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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Bài 5: Illiteracy

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- I’ll take you to the cinema..
- B- She’ll teach us how to play English pronunciation games..
- A- Are you going to prepare for it.
- B- Yes, My brother is going to play the guitar and I’ll sing the blues..
- A- What clothes are you going to wear, Pretty.
- Reported speech with infinitve(s).
- Where is the station?.
- Turn left after the bridge..
- You should go to the doctor..
- The children told me to turn left after the bridge..
- My mother told me to go to the doctor..
- Hoa advised me not to buy them there.
- Yes, you shouldn’t buy them.
- Where’s the station?.
- My mother advised me to go to the doctor..
- Hoa advised me not to buy them there..
- We often report orders,.
- We often report offers, promises, and threats.
- I’ll be carefull.
- He promised to be carefull..
- S+ Verb + Object +(not)To- infinitive..
- Speaker’s words Reported Speech.
- tomorrow the next day.
- next Monday the following Monday.
- last Monday the previous Monday.
- They promised to come back again..
- The lifeguard advised us not to swim far from the shore..
- John asked Peter to close the window..
- John promised to give it to him the next day..
- My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school..
- His boss advised me to go home and rest for a while..
- My parents advised me not to drink too much beer..
- She invited me to come and see her when ever I wanted..
- John asked me not to smoke in his car..
- He told Sue to give him her phone number..
- He reminded me to give it to Joe..
- He promised not to do it again..
- John asked her to lend him some money.

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