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Foundation for Science and Technology Development

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Experiences of priorities of investmentfor science and technology development at local level by advancing countries in the region


EXPERIENCES OF PRIORITIES OF INVESTMENTFOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AT LOCAL LEVEL. BY ADVANCING COUNTRIES IN THE REGION M.Sc. Priorities of investment for science and technology (S&T) development at local level by other countries in the region are studied on basis of analysis of some components including friendly investment environment, policy environment and shifts of local economic structure..

Two year implementation of the science and technology development Strategy, period 2011-2020


TWO YEAR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY, PERIOD . Over the past 2 years, the implementation of the Science and Technology (S&T) Development Strategy, period issued under the Prime Minister’s Decision 418/QD-TTg on 11 th April 2012, by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), ministries, sectors and local authorities in the country have brought about initial results..

Some problems of policies of direct financial supports for science and technology activities by enterprises, 2011-2015 period


SOME PROBLEMS OF POLICIES OF DIRECT FINANCIAL SUPPORTS FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES. BY ENTERPRISES PERIOD. Direct financial supports for enterprises to conduct science and technology (S&T) activities are one of financial policy tools in use actually in Vietnam. The supports target to stimulate enterprises to make investment for S&T activities.

Vietnam science and technology policy: Opportunities and challenges


VIETNAM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY:. This paper was compiled from studies, discussions and exchanges of the National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies. The paper pointed out the role of science and technology (S&T) in different stages of economic development, requirements for S&T policy, current orientations and policies, and clearly indicated opportunities, challenges for S&T policy development and the way to respond to challenges..

The 2013 law on science and technology - legal background for breakthroughs in development of science and technology in Vietnam


THE 2013 LAW ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - LEGAL BACKGROUND FOR BREAKTHROUGHS IN DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Legal regulations for science and technology (S&T) in general and the Law on Science &.

Science and technology policy reform in businesses and science and technology organizations


SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY REFORM IN BUSINESSES AND SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Local Science and Technology Development, MOST. Science and technology (S&T) policy reform is a process of innovative thinking expressed in the contents of legal documents issued over past years and closely associated with the reform process of national development directives and policies leaded by the Party. Policy reform. S&T organizations. The process of science and technology policy reform.

Entrepreneurial universities for science and technology: Cases of kaist and postech


Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). The emergence of the entrepreneurial university in Korea is similar to the socioeconomic changes observable in the history of university development in America and in many other developed countries.

Science and technology development strategy period 2011-2020: The key tasks


This paper presents the requirements set forth for the development and implementation of the science and technology (S&T) development strategy for issued in conjunction with Decision 418/QD-TTg dated by Prime Minister..

Improvement’s process of the network of science and technology organizations in Vietnam and orientations to enhance science industry links: Historical milestones


IMPROVEMENT’S PROCESS OF THE NETWORK OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONS IN VIETNAM AND ORIENTATIONS TO ENHANCE SCIENCE-INDUSTRY LINKS:. National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies. The improvement and reform process of the network of science and technology (S&T) organizations in Vietnam has passed a long period, starting by Decision No. 175/CP of the Government dated 29 th April 1981.

United state experience in management of science and technology activities funded by foundations and some suggestions for Vietnam


Or refund of 40% of average annual expenditure for R&D investment and human resource training in 4 recent years.. VAT exemption, duty free for homes and lands used for R&D purposes.. c) Funding Support to reduce the lag-behind in science and technology In the trend of S&T development today, the State should provide funding support for businesses and S&T organizations to overcome the lag-behind in science and technology through three stages:.

International cooperation of science and technology for developing economy: lessons from Korean footprint


Korean Academy of Science and Technology. Korea Institute of Science and Technology. Development Strategy of Science and Technology for Less Developed Countries II. Development Strategy of Science and Technology for Less Developed Countries III. Development Strategy of Science and Technology for Less Developed Countries IV. Development Strategy of Science and Technology for Less Developed Countries V. Development Strategy of Science and Technology for VI.

Some theoretical and practical arguments on the science, technology and innovation system of Vietnam in trend of international integration of science and technology


SOME THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ARGUMENTS ON THE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION SYSTEM. OF VIETNAM IN TREND OF INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. S&T has profound impact on the world economy, position location in international relations and all social activities. In their development strategy, countries consider S&T as a means, an objective for socio-economic development, and to consolidate their position in the competitive economic and political struggle.

Some solutions for human resource development in science and technology in Vietnam today


Raising awareness of stakeholders involved in the development of human resources in science and technology. a) Objective of the solution.

Awareness of science and technology roles towards socio economic development


AWARENESS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ROLES TOWARDS SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. General Planning Dept., Ministry of Science and Technology Dr. Intuitive awareness of science and technology (S&T) roles towards production appeared early. Tough binding of S&T and production was emphasized in many economic doctrines.. Up to now, the practical awareness of this issue, however, remains limited in many aspects.

The national innovation system and policy implications for entrepreneurship in Taiwan - Japan


Taiwan’s science and technology policy development started from the “Guidelines for the Long-range Development of Science” approved by the Executive Yuan in 1959 in order to “solidify the foundation for science development”.. its implementation focus was to improve science education for schools at each level, to develop basic and application science research, and help science and technology correspond to national development (Yearbook of Science and Technology, Taiwan ROC, 2010).

Science and technology human resource capacity for economic growth: The case of Korea


Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST) of Korea. (2007) Building and Mobilizing Science and Technology Human resources. Forty-year History of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).. (2007) 40 Years of Challenges of Korea's Science and Technology.

Theory Z and science and technology human resources development policy of Japan in 21th century - lessons suggested for Vietnam


THEORY Z AND SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT POLICY OF JAPAN IN 21 th CENTURY - LESSONS SUGGESTED FOR VIETNAM. the shortcoming in human resources management to enhance the production capacity of US companies based on successful models of Japan.

Financial needs for development of science and technology enterprises: Mergence of various resources


FINANCIAL NEEDS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISES:. Also, S&T enterprises create new jobs and make greater contributions to economic development. In this optics, S&T enterprises have been the object of interests of many policy makers and researchers. This paper is focused on the financial needs for development of S&T enterprises in various stages of development cycles of S&T enterprises.. Keywords: S&T enterprises.

Towards a new circular for the establishment and operation of intermediary organizations in the science and technology market in Vietnam


Identified areas to support intermediary organizations. to support according to the value of brokerage contracts, consultancy, promotion of science and technology market, technology commercialization, results of scientific research and development.. to give priority in participating in programs and projects that support the promotion of science and technology market development and commercialization of scientific research and technological and intellectual property results. to support for organizing