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Digital Electronics

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BÀI GIẢNG MÔN HỌC Chương 1: HỆ ĐẾM ĐIỆN TỬ SỐ (Digital Electronics) Chương 1: HỆ ĐẾM


BÀI GIẢNG MÔN HỌC ĐIỆN TỬ SỐ (Digital Electronics) Chương 1: HỆ ĐẾM Giảng viên: Ths Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng Khoa: Điện tử Viễn Thông Học viện công nghệ BCVT Khoa Kỹ Thuật Điện Tử II ĐIỆNTỬ BÀI GIẢNGĐIỆN TỬ SỐ SỐ (Digital Electronics) ►Tài liệu tham khảo 2 Bài giảng ĐIỆN TỬ SỐ Học viện công nghệ BCVT Khoa Kỹ Thuật Điện Tử II ĐIỆNTỬ BÀI GIẢNGĐIỆN TỬ SỐ SỐ (Digital Electronic) ►Chương 1: Hệ Đếm Chương 2:Đại số hàm Boole Chương 3: Cổng logic TTL và CMOS Chương 4: Mạch logic tổ hợp Chương 5: Mạch logic tuần

KỸ THUẬT SỐ (Digital Electronics)


Biến đổi tín hiệu analog ngõ vào thành tín hiệu số (analog-to-digital converter, ADC). Biến đổi tín hiệu digital ở ngõ ra thành tín hiệu analog (digital-to-analog converter,DAC). Một số ví dụ về hệ thống số. Hệ thống điều khiển nhiệt độ. Âm thanh của các nhạc cụ và tiếng hát sẽ tạo ra một tín hiệu điện áp analog trong microphone.. Tín hiệu analog này sẽ được biến đổi thành dạng số..

Fundamentals of Digital Electronics


Purpose of the Analog-to-Digital Converter...8-1 The Ramp ADC ...8-2 Tracking ADC...8-4 Lab 8 Library VIs ...8-6. Run Truth table.vi. AND gate.vi (two-input AND operation). Truth table.vi (for AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR). XOR from NAND.vi. 3 AND.vi (three-input AND operation). Masking.vi (demonstration). E-switch.vi (electronic switch). Data select.vi (data selector using basic logic gates). Data select2.vi (data selector using the LabVIEW Select function).

Lecture EEE130 Digital electronics I - Chapter 1: Digital concepts


Digital data can be processed and. Digital data requires less space. Digital data reduces noise. How to get digital signals?. Digital signals. A system using digital and analog methods. 1-2 Binary Digits. Important information about binary digits. HIGH(1) and LOW(0. Positive logic: 1 is HIGH and 0 is LOW – Negative logic: 0 is HIGH and 1 is LOW – HIGH and LOW are actually representing. voltage level. Codes: groups of bits  to represent numbers, letters, symbols, etc.. 1-2 Logic Levels.

Engineering Fundamentals of Digital Electronics


Purpose of the Analog-to-Digital Converter...8-1 The Ramp ADC ...8-2 Tracking ADC...8-4 Lab 8 Library VIs ...8-6. Run Truth table.vi. AND gate.vi (two-input AND operation). Truth table.vi (for AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR). XOR from NAND.vi. 3 AND.vi (three-input AND operation). Masking.vi (demonstration). E-switch.vi (electronic switch). Data select.vi (data selector using basic logic gates). Data select2.vi (data selector using the LabVIEW Select function).



In terms of sequence, the book starts with simple components such as ‘resistors,’ ‘batteries,’ ‘remote control’ and moves to digital electronics such as ‘audio recording systems,’ ‘CDs,’ ‘video cassette recorder,’ ‘telecommunications,’ ‘cell phones.’ Care has been taken to ensure that the progression matches the normal teaching sequence of the subject.

LabView - Engineering Fundamentals of Digital Electronics


Purpose of the Analog-to-Digital Converter...8-1 The Ramp ADC ...8-2 Tracking ADC...8-4 Lab 8 Library VIs ...8-6. Run Truth table.vi. AND gate.vi (two-input AND operation). Truth table.vi (for AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR). XOR from NAND.vi. 3 AND.vi (three-input AND operation). Masking.vi (demonstration). E-switch.vi (electronic switch). Data select.vi (data selector using basic logic gates). Data select2.vi (data selector using the LabVIEW Select function).

National Instruments - Fundamentals of Digital Electronics


Purpose of the Analog-to-Digital Converter...8-1 The Ramp ADC ...8-2 Tracking ADC...8-4 Lab 8 Library VIs ...8-6. Run Truth table.vi. AND gate.vi (two-input AND operation). Truth table.vi (for AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR). XOR from NAND.vi. 3 AND.vi (three-input AND operation). Masking.vi (demonstration). E-switch.vi (electronic switch). Data select.vi (data selector using basic logic gates). Data select2.vi (data selector using the LabVIEW Select function).

