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Autocad 2007 và autocad lt 2007

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- If I say one of the following.
- The CD-ROM contains all of the drawings that you need to do the exercises in this book..
- When you press Enter, the text that you typed is echoed in the Command win- dow at the bottom of the screen..
- Click the ORTHO button on the status bar at the bottom of the drawing area if it is not already selected (indented).
- Specify next point or [Undo]: Move the mouse cursor down from the start point of the line.
- Then type the following length of the line.
- Click the upper-left corner of the window..
- Pick the top horizontal line of the window..
- Click the Close button at the top of the Properties palette.
- In this exercise, you practiced many of the skills that you need to use AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT effectively.
- Choose one of the following:.
- On the right side of the status bar, at the bottom of the screen, is a lock icon.
- At the very bottom of the screen is the status bar (refer to Figure 1-2).
- At the right side of the status bar is a small down arrow.
- Thumbnails and Preview add a preview image of the drawing..
- Some of the different disciplines that use AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
- These settings include the size of the drawing (called limits), the unit type (such as decimal or feet and inches), and others.
- Choose one of the following options:.
- You can also use the Places list at the left side of the dialog box to find drawings.
- At the bottom of the drawing area, click the Model tab.
- Drag down and choose any one of the options..
- For example, you can right-click to the right side of the Properties toolbar or below the Draw toolbar.
- You can control which sections of the Dashboard appear.
- You can execute a command by typing it directly on the command line, directly to the right of the Command: prompt.
- By default, it is docked at the bottom of the drawing area.
- If you like typing commands, you can create short versions of the command names, called aliases.
- Home Moves the command-line cursor to the beginning of the text..
- End Moves the command-line cursor to the end of the text..
- Delete Deletes the character to the right of the cursor on the command line..
- To choose an option using the command line, do one of the following:.
- Right-click in the drawing area and choose one of the options from the shortcut menu.
- Then click one of the options..
- You also see the current coordinate location of the cursor in the Dynamic Input tooltip..
- Suppose that you want to specify the width of the polyline.
- If you click the down arrow to the right of the Undo button, you can see all the commands that you’ve executed.
- Table 3-2: Options of the UNDO Command.
- Choose Line on the Command Tools tab of the tool palette.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the Undo button on the Standard toolbar.
- Click the down arrow to the right of the Redo button on the Standard toolbar..
- Many of the topics displayed on the right have three tabs:.
- Read the description of the 2P option..
- Click the Close button at the top-right corner of the Help screen.
- Click the Procedures tab in the right pane of the Help window.
- On the left side of the Help window, click the Index tab..
- Click the Close button of the Help window..
- which you can work.
- You can type.
- On the right side of the dialog box, you can choose how polar tracking works with object snap tracking (covered later in this chapter).
- To specify the second point, move the cursor in the approximate angle of the line you want to draw.
- You can adjust the size of the crosshairs that cross the cursor.
- style section of the dialog box.
- Note that you can change the angle of the snap spacing.
- style section of the dialog box (refer to Figure 4-18)..
- You can customize the following features of object snap tracking on the Drafting tab of the Options dialog box (choose Tools ➪ Options):.
- Click the arrow to the right of the Precision drop-down list box in the Length section..
- You need to set only the width and length of the drawing.
- In the Plot Scale section of the Plot dialog box (see Chapter 17).
- In the Plot Scale section of the Page Setup dialog box (see Chapter 17).
- In the Standard scale item of the Properties palette when a Viewport is selected (see Chapter 17).
- To calculate the plotted size of the drawing at 1 ⁄ 4 ".
- Most of the templates have a correspond- ing drawing that you can insert.
- AutoCAD draws a rectangle of the size that you indicated for the drawing limits..
- Select one of the options.
- If you use one of the options, the first prompt returns so that you can specify the first corner point or use another option.
- Pick the bottom-left corner of the rectangle.
- 3 On the.
- Often, you can use object snaps to define part of the circle.
- Figure 7-4 shows the flow of the arc options.
- The new arc continues in the same direction as the end of the first object.
- Instead of specifying endpoints, you can use the Center option to specify the center of the ellipse.
- Specify start angle or [Parameter]: Use the Endpoint object snap to pick the free endpoint of the line on the right..
- You can pan past the edge of the screen (actually the viewport) in Windows XP.
- Figure 8-1: The air compressor is zoomed in so that you can see only part of the drawing..
- Click anywhere in the scroll bar to the right of the scroll box.
- 2 On the.
- When you zoom out, objects look smaller, but you can see more of the drawing.
- You can zoom past the edge of the screen (actually the viewport) in Windows XP.
- You can also double-click the wheel to do a zoom to the extents of the drawing..
- Extents Zooms to the outer extents of the drawing.
- Choose Zoom All from the Zoom flyout of the Standard toolbar..
- Choose Zoom Extents from the Zoom flyout of the Standard toolbar.
- 1 2 On the.
- Choose Zoom Scale from the Zoom flyout of the Standard toolbar.
- Move the Pan box to the bottom-right corner of the warehouse.
- Figure 8-6: The new view of the drawing after using Zoom Dynamic..
- If you specify a category, it appears on the Sheet Views tab of the Sheet Set Manager (covered in Chapter 26)..
- Camera X Displays the X coordinate of the view’s camera.
- Camera Y Displays the Y coordinate of the view’s camera.
- Camera Z Displays the Z coordinate of the view’s camera.
- Target X Displays the X coordinate of the view’s target.
- Target Y Displays the Y coordinate of the view’s target.
- Target Z Displays the Z coordinate of the view’s target.
- Height Specifies the height of the view.
- Width Specifies the width of the view.
- Type the name of the first view in the View Name text box..
- At the Specify first corner: prompt, pick the top-left corner of the drawing.
- At the Specify first corner: prompt, pick the bottom-left corner of the drawing.
- The views that you created are now part of the drawing database..
- After you’ve partially opened a drawing, you can load more of the drawing.
- You see a preview of the configuration.

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