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End-stage renal disease

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Comparison of regional and local anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula creation in end-stage renal disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Anaesthesia for chronic renal disease and renal transplantation. Capdevila X, Biboulet P, Morau D, et al. Abdelrahman Ibrahim Abushouk.: regional versus local anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula creation in end-stage renal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Chronic kidney disease in community


Patients with end-stage renal disease consume a disproportionately large share of the state's healthcare resources. The total cost of the ESRD program in the US was approximately $ 49,300 million in 2011 while costs per person per year were over. This will place an enormous financial burden on countries, including the cost of the management of end-stage renal failure. More than half this sum was spent on RRT, which was provided for 2% of the CKD population (10).

Association between sarcopenia and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease


Although sarcopenia was related to aging process, researchers currently recognize the important role of catabolic diseases, such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), in the etiology of sarcopenia [2]. Non-dialysis patients with CKD stage 3–5 account for a relatively high proportion, the research and early intervention of these patients may reverse the progression to end-stage renal disease, thus, it has important clinical signicance.

Chapter 090. Bladder and Renal Cell Carcinomas (Part 5)


The incidence of renal cell carcinoma continues to rise and is now nearly 51,000 cases annually in the United States, resulting in 13,000 deaths. Many environmental factors have been investigated as possible contributing causes. Risk is also increased for patients who have acquired cystic disease of the kidney associated with end-stage renal disease, and for those with tuberous sclerosis. Most cases are sporadic, although familial forms have been reported.

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Khảo sát một số chỉ số sinh hóa máu và nước tiểu ở bệnh nhân đái tháo đường type 2 có tổn thương thận tại bệnh viện Bạch Mai


Biến chứng này là nguyên nhân hàng đầu dẫn đến bệnh thận mạn tính (chronic kidney disease-CKD) và bệnh thận giai đoạn cuối (end-stage renal disease-ESRD) và ảnh hưởng đến 40% bệnh nhân đái tháo đường type 2.[4]. Trong số những bệnh nhân bắt đầu điều trị thay thế thận, tỷ lệ mắc bệnh thận do đái tháo đường đã gia tăng gấp đôi trong giai đoạn 1991–2001.

Chapter 046. Sodium and Water (Part 18)


Patients with end-stage renal disease seldom respond to this intervention and may not tolerate the Na + load and resultant volume expansion. When administered parenterally or in nebulized form, β 2 -adrenergic agonists promote cellular uptake of K + (see above). The onset of action is 30 min, lowering the plasma K + concentration by 0.5 to 1.5 mmol/L, and the effect lasts 2–4 h.. Removal of K + can be achieved using diuretics, cation-exchange resin, or dialysis.

Nghiên cứu nồng độ Asymmetric Dimethylarginine huyết tương ở bệnh nhân bệnh thận mạn giai đoạn cuối


Zoccali C, Bode-Böger SM, Mallamaci F, Benedetto FA, Tripepi G, Malatino LS, Cataliotti A, Bellanuova I, Fermo I, Frölich JC, Böger RH (2001), “Plasma concentration of asymmetrical dimethylarginine and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease: a prospective study”, The Lancet, vol.358, pp:2113-2117.. NGHIÊN CỨU NỒNG ĐỘ KHÁNG THỂ ANTI-GAD VÀ ICA TRÊN BỆNH NHÂN ĐÁI THÁO ĐƯỜNG.

Evaluation of peripheral perfusion index and heart rate variability as early predictors for intradialytic hypotension in critically ill patients


We excluded patients with pre-existing end-stage renal disease, patients with severe vascular disease comprom- ising measurements of PPI, and patients with major burns which precluded the application of electrical car- diometry electrodes.. Acute kidney injury was diagnosed if the patient showed any of the following criteria: 1- Increase in serum cre- atinine by at least 0.3 mg/dL within 48 h.

Fibrinogen/albumin ratio as a promising predictor of platinum response and survival in ovarian clear cell carcinoma


A more powerful prognostic index for patients with end-stage renal disease. Deng S, Fan Z, Xia H, Gong Y, Qian Y, Huang Q, et al. Fibrinogen/albumin ratio as a promising marker for predicting survival in pancreatic neuroen- docrine neoplasms. Chen W, Zhong S, Shan B, Zhou S, Wu X, Yang H, et al. Hara K, Aoyama T, Hayashi T, Nakazono M, Nagasawa S, Shimoda Y, et al.. Watanabe A, Araki K, Harimoto N, Kubo N, Igarashi T, Ishii N, et al.

Comparison of the effect of sevoflurane or propofol anesthesia on the regional cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy: A prospective, randomized controlled study


The exclusion criteria were patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status ≥4 with low car- diac function, anemia, end-stage renal disease, patients who were low oxygen saturation with pulmonary disease, both carotid artery stenosis, and other neurological disease not related to carotid artery disease. Pfizer Korea, Seoul, Korea) for anxiolysis 1 h before arriving in the op- erating room.

In-hospital mortality associated with community-acquired pneumonia due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A matched-pair cohort study


The MRSA pneumonia group tended to have lower BMIs, lower activities of daily living scores, higher Hugh-Jones grades, higher A-DROP scores, CRP ≥ 20 mg/mL or infiltration covering at least two-thirds of one lung on chest radiog- raphy, mechanical ventilation on the day of admission or the following day, ICU admission on the day of admission or the following day, ambulance use, aspiration pneumo- nia and end-stage renal disease with haemodialysis.

