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Basement membrane

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Proximal femoral head transcriptome reveals novel candidate genes related to epiphysiolysis in broiler chickens


Proteolytic processing of Lysyl oxidase like-2 in the extracellular matrix is required for crosslinking of basement membrane collagen IV. New genes involved in the Bacterial Chondronecrosis with Osteomyelitis in commercial broilers. Lysyl oxidase-like protein-2 regulates sprouting angiogenesis and type IV collagen assembly in the endothelial basement membrane.

Immune-related genes of the larval Holotrichia parallela in response to entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis beicherriana LF


However, homologue of thioester-containing comple- ment protein 3, basement membrane component (glu- tactin) and recognition protein (GNBP-like 3) which were not identified in the 74 DEGs implicating in im- mune responses of H. parallela has been proven to be involved in the immune responses of Drosophila larvae against H.

Growth inhibition of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae by camptothecin correlates with alteration of the structures and gene expression profiles of the midgut


In larvae fed on a diet containing 5.0 µg/g CPT, only the basement membrane was left in the intes- tinal wall of the midgut, and nearly all functional cells disappeared (Fig. Similar phenomena were ob- served in the gut structure under TEM. In control lar- vae, chromatin was evenly distributed in the nucleus.. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum were abun- dant and distributed evenly in the cytoplasm. Microvilli were ordinally distributed in the gut (Fig.

Section XV - Ophthalmology


Enlargement of the Anterior Segment Revealing the Cornea, Angle Structures, Lens, and Ciliary Body. approximately 90% of the corneal thickness, the stroma, a hydrophilic layer, is uniquely organized with collagen lamellae synthesized by keratocytes. the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium. Hence, drug absorption across the cornea necessitates penetrating the trilaminar hydrophobic-hydrophilic-hydrophobic domains of the various anatomical layers..

The transcriptional landscape of a hepatoma cell line grown on scaffolds of extracellular matrix proteins


Figure 3b de- picts the inferred activities of the 5 most statistically sig- nificant binding motifs and associated TFs, from the comparison of Control cells with cells grown on the Colla- gen basement membrane matrix. Mining the RNA-seq data, we verified that the top tar- gets of the transcription factors mentioned above responded coherently to the culture conditions. We also examined the mRNA levels of the TFs themselves, which did not always change in correspondence to their activity (Fig.

Analysis of histology and long noncoding RNAs involved in the rabbit hair follicle density using RNA sequencing


Mutations in AEC syndrome skin reveal a role for p63 in basement membrane adhesion, skin barrier integrity and hair follicle biology

Impact of protein supplementation during endurance training on changes in skeletal muscle transcriptome


The basement membrane/basal lamina of skeletal muscle. Effect of acute exercise and exercise training on VEGF splice variants in human skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle adaptability: significance for metabolism and performance. Exercise and training during graded leg ischaemia in healthy man with special reference to effects on skeletal muscle. Matrix metalloproteinase activity is required for activity-induced angiogenesis in rat skeletal muscle.

Transcriptional profiling predicts running promotes cerebrovascular remodeling in young but not midlife mice


These pathways contain many collagens and laminins that comprise the basement membrane component of the blood brain. The majority of genes in ‘GP6 Signaling’ path- way were upregulated in the young runners in both the cortex and hippocampus but were not DE in either mid- life high or low runners (Fig. GO term analysis identified enrichment of ‘ECM organization’, ‘Blood Vessel Remodeling’ and ‘Angiogen- esis’ in the cortex (Fig.

Chẩn đoán nguyên nhân của 123 bệnh nhân suy thận tiến triển nhanh tại Bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy


Anti-GBM (Antiglomerular Basement Membrane): Bệnh kháng thể kháng màng đáy cầu thận, MPGN (MembranoProliferative glomerulonephritis): Viêm cầu thận tăng sinh màng,. FSGS (Focal and Segmental Glomerulosclerosis): Xơ chai cầu thận khu trú từng vùng.. Full house gặp chủ yếu ở nhóm viêm thận lupus, ngoài ra còn gặp ở nhóm viêm thận không lupus (3 BN bệnh thận IgA, và 1 BN viêm cầu thận tăng sinh màng).

Weighted single-step GWAS identified candidate genes associated with semen traits in a Duroc boar population


Sequences 5 ′ of the basement membrane laminin beta 1 chain gene (LAMB1) direct the expression of beta-galactosidase during development of the mouse testis and ovary. Jagadish N, Rana R, Mishra D, Garg M, Chaurasiya D, Hasegawa A, et al.. Watanabe H, Takeo T, Tojo H, Sakoh K, Berger T, Nakagata N, et al. Redgrove KA, Bernstein IR, Pye VJ, Mihalas BP, Sutherland JM, Nixon B, et al.. Khatib H, Huang W, Wang X, Tran AH, Bindrim AB, Schutzkus V, et al.

