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CSS 3 for Web designers

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- And that, my friends, is why we’ve asked him to be our (and your) guide to CSS3.
- Later, we’ll apply those bits in ex- amples throughout the rest of the book..
- I’ve always learned more about web design by dissecting examples in the wild rather than reading white papers, and that’s what we’ll stress in the pages that follow..
- 5 We’ve been bending the float property to handle layout for years now.
- It’s atop these non-critical events where we’ll be applying CSS3 throughout the book, keeping the more important char- acteristics of the page intact for all browsers, regardless of their current CSS3 support..
- So, while we’ve pinpointed the experience layer as a place we can safely apply CSS3 today, we’ll also want to pinpoint which CSS3 properties we can use.
- Let’s take a quick look at the relatively small set of core CSS3 properties that we’ll be using in the examples in the book (below, and table 1.02).
- I’m merely introducing them here, as we’ll be digging much deeper into advanced syntax and real- world usage later..
- They don’t work across the board yet, and we’ll be discussing why that’s OK, and how to plan for that non-uniform support later in the book..
- we’ll use the border-radius property as an example.
- here’s how we’d do it:.
- That’s a big difference from other hackish CSS we’ve all periodically used to solve cross-browser issues..
- We’ve come a long way over the past decade in regard to interaction and visual experience on the web.
- I’m introducing CSS transitions early here in Chapter 2, as we’ll be applying them to many of the examples later in the book.
- (CSS Transforms and CSS Animations share that same lineage, and we’ll be talking about them in Chapters 4 and 6, respectively.).
- Let’s start with a simple example, where we’ll add a transition to the background color swap of a link.
- Next, we’ll add a declaration for the normal link state with a little padding and a light green background, followed by the background swap to a darker green on hover (fig 2.01):.
- For the time being, we’ll use only the vendor-prefixed proper- ties which currently work in WebKit-based browsers (Safari and Chrome) to keep things simple.
- Later, we’ll add vendor prefixes for Mozilla and Opera..
- We could simplify the (non-delayed) declaration significantly by using the transition shorthand property, which is the syn- tax we’ll be using in the examples later in the book..
- With that stack, we’ll be smoothing out that background color change in current versions of Safari, Chrome, and.
- We’ll be using several of these properties in conjunction with transitions throughout our case study examples in the next chapter and onward..
- To recap the important bits we’ve covered so far, let’s keep in mind that:.
- I find it helpful to collect all the tech- niques we’ll be discussing in a single place.
- Once again, it’s within the experience layer that we’re pro- gressively enriching this web design.
- Being good semanticians, we’ll markup the top navigation with a good ol’ unordered list..
- We’ll use RGBA to assign white at 70% opacity ( 0.7.
- With the text-shadow in place, we’re now free to move on to the :hover treatment.
- And here’s where we’ll lean more heavily on CSS3..
- We’re going to add a color change and background color to the :hover state of each link.
- Once again, we’ll use RGBA to.
- So, on :hover , we’re changing the text color to solid white, and adding a background color of white at 15% opacity.
- And re- member, we’ve placed the non-prefixed border-radius prop- erty last in the list, ensuring the ultimate implementation will trump the vendor-prefixed ones.
- The answer lies in the CSS transition we’re going to add next as a final bit of polish..
- Here, we’ll add the stack for transitions that currently work in Safari, Chrome, Firefox (4.0), and Opera, with the non-pre- fixed transition property last in the declaration for eventual implementation by additional browsers (or future versions)..
- We’ve just walked through a rather simple example, adding various CSS3 properties to the experience layer.
- We’re constantly looking for solutions that save time and offer additional flexibility.
- Here we’re showing the images at 25% opacity, then bringing them up to 60% opacity when hovered or focused (fig 3.19)..
- We’ll make it rather quick (just 0.2 seconds) and ease it in and then out again..
- We’ll then use those same techniques in practice on the moon example site later in the chapter..
- We’re going to rely once again on our trusty unordered list to mark these up:.
- Notice how the images are quite a bit larger than we’d like them to be in the final design.
- This is intentional, as we’ll be using CSS to scale them down..
- We’ve also floated the images themselves and sized them down to 200 pixels wide..
- Remember that the original images in the markup are larger than the 200 pixel width we’re specifying in the stylesheet.
- This would be an appro- priate use of the CSS3 box-shadow property, as we’re making the enlarged photo appear as if it’s pulling up off the page..
- But in this case, we’re attempting to add dimension to the photo enlargement, so it should work out quite well..
- In terms of the syntax, here we’re applying a shadow on the hovered image that is 4px from the top, 4px from the left, has a 10px blur, and is black at 50% opacity (ensuring it’ll blend in to whatever background or element sits behind it)..
- We’re putting most of the burden of the effect back on the browsers that support it, rather than injecting Flash or JavaScript to make it happen..
- 61 treatment was critical, then we’d need to rethink our use of.