Thay đổi giá trị qHBsAg ở bệnh nhân viêm gan vi rút B mạn khi điều trị bằng tenofovir disoproxil fumarate hoặc tenofovir alafenamide


SURVEYING ANEMIA’S CHARACTERISTICS OF PATIENTS WITH END STAGE RENAL. Objective: To investigate the characteristics of anemia and some factors related to anemia in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on dialysis.. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of anemia and factors related to anemia in 130 patients with ESRD on dialysis at the Department of Internal Medicine - Hemodialysis at the Nghe An Friendship General Hospital.

Increased minimum alveolar concentrationawake of Sevoflurane in women of breast surgery with sleep disorders


Minimum alveolar concentration-awake of Sevoflurane is decreased in patients with end-stage renal disease. Bourgeois E, Sabourdin N, Louvet N, et al. Minimal alveolar concentration of sevoflurane inhibiting the reflex pupillary dilatation after noxious stimulation in children and young adults. Niu B, Fang Y, Miao JM, et al. Minimal alveolar concentration of sevoflurane for induction of isoelectric electroencephalogram in middle-aged adults. Mignot E, Lammers GJ, Ripley B, et al.

Association between troponin-I levels and outcome in critically ill patients admitted to non-cardiac intensive care unit with high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors


Additionally, the release of troponin-I in the blood is associated with diseases that are not cardiac-related including end stage renal disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage, acute kidney injury, heart failure and myocarditis [5].. According to the World Health Organization, in the prevalence of hyperten- sion in Canada was 19.5 while it was 29% in the USA, 30%. in the UK, and 40.6% in Saudi Arabia [11, 12].

ThS BS Hùynh Ngọc Phƣơng Thảo Giảng viên Bộ môn Nội Đại học Y Dƣợc


Bệnh thận giai đọan cuối (End Stage renal disease): mất hòan tòan chức năng thận trong hơn 3 tháng. Những nguyên nhân thƣờng gặp: trƣớc thận (70. sau thận (17. AKI trƣớc thận thƣờng gặp ở bệnh phòng nhƣng họai tử ống thận cấp thƣờng gặp trong ICU, là một phần trong tổn thƣơng đa cơ quan. Suy thận cấp là một yếu tố nguy cơ đọc lập với tử vong trong bệnh viện và tƣơng quan với thời gian nằm viện. AKI mắc phải trong cộng đồng TIẾP CẬN BệNH NHÂN SUY THẬN CẤP • Xem kỹ hồ sơ bệnh án (trong BV, thuốc.

3.Benh Than Man & Suy Than Man


Tổn thương thận ≥ 3 thángSUY THậN MạN Chronic Renal Failure CRF Giảm GFR chậm 3 tháng-nhiều năm + triệu chứng LS của hội chứng uré huyết caoSUY THậN MạN End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Suy thận mân, khơng sống nếu khơngGIAI ĐọAN CUốI điều trị thay thế thậnTHIểU NĂNG THậN Chronic Renal Insufficiency Giảm GFR chậm CRI Khơng triệu chứng LSMấT Dự TRữ THậN Lost of Renal Reserve GFR bình thường Giảm khi thử thách: thai kỳ, nhiều proteinChiến lược tồn cầu: 1 • Chẩn đĩan sớm bệnh thận mạn trên đối tượng nguy

Tài liệu tham khảo bs hiền


Nhà xuất bản Y Học . clinical practice guidelines in nephrology : evaluation, classification, and stratification of chronic kidney disease”, Pharmacotherapy . Cost Comparison of Peritoneal Dialysis Versus Hemodialysis in EndStage Renal Disease” The American Journal of managed care ,15(8), pp.509-518. Burgb,M.M,Barefoot,J.Berkman,L.,Caterllier,D.J,Czajkowski,S,Saab,P., et al.(2005. Y., et al .(2008.

Chapter 098. Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias (Part 11)


Bailie GR et al: Parenteral iron use in the management of anemia in end- stage renal disease patients

Benh Than Man Va Suy Than Man . 2013-2014.Sau Dai Hoc


BỆNH THẬN MẠNvà SUY THẬN MẠN: chẩn đốn và điều trị PGS TS BS Trần thị Bích HươngBộ Mơn Nội, Đại Học Y Dược Tp Hồ Chí Minh Các định nghĩa TÊN Tiếng Anh Định nghĩaBỆNH THẬN MẠN Chronic Kidney Disease Giảm GFR ≤ 60ml/ph/1,73 ≥ 3 th CKD và/hoặc tổn thương thận ≥ 3 thángSUY THẬN MẠN Chronic Renal Failure Giảm GFR chậm 3 tháng-nhiều năm CRF + triệu chứng LS của hội chứng uré huyết caoSUY THẬN MẠN End Stage Renal Suy thận mân, bn sẽ khơng sốngGIAI ĐỌAN CUốI Disease nếu khơng điều trị thay thế thận (ESRD

Chapter 099. Disorders of Hemoglobin (Part 8)


As patients with sickle cell syndrome increasingly survive into their fifth and sixth decades, end-stage renal failure and pulmonary hypertension are becoming increasingly prominent causes of end-stage morbidity.. A sickle cell cardiomyopathy and/or premature coronary artery disease may. Sickle cell patients have received kidney transplants, but they often experience an increase in the frequency and severity of crises, possibly due to increased infection as a consequence of immunosuppression..