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Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 2

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- The rest of the book covers the use of MySQL to design, build and support the type of applications important to users like you..
- A database is, simply put, a collection of data.
- This database works (or maybe it doesn’t) because the size of the database is incredibly small.
- So, restating our definition, we will define a database as an organized collection of data..
- We will there- fore amend our definition a bit further: a database is a collection of data that is organized and stored according to some purpose..
- The file system is the electronic version of the pile of papers on your desk.
- What Is a Relational Database?.
- According to our definition, a database is an organized collection of data.
- “views” of the data.It is probably easier to illustrate the concepts of tables and relationships than try to explain them.
- Each table has a name, several columns, and rows containing data for each of the columns.
- However, it only supports a subset of the current SQL standard, SQL2.
- According to our definition, a database is an organized collection of data that serves some purpose.
- The utility of the library as a database would decrease over time since obsolete books could never be replaced and new books could never be added.
- Before the emergence of the World Wide Web, databases typically were used by large corporations to support various business functions: accounting and financials, shipping and inventory control, manufacturing planning, human resources, and so on.
- The web and more complex home computing tasks have helped move the need for database applications outside the realm of the large corporation..
- If the contents of the catalog are entered directly into one or more HTML files, someone has to hand edit the files each time a new item is added to the catalog or a price is changed.
- The program issues an SQL query or update, and the database magically takes care of the rest.
- MySQL is an SQL-based Relational Database Management System (RDMS).
- Each column represents one “piece” of data for each record.
- “piece” of data

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