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Hacking Exposed Web Applications 3

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- any other use of the work is strictly prohibited.
- By any estimation, business on the Web is an enormous part of the economy and growing rapidly.
- This book is the sum of chapters, each of which describes one aspect of the Hacking Exposed Web Application attack methodology.
- T his chapter provides a brief overview of the “who, what, when, where, how, and why” of web application hacking.
- We’ll also introduce the basic web application hacking toolset, since these tools will be used throughout the rest of the book for numerous purposes..
- In Chapter 6, we’ll discuss one of the most devastating classes of web app attacks: SQL injection.
- Don’t be too dismissive of the browser, however.
- In fact, some of the most elegant attacks we’ve seen involved only a browser..
- Per RFC 3986, URIs are comprised of the following pieces:.
- Everything to the right of the.
- Typically, the ultimate goal of the attacker is to gain unauthorized access to web application resources.
- Some of the most common include Microsoft’s Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) and the public Common Gateway Interface (CGI) specification..
- This again demonstrates the power of the URI, but from the perspective of the web client.
- Suffice to say, the client side of the web application security story is receiving even more attention than the server side lately.
- One of the most significant additions in recent memory is Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV).
- “Web 2.0.” For a good example of the possibilities here, check out http://www.crn.com/.
- As you saw in the earlier discussion of the dangerous.
- Much of the allure of web apps is their.
- In the final section of this chapter, we’ll provide a brief overview of some of our favorites so you can work along with us on the examples presented throughout the rest of the book.
- Each of the tools described next can be obtained from the locations listed in the “References &.
- Integration with the browser Integration gives a more natural feel to the analysis, from the perspective of an actual user of the application.
- From this screen, all aspects of the HTTP request can be altered.
- Every aspect of the HTTP/S request is available for manipulation within this screen.
- On the whole, we prefer browser-based tools because they’re generally easier to use and put you closer to the natural flow of the application.
- Now you can tamper with any of the data in the request before pressing either of these buttons to submit the manipulated request.
- The request structure essentially has to be gathered via manual analysis of the application.
- Google’s announcement of the release of its first web security tool in July 2008 made waves in the security community.
- Banner grabbing is critical to the web hacker, as it typically identifies the make and model (version) of the web server software in play.
- Note the use of the HEAD method to retrieve the server banner.
- In the following examples, we send a PUT request instead of the typical GET or HEAD, again using netcat.
- These variations can indicate the make and model of the web server..
- One issue that can skew the outcome of profiling is the placement of intermediate infrastructure in front of the web application.
- folder left behind on one of the servers, but not on the others.
- For example, one of the servers may support only 128-bit encryption, just as it should.
- One of the pages on the site reveals more cryptic HTML comments.
- URLScan will also reject the request if you add any of the following headers to the request:.
- This section will present a basic approach to web application profiling comprised of the following key tasks:.
- The versatility of the “getit” scripts does not end with two command-line arguments.
- Obtaining the directory structure for the public portion of the site is trivial.
- Try to guess the mindset of the administrators and site developers.
- File extensions are a great indicator of the nature of an application.
- Applets seem to be some of the most insecure pieces of software.
- They could point to an old portion of the web site that could contain security holes.
- Of course, there are more important, security-related parts of the form.
- You can find most of the forms by a click-through of the site.
- Now you have the name of the form, gs.
- Remember to download the HTML source of the /search file, if possible..
- Parameter names may also provide information about the internal workings of the application.
- So one of the first things that you need to do is to identify the paths, filenames, and parameters.
- The big giveaway is the = sign (or two) at the end of the string.
- It’s a good bet that at least one of the major Internet search engines has indexed your target web application at least once in the past.
- Luckily, we found an API in the documentation called “wwMain~EditConfig.” The documentation noted that this API call permitted editing of the Web Connection Configuration files remotely.
- That gave us the full directory listing of all of the files on the system and dumped them into a text file located in the web root.
