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JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition part 9

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- Notice in Figure 4-6 that objects are grouped together in various levels desig- nated by the density of the gray background.
- Reporting to the president are several vice presidents.
- One of the vice presidents manages a sales force that is divided into geographical regions..
- Each region has a manager who reports to the vice president of sales.
- If the president wants to communicate to a salesper- son who handles a big account, the protocol dictates that the president should route the message through the hierarchy — to the vice president of sales.
- to the sales manager.
- to the salesperson.
- The hierarchy clearly defines each unit’s role and relationship to the other units..
- This hierarchical structure applies to the organization of objects in a document..
- Window object: At the top of the hierarchy is the window.
- This object repre- sents the content area of the browser window where HTML documents appear.
- Because all document action takes place inside the window, it is the outermost element of the object hierarchy..
- Its position in the object hierarchy is an impor- tant one, as you can see in Figure 4-6.
- The document object contains most of the other kinds of objects in the model.
- If you develop in this kind of controlled environment, then be assured that browser-specific features are covered in the reference portions of this book..
- The scripter’s dream is that one day W3C DOM–compatible browsers will be the majority of the installed base, and creating cross-browser, highly dynamic pages will be easier than today.
- In the meantime, you have lots of fundamentals to learn — knowledge that you’ll use for many years to come..
- Everything that is inside the <FORM>...</FORM>.
- tag set is part of the form object.
- If so, the map of the objects for that particular document has two form objects instead of the one that appears in Figure 4-6..
- Form control elements: Just as your HTML defines form elements within the confines of the <FORM>...</FORM>.
- Unlike the one-of-everything model shown in Figure 4-6, the precise model for any document depends on the HTML tags in the document..
- Programming languages, such as JavaScript, are convenient intermediaries between your mental image of how a program works and the true inner workings of the computer.
- Inside the machine, every word of a program code listing influences the storage and movement of bits (the legendary 1s and 0s of the computer’s binary universe) from one RAM storage slot to another.
- Languages and object mod- els are inside the computer (or, in the case of JavaScript, inside the browser’s area of the computer) to make it easier for programmers to visualize how a program works and what its results will be.
- Therefore, now it’s time to open the hood and watch what happens to the document object model as a page loads into the browser..
- When this page loads, the browser maintains in its memory a map of the objects generated by the HTML tags in the document.
- I’ll skip that object for now, but acknowledge its presence (as a dimmed box in the diagram) because it is part of the model in the browser memory.
- tag set and reload the document.
- Figure 4-8 shows what happens to both the HTML (changes in boldface) and the object map as constructed by the browser.
- Even though no content appears in the form, the <FORM>.
- Also note that the form object is contained by the document in the hierarchy of objects in the current map.
- This mirrors the structure of the idealized map shown in Figure 4-6..
- As mentioned earlier, the containment structure of the HTML (the <INPUT>.
- tag set) is reflected in the object map for the revised document.
- the document contains a form.
- <FORM>.
- </FORM>.
- Figure 4-9: Adding a text input element to the form.
- The last modification I make to the file is to add a button input element to the same form as the one that holds the text input element (see Figure 4-10).
- tag set as the text field.
- As a result, the object map hierarchy shows both the text field and button contained by the same form object.
- If the map were a corporate organization chart, the employees represented by the Text and Button boxes would be at the same level reporting to the same boss..
- Figure 4-10: Adding a button element to the same form.
- After a document is loaded into the browser, all of its objects are safely stored in memory in the containment hierarchy structure specified by the browser’s docu- ment object model.
- If a script needs you to locate one of those objects, it would be a big help if the script showed you what route to follow in the map to reach that object..
- That is precisely what an object reference in a script does for the browser..
- Must be inside quotes when assigned to the NAME attribute.
- The name of the object, however, is only one part of the actual reference that the browser needs to locate the object.
- For each object, the refer- ence must include the steps along the object hierarchy from the top down to the object — no matter how many levels of containment are involved.
- A reference includes the names of each object along the path from the window to the object.
- In the.
- Figure 4-11 shows the object map and references for the two main objects.
