid and will be key to critical progress for both science and society.
- The importance of data for the Grid is also illustrated in several chapters: Chapters 7, 14 to 17 emphasize it in Part B of the book..
- The pipelined structure of the solution allows the code to leverage the considerable potential of the Grid: In this case, the CERN linear accelerator will provide a deluge of data (perhaps 10 Gb s −1 of the.
- e-Science is a relatively new term that has become particularly popular after the launch of the major United Kingdom initia- tive described in Section 1.4.3.
- All of the basic Grid services and infras- tructure provide a critical venue for collaboration and will be highly important to the community..
- Chapter 12 describes the Entropia system, one of the intellectual leaders in this area of P2P or Megacomputing..
- A major purpose of the broader Grid deployment activities described in the Section 1.4.3 is to encourage further application development.
- Ultimately, one would hope that the Grid will be the operating system of the Internet and will be viewed in this fashion.
- Access to resources (get something from/do something at Site A): This includes portals, access mechanisms and environments described in Part C of the book..
- This is both the challenge and the promise of the Grid..
- At the end of the decade, sensors, PDAs, health monitors and other devices will be linked to the Grid.
- Today, many groups are looking beyond the challenges of developing today’s Grids to the research and development challenges of the future.
- To the first order, the location of the plug should not make electrical devices plugged into it run better.
- However, on the Grid, the choice of the machine, the network and other component impacts greatly the performance of the program.
- Both the nodes of the Grid and their organization must be made robust – internally fault-tolerant, as well as resilient to changes and errors in their environment.
- Part C of the book, which discusses about Grid computing environments, and is summarized in Chapter 20, describes this area.
- A key part of the user experience in computational environments is the way in which the user interacts with the system.
- ‘Programming the Grid’ really consists of two activities: preparation of the individual application nuggets associated with a single resource and integrating the nuggets to form a complete Grid program.
- At the beginning of the twenty-first century, we are witnessing an immense explosion in telecommunications.
- An important activity over the next decade will be the research, development and testing required to identify useful Grid policies, economies and ‘social structures’, which ensure the stability and efficiency of the Grid..
- Most important, the Grid provides an exercise in cooperation: resource usage and administration must bridge technological, political and social boundaries, and Grid policies will need to provide an incentive to the individual (users and applications) to contribute to the success (stability) of the group..
- The promise and potential of the Grid must drive agendas for research, development and deployment over the next decade.
- Building the Grid is one of the most challenging and exciting efforts in the science and technology community today, and more so because it must be done cooperatively and as a community effort.
- We hope that this book provides you, the reader, an insider’s view of the challenges and issues involved in building the Grid and a sense of excitement about its potential and promise..
- The initial chapter gives an overview of the whole book.
- Chapter 20 summarizes Part C and Chapter 35 summarizes Part D of the book.
- Further, Chapter 37 is an illuminating discussion on Metacomputing from 1992–a key early concept on which much of the Grid has been built.
- Chapter 2 is a short overview of the Grid reprinted from Physics Today.
- recent history of the Grid, while Chapter 4 describes the software environment of the seminal I-WAY experiment at SC95.
- Globus [3] grew out of the software needed to support these 60 applications at 17 sites.
- Chapters 14 to 17 address critical but different features of the data Grid supporting both the deluge from sensors and the more structured database and XML metadata resources.
- Communications of the ACM .
- Commu- nications of the ACM .
- TeraGrid Project, http://www.teragrid.org/..
- (2001) Distributing MCell simulations on the grid.
- The Grid for UK Particle Physics, http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/..
- ProteomeGRID for Structure-Based Annotation of the Proteins in the Major Genomes (Pro- teomes), http://umbriel.dcs.gla.ac.uk/Nesc/action/projects/project action.cfm?title =34.

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