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Estimated blood loss

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Older fusion-surgery age in congenital scoliosis patients is a risk factor for extended length of stay, more estimated blood loss, longer fused segments and higher medical costs: A retrospective study


extended length of stay, more estimated blood loss, longer fused segments and. higher medical costs: a retrospective study. The objectives of this study were to analyze the association between patient characteristics and fusion-surgery outcomes in CS patients treated with spinal correction and fusion surgeries and to report risk factors for extended length of stay (LOS), more estimated blood loss (EBL), longer fused segments and higher medical costs..

Effects of terlipressin infusion during hepatobiliary surgery on systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics, renal function and blood loss: A double-blind, randomized clinical trial


Mean arterial blood pressure was significantly higher in the terlipressin group.. Estimated blood loss was significantly higher in the control group than the terlipressin group versus ml. p = 0.004), and the units of packed RBCs transfused were significantly higher in the control group ((0 – 2) versus (0 – 4) p = 0.003).

Anesthetic management in cesarean delivery of women with placenta previa: A retrospective cohort study


The primary outcome was estimated blood loss (EBL). Blood loss was collected and measured using a drape with a blood col- lection system around the abdominal wound from the abdominal cavity during the cesarean delivery. The volume of blood loss is equal to the weight of blood loss ÷ 1.05. Any post-cesarean delivery blood loss was also quantified [15]. Blood transfusion during cesarean delivery was per- formed by the clinician in accordance with protocol..

Design of a Novel Multifunction Decision Support Display for Anesthesia Care: AlertWatch® OR


The Hct is displayed in the center with an estimated (Est) Hct to its right. On the right side of the display is the active alert section.. 7a note the heart has an ICD (implantable cardiac defibrillator) represented by the small icon attached to the upper left side of the heart. b If there is no invasive assessment of cardiac filling and the estimated blood loss is ≥ 20% or the estimated blood volume the inside of the heart will not have a fluid level, but a text alert stating “ Need Data.

Prophylactic temporary abdominal aortic balloon occlusion for patients with pernicious placenta previa: A retrospective study


In a previous study, in patients with PPP accompanied by infrarenal abdominal aorta balloon oc- clusion, the estimated blood loss (ml) was the hysterectomy rate was 8.3%, and the ICU admission rate was . In our study, the esti- mated blood loss (ml) was the hyster- ectomy rate was 17.6%, and the ICU admission rate was 41.2% (Table 6)..

Effect of preoperative versus postoperative use of transversus abdominis plane block with plain 0.25 % bupivacaine on postoperative opioid use: A retrospective study


There was no statistically sig- nificant difference in procedure length, estimated blood loss, length of hospital stays, reoperation, or readmission rates between the 2 groups.. Although usually done preoperatively, our study showed that postoperative TAP block with plain bupiva- caine appeared to be at least as efficacious as preopera- tive TAP block in reducing postoperative intravenous opioid use, both PCA and administered intravenous in- jections.

Development and validation of a novel predictive model and web calculator for evaluating transfusion risk after spinal fusion for spinal tuberculosis: A retrospective cohort study


However, it is necessary to be aware the significant blood loss in the perioperative period of SF includ- ing estimated blood loss (EBL) and hidden blood loss (HBL) [8, 9]. In particular, according to the high inci- dence of anemia in TB patients, blood transfusion seems to be an inescapable problem for these patients.. As pre- viously reported, machine learning has been widely incorporated into tuberculosis research [11].

Continuous noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring estimates timing for detecting anemia better than clinicians: A randomized controlled trial


The inclusion criteria were patients aged from 18 to 80 years who were scheduled for spine surgery or cytoreductive surgery, for whom the estimated blood loss was more than 15% of their total blood volume and who required an arterial catheter as a part of the stand- ard care procedures for continuous arterial pressure monitoring and intermittent blood analysis. SpHb monitoring group.

Systematic comparison of four point-of-care methods versus the reference laboratory measurement of hemoglobin in the surgical ICU setting: A cross-sectional method comparison study


Demographic and clinical data including age, gender, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical classifica- tion (ASA class), preoperative Hb, estimated blood loss, intraoperative transfusion, and types of surgery were col- lected by the medical chart review. The step of the procedure was adopted as representative of the procedure workload. Turnaround time was defined by the estimated time required from the start of the procedure until the result obtained..