- Therefore, a reference to the document object is window.document.
- Figure 4-11: References to the window and document.
- Modifying the document to include the empty <FORM>.
- tag generates the form object in the map.
- The reference to the form object, as shown in Figure 4-12, starts with the window, wends through the document, and reaches the form, which I call by name:.
- window.document.formName (the italics meaning that in a real script, I would sub- stitute the form’s name for formName.
- window.document.
- Figure 4-12: Reference to the form object.
- As the hierarchy gets deeper, the object reference gets longer.
- In Figure 4-13, I add a text input object to the form.
- The reference to this deeply nested object still starts at the window level and works its way down to the name I assigned to the object in its <INPUT>.
- tag: window.document.formName.textName..
- Figure 4-13: Reference to the text field object.
- When I add a button to the same form as the text object, the reference stays the same length (see Figure 4-14).
- All that changes is the last part of the reference where the button name goes in place of the text field name:.
- window.document.formName.buttonName.
- window.document.formName.
- window.document.formName.textName.
- Figure 4-14: Reference to the button object.
- Every reference typically starts with the most global scope — the win- dow for client-side JavaScript — and narrows focus with each “dot.
- The methodology for organizing the thousands of newsgroups is to group them in a hierarchy that makes it relatively easy to both find a newsgroup and visualize where the newsgroup you’re currently reading is located in the scheme of things..
- Other group cate- gories, such as comp and alt , have their own sections and do not overlap with what goes on in the rec section.
- When you ask your newsgroup software to view messages in the rec.sport.skating.inline group, you’re giving it a map to follow in the newsgroup hierarchy to go directly to a single newsgroup..
- window.document.formName.textName window.document.formName.buttonName.
- When you ask to visit one, the hierarchical address, starting with the rec or alt classification, ensures you get to the desired place.
- For complete newbies to the Net, this dot syntax can be intimidating.
- What Defines an Object?.
- When an HTML tag defines an object in the source code, the browser creates a slot for that object in memory as the page loads.
- Outside of the pared-down world of a JavaScript browser, an object can also represent abstract entities, such as a calendar program’s appoint- ment entry or a layer of graphical shapes in a drawing program..
- Every object is unique in some way, even if two or more objects look identical to you in the browser.
- They play such key roles in your future JavaScript efforts that the Quick Reference in Appendix A summarizes the proper- ties, methods, and event handlers for each object in the object models imple- mented in various browser generations.
- You might want to take a quick peek at that road map of the original object model if for no other reason than to gain an appreci- ation for the size of the scripting vocabulary that this tutorial covers..
- Tag attributes are the most common way to set an HTML object’s initial properties.
- Most properties have default values that are automati- cally assigned if nothing special is set in the HTML or later from a script..
- The name property of this object is the word “entry.” When the page loads, the text of the VALUE attribute setting is placed in the text field — the automatic behav- ior of an HTML text field when the VALUE attribute is specified.
- But if a user enters some other text into the text field, the value property changes — not in the HTML, but in the memory copy of the object model that the browser maintains.
- Therefore, if a script queries the text field about the content of the value property, the browser yields the current setting of the property — which isn’t the one specified by the HTML if a user changes the text..
- To gain access to an object’s property, you use the same kind of dot syntax, hierarchical addressing scheme you saw earlier for objects.
- A property is contained by its object, so the reference to it consists of the reference to the object plus one more extension naming the property.
- document.formName.clicker.name document.formName.clicker.value document.formName.entry.value.
- You may wonder what happened to the window part of the reference.
- In IE4+, you can reference an element object by simply referring to the element’s ID attribute if one is assigned.
- for the text field, the property reflects the current text in the field.
- You now see how the (sometimes lengthy) hierarchical referencing scheme helps the browser locate exactly the object and property your script needs.
- A method is all about action related to the object.
- A method either does something to the object or with the object that affects other parts of a script or document..
- To set a method into motion (usually called invoking a method), a JavaScript statement must include a reference to it — via its object with a pair of parentheses after the method name — as in the following examples:

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