- We’re still scaling up the photo on hover, but we’re also tip- ping the photo 10 degrees to the left using rotate (fig 4.05)..
- If we were to skew the photos in our gallery on hover, for example, we’d use the following CSS (skewing neg- ative five degrees on the x coordinate, and 30 degrees on the y coordinate) (fig 4.11):.
- fig 4.17: The things we’ll be transforming..
- Next we’ll add the base CSS for each list item that contains the linked images.
- We’ll now set the moon background image that appears behind each item, as well as giving each link a specific width and height (fig 4.18)..
- We’ll be positioning each item slightly differently depend- ing on the object, as well as using varying transforms, but we can declare position: absolute.
- We’ll also add a transition stack using the all value.
- The big doughnut gets bigger on hover, so we’ll use the scale transform here to scale up the image.
- For the lawnmower left on the moon, we’ll do two things:.
- We’ll adjust the default position five pixels lower and 10 pixels to the right.
- And we’ll also add a transform stack to scale the mower 20% larger than the default..
- 77 Here we’ll move the cat 15 pixels to the right by upping the.
- We’ll use the vendor-prefixed rules for WebKit, Mozilla, and Opera-based browsers, as well as ending with the actual transform property for future implementations..
- For the final item, we’ll take a lounging gnome and make him partially disappear.
- We’ll use the opacity property to simply and quickly create a hover style for the image, dimming it down considerably..
- Like the photo gallery example we discussed earlier in the chapter, the sprinkling of CSS3 we’re adding here is harmless for browsers that don’t yet support it..
- 1 Many of the properties we’ve discussed previously in the book have decent browser support today in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE9 Beta.
- We’re putting all of these images on the body element so that they’ll sit behind the page’s content, but we didn’t need to add dummy wrapper div s to layer them..
- So, really, they’re on par with many of the other CSS properties we’ve been using throughout the book..
- And that’s precisely why we’ve defined the background-color in a separate rule..
- In keeping with the theme of the other examples in the book, here we’re using multiple background images today.
- We’re forging ahead with a CSS3 property that has healthy support in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, as well as IE9 Beta..
- To compensate, we’ll define a flat or alternate single graphic in a background rule that comes before the multiple one..
- We’ve also assigned black at 60% transparency for the text, as well as a backup color of solid gray for browsers that don’t yet support RGBA.
- And we’ve applied a subtle white highlight with text- shadow , to make the text appear as though it’s inset on the background..
- Figure 6.04 shows where we’re at currently, now with bottom margin on the last fieldset element removed by way of the :last-child pseudo-class..
- While we’re making good use of :last-child , it’s a good time to point out that there are many more wonderfully conve- nient new selectors in CSS3..
- This time we’ll use a CSS2.1 attribute selector to target the input type="text".
- we’d be styling all inputs in the form (text and buttons), but if we modify that to:.
- we’ll target the text inputs only..
- We’re applying a linear gradient here, but radial gradients are also possible with CSS..
- We’re essentially adding a small linear gradient that goes from light gray ( #999 ) to white ( #fff ) for just 12% of the vertical height of the input.
- We’re apply- ing the vendor-prefixed background-image rules to make that happen in Safari and Firefox..
- 103 We’ll be using them a bit more in the next section regarding.
- Combining many of the techniques we’ve already discussed throughout the book, we’ll turn an ordinary form submit button into something far more interesting—entirely with CSS (fig 6.09)..
- If the browser doesn’t support the properties we’ll use to elevate this button visually, that’s OK.
- First, we’ll add some padding, change the font to Helvetica to match the rest of the design, turn off borders, and set the background color to white..
- 105 After a bit of experimenting with the right value, we’ve settled on 23px to get the pill shape..
- We’ll again rely on Mr.
- So far, no images have been used and we’ve only added a few lines in our stylesheet..
- We’ll use RGBA to tone down pure white to 85%, letting the gray gradient show through just a tiny bit.
- We’re also.
- We’ve chosen to use CSS3 here instead of images, as it’s perfectly OK and harmless for browsers that don’t yet support these advanced rules.
- We’ll name it “pulse” and set three rules that differ slightly:.
- 113 With that, we’re ensuring that the pulse animation runs only when the user focuses a text input on the form (in Safari and Chrome only)..
- fig 6.17: The pulsing animation that we’ve added to the :focus state of the text inputs..
- Adding CSS Animations is the first time in the book where we’ve really targeted just one browser vendor with our expe- rience enriching: WebKit.
- One of the primary reasons we’re seeing CSS3 being used more and more is because of it’s adop- tion by Firefox, Opera, and even IE9.
- We’ve covered a lot of wonderful (if I may say so) ways to use CSS3 right now in your daily work.
- Eventually, we’ll be able to rely on CSS3 not only for experi- ence enhancement, but for those critical visual concepts as well (layout being a primary example)

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