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HTML cơ bản - p 23

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- Constant Contact is one of the more popular email marketing services.
- A Constant Contact customer creates and maintains a database of email recipi- ents with the service and composes formatted emails using Constant Contact’s web-based editor and online templates.
- Constant Contact charges a monthly fee for its service based on the number of recipient email addresses..
- Constant Contact’s approach is to build an email as a series of sections or blocks.
- The editor has many of the same features as other WYSIWYG editors, including a button for directly editing a block’s HTML content.
- Figure 4.23 shows the beginning of the editing process for a newslet- ter, with the introductory paragraph being edited.
- Such spamming software is installed by Internet worms and other malware on the ordinary computers of unsuspecting users..
- Figure 4.23: Editing an HTML email using Constant Contact.
- Instead of a typical toolbar, Constant Contact provides a tool palette in the left sidebar.
- It includes Constant Contact’s special tags for inserting the recipient’s name and other mail-merge features..
- To work with the HTML, it is useful to copy the source code into a dedicated HTML editor and then paste it back into Constant Contact when done.
- It is also useful to download Constant Contact’s Code View Users Guide and become familiar with its special tags and features.
- Figure 4.25: Editing the CSS style sheet for an HTML email message in Constant Contact.
- Many services on the Web that allow users, subscribers, and custom- ers to create content or edit personal profile information have a means for entering both content and HTML markup.
- Email marketing services such as Constant Contact simplify the process for commercial email senders..
- There are, of course, different approaches to this end, and it always helps to spend time up front to analyze the requirements of the new website and the context in which it will operate..
- More important, the exercise of writing down your goals and expectations will provide the foundation for many of the decisions you will have to make as you go through the process.
- Will the content on the site be static or dynamic?.
- These services exist for a reason: to help people get started in online publishing by taking care of the technical details while they concentrate on learning what to do with the content.
- At the same time, online services limit what you can do on the Web.
- On the other hand, if your intention is to interact with your website’s visi- tors, solicit their input, or provide a service to which they may subscribe, you have a service website.
- Running a site that offers a service or product means that you have many of the same responsibilities (and challenges) as running a business, including production, marketing, sales, and, most important, customer service.
- changes, and deletions, with very little need to change the basic structural ele- ments of the HTML documents.
- For any given website, a proper amount of content flow will provide the best return on the time and money you spend creating and managing that content.
- Other issues depend on the target audience.
- Other standards may exist, depending on the website’s purpose and intended audience.
- Some published websites may be subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other national laws..
- Perhaps you expect that a significant proportion of the site’s visitors will be people using browsers on mobile devices

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