Engineering - National Instruments - Fundamentals of Digital Electronics


Purpose of the Analog-to-Digital Converter...8-1 The Ramp ADC ...8-2 Tracking ADC...8-4 Lab 8 Library VIs ...8-6. Run Truth table.vi. AND gate.vi (two-input AND operation). Truth table.vi (for AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR). XOR from NAND.vi. 3 AND.vi (three-input AND operation). Masking.vi (demonstration). E-switch.vi (electronic switch). Data select.vi (data selector using basic logic gates). Data select2.vi (data selector using the LabVIEW Select function).

ĐIỆN TỬ SỐ - Digital Electronics


VD: Nhiệt độ, tốc độ, điện thế của đầu ra micro…. Chuyển đổi các đầu vào. Chuyển đổi các đầu ra số. Điện thế ở đầu vào, đầu vào hoặc bằng 0, hoặc bằng 1. Là công cụ toán học khá đơn giản cho phép mô tả mối liên hệ giữa các đầu ra của mạch logic với các đầu...

Chương trình giáo dục đại học năm 2008 khoa điện


(Analog Electronics TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). 2(2-1-0-4) KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75. (Fundamentals of Measurement KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). (Digital Electronics TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). Digital Electronics TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). Instrumentations TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). T(TL:0.75). T(TL:0.70). (Electric Machines TN TBĐ KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). HTĐ KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75).



(Analog Electronics TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). 2(2-1-0-4) KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75. (Fundamentals of Measurement KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). (Digital Electronics TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). Digital Electronics TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). Instrumentations TN KTĐ&THCN KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). ĐKTĐ KT,BT(0.25)- T(TL:0.75). T(TL:0.70). (Electric Machines TN TBĐ KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75). T(TL:0.75). HTĐ KT(0.25)-T(TL:0.75).

Lecture EEE130 Digital electronics I - Chapter 2: Number systems, operations and codes


Hexadecimal numbers are one of the most important numbers in digital systems, as “Assembly” language (machine language) uses this number to program a micro processor system. There are three ways can be used (see next slide). They are all 2’s complement. Quite similar with binary-to-hexadecimal conversion – If there are not enough bit (for the most left bit), add 1. BCD is a way to express each of the decimal digits with a binary code. Famous codes are Gray code and ASCII. Gray code:.

Sonic Art & Sound Design- P16


Once again, later forms of the system abandoned tape delay for the more reliable and flexible technology of digital electronics..



Two major categories of electronic systems—analog or continuous time and digital or discrete time—will be explained. In most cases, it is theoretically possible to implement a given electronic system as either an analog or digital system. The relatively low cost of digital electronics coupled with the high performance achievable relative to analog electronics has led modern automotive electronic system designers to choose digital rather than analog realizations for new systems..

Ngân hàng câu hỏi thi kết thúc học phần_ Tiếng anh kỹ thuật điện


Digital electronics. The most common fundamental unit of digital electronics is the logic gate. By combining numerous logic gates (from tens to hundreds of thousands) more complex systems can be created. The complex system of digital electronics is collectively referred to as a digital circuit.. are interchangeable in the context of digital circuits.. Advantages of Digital electronics. The usual advantages of digital circuits when compared to analog circuits are:.

Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply


Digital Control of Switching Power Supply - Power Factor Correction Stage. Abstract: Industry standard for the control of switch mode power supply (SMPS) systems has been analog control. Now with the advent of high speed, lower cost digital signal processing (DSP) ICs, digital control there has been an increased interest in digital control of SMPS.

Resource Handbook of Electronics P1


The hallmark of the CRC Press “Electronics Engineering Series” of books is their depth of coverage on targeted subjects. Even the more general-interest publication of the series—The Electronics Handbook—covers the entire realm of electronics in ex- ceptional detail.. The Resource Hand- book of Electronics is intended to provide quick access to basic information, mostly through figures and tables.

The Resource Hanbook of Electronics P1


The hallmark of the CRC Press “Electronics Engineering Series” of books is their depth of coverage on targeted subjects. Even the more general-interest publication of the series—The Electronics Handbook—covers the entire realm of electronics in ex- ceptional detail.. The Resource Hand- book of Electronics is intended to provide quick access to basic information, mostly through figures and tables.

Summary of Doctoral Thesis: Developing professionalism for students in training industrial electronics


For that reason, the author chooses the research topic: "Developing professionalism for students in training industrial electronics.". Creating measures to develop professionalism for learners and applying in teaching Digital-Pulse Technique module in the training program of Industrial Electronics.. The teaching process of Digital-Pulse Technique module in the training program of Industrial Electronics..