Analysis of risk factors for unplanned reoperation following primary repair of gastrointestinal disorders in neonates


Intraoperative outcomes were also recorded, including type of surgeries, surgical services, the length of opera- tive time, duration of anesthesia time, mean body temperature, the incidence of hypothermia, the length of intraoperative hypothermia, estimated blood loss, blood transfusion, fluid infusion, postoperative hemoglobin, and intraoperative urinary output. The length of operative time was calculated from skin inci- sion to the end of suture.

Risk factors of total blood loss in the posterior surgery for patients with thoracolumbar metastasis


The Gross equation calculated the total blood loss on a surgical day.. Gross equation: total perioperative blood loss = theo- retical total blood loss + allogeneic blood transfusion (the patients in this study did not use autologous blood transfusion during and after surgery). Theoretical total blood loss =estimated blood volume. Multivariate analysis was performed by linear regression using a stepwise approach to identify inde- pendent predictors of blood loss in the posterior surgery..

The visually estimated blood volume in scaled canisters based on a simulation study


Here, the consideration of blood loss is a crucial factor.. Boxplots show estimated visual blood loss (V-EBL) for different experience levels. Boxplots show differences between estimated visual blood loss (V-EBL) and reference blood loss (RBL) for different experience levels. We therefore strongly discourage the use of visual blood loss estimates. Currently, however, V-EBL is the most common method for measuring intraoperative blood loss [1].. What implications do our results have?

Maintaining intraoperative normothermia reduces blood loss in patients undergoing major operations: A pilot randomized controlled clinical trial


The primary endpoint was intraoperative blood loss. In- traoperative blood loss was estimated as the combined change in sponge weights (the density of a sponge is 1 g/ml) and volume of fluid in the suction reservoir, re- corded by circulating nurses who were blinded to pa- tients’ core temperatures but not to whether the patients received AW. length of stay (LOS) in the PACU, ICU and hospital.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 16)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. PNH has about the same frequency in men and women, and it is encountered in all populations throughout the world, but it is a rare disease: its prevalence is 1–5 per million (it may be somewhat less rare in Southeast Asia and in the Far East). PNH has never been reported as a congenital disease, but it can present in small children or in people in their seventies, although most patients are young adults..

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 5)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Hemolytic Anemias Due to Abnormalities of the Membrane- Cytoskeleton Complex. The detailed architecture of the red cell membrane is complex, but its basic design is relatively simple (Fig. The lipid bilayer, which incorporates phospholipids and cholesterol, is spanned by a number of proteins that have their hydrophobic transmembrane domains embedded in the membrane.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 18)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Blood loss causes anemia by two main mechanisms: first, by the direct loss of red cells. second, because if the loss of blood is protracted, it will gradually deplete the iron stores, eventually resulting in iron deficiency. Iron-deficiency anemia is discussed in Chap.

Dose tranexamic acid reduce blood loss associated with simultaneous bilateral distal tibial tubercle-high tibial osteotomy?


Dose tranexamic acid reduce blood loss. Background: Simultaneous bilateral distal tibial tubercle high tibial osteotomy (SBDTT-HTO) can result in increased blood loss. Results: The total blood loss, hidden blood loss, drainage volumes, and haemoglobin level in the multiple-dose group all occupy a significant advantage.(p <. In addition, better quality of life were observed in patients belong- ing to the multiple-dose group then single-dose group.(p <.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 1)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. A finite life span is a distinct characteristic of red cells. Hence, a logical, time-honored classification of anemias comprises three groups: decreased production of red cells, increased destruction of red cells, and acute blood loss.. Red cell destruction and acute loss, both associated with increased reticulocyte production, are covered in this chapter. Red cell production defects are discussed in Chaps.

Hidden blood loss in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients undergoing posterior spinal fusion surgery: A retrospective study of 765 cases at a single centre


Patients were given a blood transfusion when the haemoglobin level was below 70 g/dL or below 80 g/dL with signifi- cant symptoms of anaemia, such as increased heart rate hypotension. Hidden blood loss was calcu- lated by subtracting the visible blood loss from the total blood loss according to the formula of Sehat et al. Hidden blood loss ¼ total blood loss visible blood loss.

Chapter 101. Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss (Part 11)


Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss. Table 101-5 Drugs that Carry Risk of Clinical Hemolysis in Persons with G6PD Deficiency. Table 101-6 Diseases/Clinical Situations with Predominantly Intravascular Hemolysis. red cells. red cell population. Exacerba tions due to C activation. lysis of normal red cells. Red cell fragmentation. Red cell morphology on blood smear