MÔ HỌC (Histology


Basement membranes - Arrow: basement membrane Junqueira’s basic histology (text & atlas), 13th edition, Anthony L. BIỂU MÔ LÁT ĐƠN (Simple squamous epithelium) Simple squamous epithelium Junqueira’s basic histology (text & atlas), 13th edition, Anthony L. Biểu mô lát đơn - Tế bào hình đa diện, dẹt, có bờ không đều - Một nhân dẹt hơi lồi vào lòng khoang - Lá ngoài bao Bowman, đoạn lên quai Henlé - Trung biểu mô (màng bụng, màng phổi, màng tim.

Effects of Water Invasion to Design and Production Procedure in Fractured Basement Reservoir, SuTu Den oil Field and Prevention Solutions



Effects of Water Invasion to Design and Production Procedure in Fractured Basement Reservoir, SuTu Den oil Field and. Abstract: During oil and gas production processes, especially in fractured basement reservoir those related to formation water, the ability of water invasion is quite possible.

Casparian strip membrane domain proteins in Gossypium arboreum: genome-wide identification and negative regulation of lateral root growth


The genes in the second group were. 2 Topology, conserved Casparian strip membrane domain features, and phylogenetic tree of the CASP family. a Predicted topology of the GaCASPs, the four gray boxes represent the four-membrane spans, the arc lines indicate cytosolic amino, carboxy termini, and conserved extracellular loops. c The conserved protein motifs in the GaCASPs were identified using MEME online software. We observed intense GUS staining in the roots (Fig.

Genome-wide analysis of Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals novel attributes of tailanchored membrane proteins


Integral membrane proteins contribute in various ways to key cellular functions thus, it is not surprising that 20–30% of the eukaryotic proteome consists of these proteins [1]. In most TAMPs, the targeting information is located in the TMS and CTS [2], although the amino (N-) terminus of the TMS (i.e., NTS) also contains targeting information in some TAMPs [3]..

Nghiên cứu xử lý nước thải dân cư bằng công nghệ màng lọc sinh học MBR (Membrane bioreactor)


Nghiên cứu xử lý nước thải dân cư bằng công nghệ màng lọc sinh học MBR (Membrane bioreactor). Công nghệ màng lọc sinh học MBR (membrane bioreactor) là sự kết hợp quá trình bùn hoạt tính sinh học và màng lọc (Baker, 2004). Đây là một trong những phương pháp tiên tiến, đã được áp dụng xử lý thành công nhiều loại nước thải khác nhau từ đô thị cho tới các loại nước thải công nghiệp, y tế có thành phần phức tạp và khó xử lý..



The sponge MBR was operated at different HRT values of 8, 4 and 2 hours, corresponding to membrane fluxes of 5, 10 and 20 L/m 2 .h, respectively. Hệ thống Sponge Membrane Bioreactor (Sponge MBR) sử dụng giá thể dạng bông xốp di động, giá thể chiếm 20% thể tích bể phản ứng, được vận hành ở các thời gian lưu nước (HRT) khác nhau nhằm đánh giá hiệu quả xử lý chất hữu cơ và đặc tính bẩn màng của hệ thống xử lý nước thải ao nuôi cá tra.



Re-activation of the faults in the Eocene and Lower Oligocene results in basement uplift, completely truncating the E sequence (Figure 11). This uplift shifts the top of the E sequence from 3000 ms to 2200 ms, and the truncation eliminates the E sequence from the basement high. 3-D view of faults and the top basement in A2-VD prospect. 3-D relationship between the basement high and the E sequence in A2-VD prospect.

Basis No 19 adverbs – Bài tập Tiếng anh 8 nâng cao


It had slowed down_______. for the second time. down to the basement. below to his basement. from his basement d. along to the basement 11.. He used to live five kilometers from school and ride a bicycle to school everyday. Last month his family moved to the school neighbourhood. He now walks to school. rides a bicycle to school.. of the two boys went on a picnic yesterday. Indicate the two same sentences.. He works hard in the factory. He works hardly in the factory.

Bài tập trắc nghiệm về Trạng từ trong Tiếng Anh có đáp án


It had slowed down_______. for the second time c. down to the basement b. below to his basement. from his basement d. along to the basement. He used to live five kilometers from school and ride a bicycle to school everyday. Last month his family moved to the school neighbourhood. He now walks to school.. rides a bicycle to school.. of the two boys went on a picnic yesterday. Indicate the two same sentences.. He works hard in the factory b. He works hardly in the factory c.