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Beginning JSP, JSF and TomCat Web development

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- the address field, your browser first resolves www.website.com (i.e., the name of the web.
- <td></td>.
- As the root folder of this application (i.e., the folder.
- of the servlet.
- modulus (i.e., the remainder of an integer division) operators.
- check for “greater than or equal to,” <.
- can “chain” the element delimiters, so that the newlines are inside the elements and don’t.
- <tlib-version>1.0</tlib-version>.
- Notice that you define the body-content subelement as scriptless even though it’s the.
- weekday ${param.d}: <wow:weekday date="${param.d}"/><br/>.
- weekdayBody ${param.d}: <wow:weekdayBody>${param.d}</wow:weekdayBody><br/>.
- k + "</td><td>.
- "'</td><td>");.
- For example, the IP header contains, among other fields, the source IP address (i.e., the.
- tion IP address (i.e., the address of the server, which you can obtain from the name server of.
- Here is where you put your page content.<br/>.
- <td><fieldset>.
- </fieldset></td>.
- </select></td>.
- >A</input>.
- >B</input>.
- >C</input>.
- </select></td>.
- when it executes the next time, the ball will “bounce off” the wall.
- the size of the element (i.e., the pixels occupied by the space in the horizontal direction) via.
- move to “the back end” of web applications and talk about databases.
- The data it contains • The structure you impose on the data in order to CRUD it efficiently • The software that allows you to manipulate both the data itself and the database struc-.
- available for free, and second, it’s the most widely used of the freely available DBMSs, so it.
- The URL of your server • A user ID that allows you to access the DB • The password that goes together with the user ID Once you establish the connection, you can then begin to manipulate the DB structure.
- In the.
- will cause MySQL to “forget” the uncommitted updates.
- 27: Thank you for your purchase.<br/>.
- 35: Thank you for your purchase.<br/>.
- "</b></td>");.
- Display the message “Welcome to e-Shop.” <h:form>.
- One of the pur-.
- The functionality of a component is centered on converting a user’s inputs (i.e., the HTTP.
- 07: <tlib-version>1.0</tlib-version>.
- <param-value>.jspx</param-value>.
- <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>.
- are always closed, either with an end tag when they have a body (e.g., <title>...</title>) or.
- with a slash if they’re empty (e.g., <class .../>.
- starfleet.xml are • The presence of a <title>.
- element • The removal in the <class>.
- element of the commissioned attribute • The replacement of the <class>.
- below the first line of enterprises_schema.xml (i.e., the line with <?xml...?>.
- If you view the page source (in Firefox, it’s the bottom item of the View menu), you’ll see.
- It doesn’t contain processing instructions (e.g., <?xml-stylesheet.
- end of the chapter.
- scope of the module.
- duration of the request.
- server (e.g., the Apache Web Server) handle the requests for static pages.
- tion of the host.
- is like common with the addition of the referer (i.e., the page that made the request) and the user.
- In the “The Eshop Architecture”.
- Here’s the code that lists the book categories: <%.
- "</a></p>".
- eshop.tld As you can see, we only changed the view part of the application (i.e., the JSP modules),.
- while we didn’t need to touch the controller and the model (i.e., the servlet, the beans, the peer.
- We mark with “rewritten” the modules of Eshopf that are completely.
- <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>.
- they’ve been deprecated in HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0: <applet>, <basefont>, <center>, <dir>,.
- opens in a new window • <base target="_parent"/>.
- opens in the parent frameset • <base target="_self"/>.
- opens in the same frame • <base target="_top"/>.
- You can use several instances of this element within your document’s <head>.
- of the set.
- We said “the browser should render” because it didn’t work with Firefox when we.
- content of the form.
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</textarea></td>.
- title="black"/></td>.
- title="gray"/></td>.
- title="white"/></td>.
- <style type="text/css">.g1 {background-color: #c0c0c0}</style>.
- <style type="text/css">.g2 {background-color: #808080}</style>.
- <td>(2,2)</td>.
- <td headers="m au">5 ft 10.2</td><td headers="f au">5 ft 4.5</td>.
- <td id="us" headers="c">U.S.A.</td>.
- <td headers="m us">5 ft 9.4</td><td headers="f us">5 ft 4</td>.
- the row group (scope="rowgroup"—i.e., the.
- apply styles to a single element (e.g., a <table>.
- <tr><td>getReader.
- Of the action-.
- <captain>...</captain>.
- operations, and the union operator | (i.e., the vertical bar) to merge two node sets.
- integrity of the database.
- References to further definitions are enclosed in angle brackets (e.g., <create_spec>.
- the element enclosed between the brackets (e.g., [<create_spec>.
- beginning of the century.
- Possible subelements are • <f:facet name="header">..</facet>.
- <f:facet name="footer">..</facet>.
- It generates the following HTML element: <a..>..</a>.
- Possible subelements are • <h:outputText../>.
- <table..><thead>..</thead><tbody>..</tbody><tfoot>..</tfoot></table>.
- It generates the following HTML element: <form..>..</form>.
- It generates the <span..>..</span>.
- It generates the following HTML element: <label..>..</label>..
- It generates the <div..>..</div>.
- otherwise, it generates <span..>..</span>.
- Possible subelements are • <f:selectItem../>

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