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HTML cơ bản - p 7

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- element occupies the full width of its container minus whatever is needed for the element’s margins, borders, and the padding of the containing element..
- left means that the element adheres to the left margin of the containing element and that other HTML elements fol- lowing the floated element wrap around it on the right.
- The element sticks to the right margin, and the HTML elements following it wrap around to the left.
- <title>Example 2.6</title>.
- <p>.
- The America's Cup is a trophy awarded to the winner of the America's Cup sailing regatta match.
- The trophy remained in the hands of the New York Yacht Club (NYYC) from 1857 (when the syndicate that won the Cup donated the trophy to the club) until.
- 1983 when the Cup was won by the Royal Perth Yacht Club, with their yacht, Australia II, ending the longest winning streak in the history of sport..
- </p>.
- Any yacht club that meets the requirements specified in the Deed of Gift has the right to challenge the yacht club that holds the Cup.
- In the style element in the document’s head, two CSS rules, in curly braces, are assigned to the division with the image-left class attribute value:.
- The second rule provides one em 2 of padding on the right of the image to give the page a professional, typeset look.
- An em is a typographic unit equal to the width of the letter M..
- <title>Example 2.7</title>.
- <p class="floatleft">Notable buildings in the district include the Flatiron Building, one of the oldest of the original New York skyscrapers, and just to east at One Madison Avenue is the Met Life.
- Tower, built in 1909 and the tallest building in the world until 1913..
- Nearby, on Madison Avenue between 26th and 27th Streets, on the site of the old Madison Square Garden, is the New York Life Building, built in 1928 and designed by Cass Gilbert, with a square tower topped by a striking gilded pyramid..
- The content of the body element in Example 2.7 is simple—one level-two heading followed by two paragraphs.
- All the magic happens in the CSS style element in the document head.
- The first statement in the style element centers the text of the level-two heading.
- The second statement says to block-justify all paragraphs, reserving 2 percent of the available width (and height) for pad- ding.
- Because each paragraph has enough content to fill the full width of the page, each floated paragraph must be constrained to a width small enough to provide enough room for the other.
- Instead of giving these paragraphs a fixed width, they are each allowed to occupy 46 percent of the document body’s width..
- Inline elements provide the content with the semantic meaning that makes for interesting reading.
- Browsers interpret inline markup by changing the typography of the text.
- <em></em>.
- the content has some importance..
- <strong></strong>.
- the content is very important..
- <abbr></abbr>.
- Abbreviation of a term in the content..
- <cite></cite>.
- Citation—the title of another work..
- <code></code>.
- The content is an example of computer code..
- <var></var>.
- The content is a computer variable..
- <q>...</q>.
- <sup>...</sup>.
- reduce the size and raise the content..
- <sub>...</sub>.
- reduce the size and lower the content..
- The strikeout text element, <strike>...</strike>.
- But it is not in the HTML5 specification..
- <b></b>.
- <i></i>.
- <u></u>.
- Underline the content..
- These typographic elements say nothing about the content they enclose, other than that the author wants the text underlined or displayed with a bold or italic font.
- The strong empha- sis and/or emphasis elements should always be used when the content to be marked up is important or needs emphasis..
- <big></big>.
- <small></small>.
- The big element is not in the HTML5 specification.
- The small element has a semantic purpose in HTML5: It is the element for marking up the “fine print”.
- of a document—the disclaimers, legal terms, and conditions that nobody ever reads..
- It provides the publication date and time of the document itself.
- The time element’s datetime attribute holds the machine-readable value, and the element’s content can hold the human-readable version.
- Its purpose is to highlight words or phrases in a quotation that were not given emphasis by the quote’s author but that have significance in the current context.
- ...<mark><em>due process</em><mark>....
- <a></a>.
- inserts images into the content..
- It can contain other inline elements, such as images, but it should not contain any elements that change the color or typographic styles of the linked text in a way that suggests that some links are different from others.
- <h3><a href="chapter_5.html">Chapter 5, Building A Website</a></.
- Unless otherwise specified, the bottom of the image is aligned with the base- line of the text it is embedded in.
- id Specifies a unique identifier that references the element in CSS and scripts.
- class Specifies a semantic class that the element should be consid- ered a member of.
- style Specifies CSS style rules that should be applied to the element title Specifies a title for the element.
- lang Specifies the natural language of the element’s text content dir Specifies the direction, left-to-right or right-to-left, of the ele-.
- hidden Specifies whether the user agent should hide the element’s content.
- Content enclosed in the quote element shows a different pair of quotation marks, depending on the value of the language attribute set for that element or inherited from one of its enclosing containers.
- An element’s language is a concept separate from the character set that is used to display the page’s text..
- Seeing the usefulness of the title attribute to search engine robots, the HTML4 specification extended its application to all HTML elements..
- accesskey Specifies a shortcut key to be assigned to the element to give it focus.
- contenteditable Specifies that the content may be editable if the host permits such operation.
- contextmenu Specifies a menu that may be presented when the user Alt-clicks the element.
- draggable Specifies whether the user may reposition the element spellcheck Specifies whether the browser can spell-check the ele-.
- subject Specifies that the element is the subject of an element with a corresponding item attribute.
- item Specifies that the element is an item of an element with a corresponding subject attribute.
- The align attribute when used in block elements specifies whether the text of the element should be aligned with the left or right margin, or centered within the containing element.
- It causes the content following the image or table to wrap around the element on the right or left, respectively..
- Sometimes, it is necessary to stop wrapping content around a floated ele- ment before all of the available space is used.
- Adding this attribute to an HTML element causes the browser to add enough vertical white space before rendering the element to clear it from any floating element.
- It aligns normally with the left or right margin of the containing element.
- <h3 class="clearfloat">...</h3>.
- The CSS statement to clear all h3 elements in the clearfloat class would go in a style element in the document head, along with any other styling needed for the headings:.
- If the value of one of these attributes is a positive integer, it specifies the element’s width or height in pixels

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