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- Creating an Instance of the Class 32.
- Consequences of the Builder Pattern 44.
- Consequences of the Prototype Pattern 50.
- Consequences of the Bridge Pattern 93.
- Consequences of the Composite Pattern 100.
- Consequences of the Decorator Pattern 110.
- Consequences of the Façade 115.
- Consequences of the Chain of Responsibility 138.
- Consequences of the Command Pattern 143.
- Consequences of the Interpreter Pattern 153.
- Consequence of the Iterator Pattern 159.
- Consequences of the Mediator Pattern 167.
- Consequences of the Memento 175.
- Consequences of the Observer Pattern 184.
- Consequences of the State Pattern 192.
- Consequences of the Strategy Pattern 201.
- Consequence of the Visitor Pattern 216.
- description of each of the patterns.
- A class that inherits from a parent class has access to all of the methods of that parent class.
- Nearly all of the example programs in this book use the JFC to produce the interfaces you see in the example code.
- All of the creational patterns deal with the best way to create instances of objects.
- In the FirstFirst class, we assume that everything before the last space is part of the first name:.
- In our constructor for the program, we initialize an instance of the factory class with.
- And that’s the fundamental principle of Factory patterns.
- In Java 1.2 the pluggable look-and-feel classes accomplish this at the system level so that instances of the visual interface components are returned correctly once the type of look-and-feel is selected by the program.
- When you click on one of the garden types, this actuates the MakeGarden Abstract Factory.
- Creating an Instance of the Class.
- Other Consequences of the Singleton Pattern.
- //get one of the UIs choicePanel.add(mchoice.getUI.
- The simpler of the two builders is the List box builder.
- Consequences of the Builder Pattern.
- A Builder lets you vary the internal representation of the product it builds.
- dynamically based on the context of the data being displayed.
- You must cast it to the actual type of the object you are cloning.
- Consequences of the Prototype Pattern.
- All of the Swing classes are in 3 jar files, called swing.jar,.
- One button switches the color of the background and the other causes the program to exit.
- This is a clear example of the Mediator pattern we’ll be discussing in the chapters ahead..
- This is an excellent example of the Command pattern..
- In the JListADemo.java program, we add the contents of the top text field to the list each time the Add button is clicked.
- The ListModel objects are an extension of the AbstractListModel class.
- You simply need to return the class of the objects in each column:.
- The DefaultMutableTreeNode class is provided as an implementation of the TreeNode interface..
- The TreePath you can obtain from the getPath method of the.
- TreeSelectionEvent is the complete path back to the top of the tree.
- This is an implementation of the DefaultTreeModel class which handles this structure.
- Most of the methods you use for creating and manipulating the user interface remain the same.
- In the object adapter approach, we create a class that contains a JList class but which implements the methods of the awtList interface above.
- You can compute the preferred size of the.
- One of the most commonly used of these Java adapters is the WindowAdapter class..
- implementations of all seven of the above WindowEvents.
- Consequences of the Bridge Pattern.
- Consequences of the Composite Pattern.
- In some programs, the order of the components may be important.
- This program is shown below, with the mouse hovering over one of the buttons..
- Consequences of the Decorator Pattern.
- To connect to a database, you use an instance of the Connection class.
- ResultSet, you need to obtain an instance of the ResultsetMetadata class..
- Consequences of the Façade.
- Even if we have two icons, one for “is Selected” and one for “not Selected” the number of different icons is small.
- The waitForID method of the MediaTracker actually initiates.
- The request is passed along until one of the classes can handle it..
- The RestList class is the end of the chain, and any command that reaches it is simply displayed in the list.
- //this is the end of the chain repaint();.
- The most obvious example of the Chain of Responsibility is the class inheritance structure itself.
- Consequences of the Chain of Responsibility.
- Consequences of the Command Pattern.
- We’ll define a very simple non-recursive grammar of the sort.
- Consequences of the Interpreter Pattern.
- The Iterator is one of the simplest and most frequently used of the design patterns.
- //return an enumeration of the kids return kids.elements();.
- To obtain an enumeration of all the Kids in the collection, we simply return the enumeration of the Vector itself..
- Consequence of the Iterator Pattern.
- Enumeration classes may need to have some sort of privileged access to the underlying data structures of the original.
- knowledge of the methods of other classes.
- The Mediator pattern simplifies this system by being the only class that is aware of the other classes in the system.
- Each of the controls that the Mediator communicates with is called a Colleague.
- //copy of the Mediator public CopyButton(ActionListener fr, Mediator md).
- examples, but expanded so that the data loading of the list and registering the list with the Mediator both take place in the constructor.
- //copy of the mediator.
- Initialization of the System.
- In either case, however, this represents the solution to one of the problems we noted in the Command pattern chapter.
- Consequences of the Mediator Pattern.
- You can change the behavior of the program by simply changing or subclassing the Mediator..
- This is the purpose of the Memento pattern..
- The Memento is another object that saves the state of the Originator..
- it can keep a list of the last n operations so that they can be undone.
- //saved fields- remember internal fields //of the specified visual rectangle.
- //restore the internal state of //the specified rectangle.
- Consequences of the Memento.
- When we implement the Observer pattern, we usually refer to the data as the Subject and each of the displays as Observers.
- In the case of the ListFrame observer, however, it just adds the name of the new color to the list box.
- This base method of the AbstractListModel class connects to the JList class, telling that class that the data have changed.
- Consequences of the Observer Pattern.
- If one client “forgets,” the program simply won’t work properly..
- of the graphical editor affects the behavior the program should exhibit.
- Instead, let’s analyze the expected behavior for each of the buttons:.
- The beginning part of the Mediator illustrates how this state change takes place:.
- Consequences of the State Pattern.
- //this object selects one of the strategies //to be used for plotting

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