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JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition part 11

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- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”>.
- <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”entry”>.
- <INPUT TYPE=”button” NAME=”oneButton” VALUE=”Press Me!”.
- Not every object must have an event handler defined for it in the HTML, as shown in Listing 5-8 — only the ones for which scripting is needed.
- The alertUser() function is defined as the page loads, and it waits to run as long as the page remains loaded in the browser.
- Therefore, I will hold off on this example until later in the tutorial..
- In the early days of JavaScript in browsers, script errors displayed themselves in very obvious dialog boxes.
- To prevent such dialog boxes from disturbing unsuspecting users, the browser makers tried to diminish the visual impact of errors in the browser win- dow.
- appear in the status bar.
- A message appears in the status bar that instructs you to go to the location javascript: to see the error details.
- Viewing the details of the error requires dif- ferent steps, depending on the Navigator version.
- Unless you clear the window, subsequent error messages are appended to the bottom of the window..
- During this tutorial, how- ever, you can use the error messages to see if you have perhaps mistyped a script from a listing in the book..
- simply sounds easier or more friendly than “programming.” In many respects, this is true.
- In the end, both builders used many of the same techniques to complete the assembly, and each can take pride in the result..
- As you’ve seen with the document object model, the browser gives scripters many prefabricated components with which to work.
- In the end, both authors have working applications that look equally professional..
- Beyond the document object model, however, “real programming” nibbles its way into the scripting world.
- In the next two lessons, I set aside most discussion about the document object model and focus on the programming principles that will serve you well in JavaScript and future programming endeavors..
- Write the complete script tag set for a script whose lone statement is document.write(“Hello, world.”).
- Build an HTML document and include the answer to the previous question such that the page executes the script as it loads.
- Open the document in your browser..
- Add a comment to the script in the previous answer that explains what the script does..
- Carefully study the document in Listing 5-9.
- sign in the upperMe function statement.
- let the line word-wrap as it does in the follow- ing listing.
- It’s okay to use a carriage return between attribute name/value pairs, as shown in the first <INPUT>.
- Save the document as an HTML file, and load the file into your browser to see how well you did..
- document.converter.output.value = document.converter.input.value.toUpperCase().
- <FORM NAME=”converter”>.
- <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”input” VALUE=”sample”.
- <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”output” VALUE=””>.
- By leaving out the “ava,” the company doesn’t have to license the “Java”.
- The document that provides all of the details about the language is known as ECMA-262 (it’s the 262nd stan- dard published by ECMA).
- The most serious discrepancies are noted in the core language reference in Part IV of this book..
- in the programming world, however, the term is not as restrictive.
- Table 6-1 lists JavaScript’s formal data types, with examples of the values you will see displayed from time to time..
- In some definitions of syntax and parts of objects later in this book, I make specific reference to the type of value accepted in placeholders.
- You will encounter situations, however, in which the value type may get in the way of a smooth script step.
- If the script is to perform some arithmetic on that number, you must convert the string to a number before you can apply the value to any math operations.
- Cooking up a dish according to a recipe in the kitchen has one advantage over cooking up some data in a program.
- In the kitchen, you follow recipe steps and work with real things: carrots, milk, or a salmon fillet.
- A computer, on the other hand, follows a list of instructions to work with data.
- More specifically, data in a JavaScript- enhanced Web page occupies parts of the computer’s memory set aside for exclu- sive use by the browser software.
- In the olden days, programmers had to know the numeric address in memory (RAM) where a value was stored to retrieve a copy of it.
- That statement lets the browser know that you can use that variable later to hold information or to modify any of the data in that variable..
- To assign a value to a variable, use one of the assignment operators.
- If I want to assign a value to the myAge vari- able at the same time I declare it (a combined process known as initializing the variable), I use that operator in the same statement as the var keyword:.
- On the other hand, if I declare a variable in one statement and later want to assign a value to it, the sequence of statements is.
- The designers of JavaScript, however, cannot foresee every keyword that the language may need in the future.
- By using the kind of single words that cur- rently appear in the list of reserved keywords (see Appendix B), you always run a risk of a future conflict..
- Both of the following examples are valid variable names:.
- In fact, because of the potential conflict with future keywords, using multiword combinations for variable names is a good idea.
- Multiword combinations are less likely to appear in the reserved word list..
- Another concept closely related to the value and variable is expression evalua- tion — perhaps the most important concept of learning how to program a computer..
- Remember the theme song of The Beverly Hillbillies?.
- At the end of the song, you find four quite different references (“crude,” “oil,”.
- For exam- ple, after assigning a value to a variable, such as.
- Therefore, if you’re 15 years my junior, I can assign a value to a variable representing your age based on the evalu- ated value of myAge.
- myAge value changes later in the script, the change has no link to the yourAge vari- able because myAge evaluated to 45 when it was used to assign a value to yourAge.
- Recall the second document.write() statement:.
- document.write(“ of.
- The document.write() method (remember, JavaScript uses the term method to mean command) requires a parameter in parentheses: the text string to be dis- played on the Web page.
- The first evaluation is the value of the navigator.appName property.
- This property evaluates to a string of the name of your browser.
- With that expression safely evaluated to a string, JavaScript can finish the job of joining the three strings in the final evaluation.
- As one more demonstration of the flexibility that expression evaluation offers, this section shows you a slightly different route to the document.write() statement..
- Rather than join those strings as the direct parameter to the document.write() method, I can gather the strings in a variable and then apply the variable to the document.write() method.
- document.write(textToWrite).
- This method works because the variable, textToWrite , evaluates to the com- bined string.
- The document.write() method accepts that string value and does its display job

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