- A complete list of the queries the tool can perform can be found at http://ctas.paterva .com/view/Category:Transforms..
- We hope that it’s been an informa- tional tour of the “under-the-hood” techniques of web application profiling..
- You’ll fi nd that many of the advanced commercial crawlers have overcome this problem.
- Here are our favorite tools to help automate the grunt work of the application survey..
- them create a mirror of the site on your system.
- These tools perform most of the grunt work of collecting files..
- If you want to see the HTML source instead of the formatted page, then use the –source option.
- The content of the page on the right will usually be heavily written with JavaScript.
- That’s one of the reasons you can spot a PeopleSoft application right away..
- The following shows a screenshot of an application that is suspected to be a PeopleSoft application, but the URL gives no indication of the usual PeopleSoft parameter structure (https://www.site.com/n/signon.html):.
- Also notice the color and shape of the Continue button..
- Other methods require actions on the part of the programmer.
- Next, we covered the process of cataloging site structure, content, and functionality, laying the groundwork for all of the subsequent steps in the web application security assessment methodology described in this book.
- We’ll now walk through the same example using Metasploit Framework to illustrate the power and efficiency of the tool, even in the hands of semi-skilled adversaries.
- The user-specified script can be any executable file in the working directory of the currently selected WebLogic domain..
- Our further analysis of the.
- which creates an instance of the DomainManager class.
- value of the local environment variable.
- If the request originates from the Internet, the value of the variable is usually the web server’s IP address.
- Table 3-1 The Value of the SERVER_NAME Variable Depends on the Origin of the Request.
- The response to a TRACK request is a repeat of the request sent..
- With appropriate egress filtering on the firewall in front of the web server(s), these requests can be blocked, significantly raising the bar for attackers.
- Some of the most common failures include these:.
- One of the most important things to consider when installing Apache is what types of functionality the web server needs to have.
- One of the standard rules in security is to practice defense in depth.
- Location of the Apache server binary.
- Let’s look at some of the automated web password-guessing tools available today..
- One of the most common authentication protocols used on the Internet today is HTTP Basic.
- Unfortunately, some of the most popular web authentication protocols do expose credentials on the wire.
- Now we’ll talk about another weakness of the protocol.
- As you can see, Basic authentication is wide open to eavesdropping attacks, despite the inscrutable nature of the value it sends in the Authorization header.
- RFC 2617 describes the use of the MD5 hash function as the default..
- Microsoft’s implementation of Digest authentication requires that the server have access to the cleartext version of the user’s password so digests can be calculated.
- All of the 301 and 302 redirects occur transparently in the background without notifying the end-user of the activity.
- This is a generic attack that does not require much customization based on the web site, as do many of the other attacks for Forms-based authentication.
- would have a SQL statement of the following (this example has been wrapped across two lines due to page-width constraints):.
- One of the early assertions that PassMark is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks appears unfounded.
- For example, one popular provider, MyOpenID (www.myopenid.com), creates URLs of the form <username>.myopenid.com, where.
- Links to both an article describing the attack and legitimate criticisms of the methods used (including a response by Kim Cameron, Chief Identity Architect of Identity at Microsoft) can be found in the “References &.
- The number of requests that need to be made depends on the key space of the session ID.
- David Endler of iDefense.com has written a detailed exposé of many of the weaknesses in session ID implementations.
- and confused simply refers to the inability of the browser to properly distinguish between a legitimate and unauthorized request..
- and set the source to that of the funds transfer action on the vulnerable banking application.
- Given knowledge of the remediation strategies listed in the previous section, identifying XSRF vulnerabilities in web applications is a trivial activity.
- As of this writing, the PWNtcha is the most successful of the CAPTCHA decoders.
- Table 4-2 A Summary of the Web Authentication Mechanisms Discussed So Far.
- “Risks of the Passport Single Signon Protocol”

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