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Energy intake

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Transcriptomic analysis between Normal and high-intake feeding geese provides insight into adipose deposition and susceptibility to fatty liver in migratory birds


The changes in metabolic processes were related to up-regulation of expression in the liver upon excess energy intake (Additional file 4). substantial response to high-intake feeding and most did not exhibit significant changes in expression in the 3 tissues we examined (Additional file 5).

Chapter 074. Biology of Obesity (Part 6)


Obesity can result from increased energy intake, decreased energy expenditure, or a combination of the two. Thus, identifying the etiology of obesity should involve measurements of both parameters. However, it is nearly impossible to perform direct and accurate measurements of energy intake in free-living individuals, and the obese, in particular, often underreport intake.

Chapter 070. Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Assessment (Part 1)


For weight to remain stable, energy intake must match energy output. The major components of energy output are resting energy expenditure (REE) and physical activity. minor sources include the energy cost of metabolizing food (thermic effect of food or specific dynamic action) and shivering thermogenesis (e.g., cold-induced thermogenesis).

Chapter 074. Biology of Obesity (Part 3)


However, due to the complexity of the neuroendocrine and metabolic systems that regulate energy intake, storage, and expenditure, it has been difficult to quantitate all the relevant parameters (e.g., food intake and energy expenditure) over time in human subjects.. ROLE OF GENES VERSUS ENVIRONMENT. Obesity is commonly seen in families, and the heritability of body weight is similar to that for height.

Chapter 074. Biology of Obesity (Part 2)


Physiologic Regulation of Energy Balance. Substantial evidence suggests that body weight is regulated by both endocrine and neural components that ultimately influence the effector arms of energy intake and expenditure. This complex regulatory system is necessary because even small imbalances between energy intake and expenditure will ultimately have large effects on body weight.

Chapter 072. Malnutrition and Nutritional Assessment (Part 3)


If the metabolic rate (energy requirement) is not matched by energy intake, weight loss results—slowly in hypometabolism and quickly in hypermetabolism.. however, losses greater than this in acutely ill hypermetabolic patients may be associated with rapid deterioration in body function.

Bổ sung dầu và Nitơ phi Protein vào khẩu phần để giảm phát thải khí Mêtan của bò sinh trưởng


Methane production results from the digestive process of herbivore ruminants in the rumen, during anaerobic fermentation of soluble and structural carbohydrates, mainly in grass forage, and corresponds to an energy loss of around 6% (in temperate climate) or 10% (in tropical climate) of gross energy intake (USEPA, 2000)..

Quantitative aspects of ruminant digestion and metabolism - Phần 14


It serves as an indicator of energy status especially adipose stores and is a postprandial satiety signaller (Houseknecht et al., 1998). Data from Ekpe and Christopherson (2000) and Ekpe et al. Leptin administration leads to loss of body fat due to an increase in the rate of metabolism coupled with reduced energy intake (Woods et al., 1998). Studies with cattle (Chilliard et al., 1998. Delavaud et al . Amstalden et al., 2000. Wegner et al., 2001.

Chapter 074. Biology of Obesity (Part 7)


There is also a tendency for those who will develop obesity as infants or children to have lower resting energy expenditure rates than those who remain lean.. The physiologic basis for variable rates of energy expenditure (at a given body weight and level of energy intake) is essentially unknown. A mutation in the. human β 3 -adrenergic receptor may be associated with increased risk of obesity and/or insulin resistance in certain (but not all) populations.

Stephens & Foraging - Behavior and Ecology - Chapter 10


Hypothetical relationship between group size G and an unspecified surrogate for fitness (e.g., net rate of energy intake). 3) is the intake-maximizing group size. 10.1), the intake-maximizing group is unstable because a solitary forager can benefit from joining the group. BOX 10.2 Genetic Relatedness and Group Size. 0, where B is the net benefit for all relatives at which the act is directed and C is the cost of the act to the performer. (10.1.1) Group-Controlled Entry.

Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 3)


Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) is caused by a mismatch between energy expenditure and energy intake. Leptin secretion may play a key role in transducing the signals from the periphery to the hypothalamus in HA. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis may also play a role. The diagnosis of HA can generally be made on the basis of a careful history, physical examination, and the demonstration of low levels of gonadotropins and normal prolactin levels.

Identification of key genes and molecular mechanisms associated with low egg production of broiler breeder hens in ad libitum


It has been sug- gested that the reason for unrestricted feeding impairing on egg production of broiler breeder hens was mainly excessive intake leading to excessive energy intake .

Tự điển Food Science, Technology And Nutrition - Vần N


See also aspartame.. nephrocalcinosis Presence of calcium deposits in the kidneys;. neroli oil Prepared from blossoms of the bitter orange by steam distillation. net dietary protein calories See net dietary protein–energy ratio.. net dietary protein–energy ratio (NDpE) A way of expressing the protein content of a diet or food taking into account both the amount of protein (relative to total energy intake) and the protein quality.

Bài giảng Dinh dưỡng cho các lớp Sau đại học 2014 - Bài 5: Chẩn đoán đánh giá can thiệp dinh dưỡng


Excessive energy intake (NI­1.5) (P) Excessive energy intake (NI­1.5) (P) . related to” regular consumption of large related to” regular consumption of large portions of high­fat meals (E) . as evidenced by” diet history &. 12 lb wt as evidenced by” diet history &. Problem: excessive energy intake Problem: excessive energy intake. Excessive energy intake P. Related to eating frequently in fast food . As evidenced by BMI of 30 and diet . of the nutrition problem.

Differentially expressed mRNAs, proteins and miRNAs associated to energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of beef cattle identified for low and high residual feed intake


The energy metabolism of skeletal muscle greatly contributes to variations in feed efficiency. However, information regarding differences in proteins involved in the energy metabolism of the skeletal muscle in beef cattle divergently identified for feed efficiency is scarce. In this study, we aimed to investigate energy metabolism of skeletal muscle of Nellore beef cattle, identified for low and high residual feed intake using a proteomics approach..

Comparative transcriptome analysis of hypothalamus-regulated feed intake induced by exogenous visfatin in chicks


The central nervous system plays an important role in the energy homeostasis and feeding behavior in mammals and birds, and a complex neuronal network within the hypothalamus regulates appetite and energy balance [5, 6].

Effect of feeding Asystasia gangetica weed on intake, nutrient utilization, and gain in Kacang goat


The goats on CV and CV + CC had higher total DM and ME intake than those fed GG and GG + CV (P <. The goats on the CV diet had the highest CP intake (P <. The highest ADF intake was observed in the CC diet and followed by CC + CV, GG + CC, and GG diets, while NDF intake was not signi fi cantly different among the dietary treatments.

High-protein intake and early exercise in adult intensive care patients: A prospective, randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact on functional outcomes


Optimized calorie and high protein intake versus recommended caloric-protein intake in critically ill patients: a prospective, randomized, controlled phase II clinical trial. Protein requirements in the critically ill: a randomized controlled trial using parenteral nutrition. Early high protein intake is associated with low mortality and energy overfeeding with high mortality in non-septic mechanically ventilated critically ill patients.

Cutting Energy Costs For Pharmaceutical Research


He stated that “for every degree you add, you reduce your energy costs about 3%. So, a 10°F rise in intake air means that about 30% of energy savings can be realized.” As he says, “In addition to saving our company money, we also help contribute to a cleaner environment since less fossil fuel is consumed.”.

Chicken adaptive response to low energy diet: Main role of the hypothalamic lipid metabolism revealed by a phenotypic and multi-tissue transcriptomic approach


In this tissue, the low-energy diet lead to an over-expression of genes related to endocannabinoid signaling ( CN1R , NAPE-PLD ) and to the complement system, a part of the immune system, both known to regulate feed intake. The low-energy diet further affected brain plasticity-related genes involved in the cholesterol synthesis and in the synaptic activity, revealing a link between nutrition and brain plasticity.