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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 13

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- Since repetition and restatement do not add to the meaning, you can ignore them..
- The time thai the professor uses to think is advantageous to you because you can ignore these pauses, repetitions, and restatements and you can use the additional time to take notes..
- Not mlJCl'l you can do about that.
- I, I have certain behaviors that Me expected, uh, because of the status.
- Okay, all of the behaviors Me roles , I mean, a role is the behavior expected because 0 1 status.
- All of the statuses-husband, father, son, professor- combine to form the status set, and each 01 the statuses have certain expectations .
- You can use capital \etters thai will remind you of the word or phrase.
- Or you can write the beginning of the word or phrase.
- Your answer is CO/Tect if you can read it and If the meaning is the same as the original sentence.
- Take notes as quicldy as you can..
- To take notes, you can use symbols and diagrams.
- By using this system, you can reduce the number of words that you have to write.
- Here are some examples of notes for each of the corn- mon relationships..
- Many teidbooks have a glossary of specialized vocabulary in the back of the book..
- Although each person Is responsible fOf one instrument in most sections of the Ofchestra, the members of the percussion section are required to pley several instruments in one concert or even for one composition..
- When the temperatures on Earth dropped below the melting point of the rocks on the sur- lace, the outer crust gradually solidified.

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