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Hydrogen bonds

Tìm thấy 13+ kết quả cho từ khóa "Hydrogen bonds"

Interaction of camel Lactoferrin derived peptides with DNA: A molecular dynamics study


Number of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges. Additional file 5: Figure S5 and Additional file 6:. The average number of hydrogen bonds in the second half of the three simulation replicates (100–. 3 Number of hydrogen bonds with DNA as a function of simulation time (200 ns). d Snapshot at t = 135 ns of the CLFchimera-DNA system, indicating hydrogen bonds (red lines) and salt bridges (yellow dashed). A representative snapshot of the CLFchimera-DNA interaction is illustrated in Fig.

Relatively semi-conservative replication and a folded slippage model for short tandem repeats


O [55], with a strength at about 3% of the 3′, 5′-phosphodiester bonds . While the distance between the bases is fixed at the backbone, the strengths of the hydrogen bonds are negatively correlated to the distance between every base pair. The curved slippage model partially explains the spaces that form slippage bubble, yet at the cost of forming unstable hydrogen bonds double- chain structures (Arm1 and Arm2) on both sides of the slippage bubble (Fig. Then we proposed a folded slippage model.

Preparation and property assessment of eco-friendly composite based on polyvinyl alcohol and lignin extracted from biomass


It could be seen that the lignin molecules are compactly linked with PVA molecules by hydrogen bonds. Therefore, under tensile force, lignin molecules stretched together with the PVA molecule, increasing the elongation of the composite.. However, with higher lignin content, a part of lignin molecules clumped and acted as a poorly dispersed filler, reducing the ductility of the film, leading to a decrease in the elongation at break of the composite..

Relaxation frequency shift in Triglycine sulfate under the influence of silica nanoparticles at low frequencies


Meanwhile, triglycine sulfate is a hydrogen-bonded ferroelectric and its ferroelectricity is conditioned. In other words, the intervention of hydrogen bonds in TGS can lead to the appearance of new properties that could be useful for practical applications.. The composite from triglycine sulfate and SiO 2 nanoparticles has been synthesized already as shown in [11,12].

bài giảng miễn dịch


Aminobenzene Sulphonate, a Hapten NH2 NH2 NH2 SO3 SO3 SO3 Ortho Meta Para Classification of immunochemical methods • Particle methods • Label methods – Precipitation – Non-competitive • Immunodiffusion • One-site • Immunoelectrophoresis • Two-site – Light scattering – Competitive • Nephelometry • Heterogeneous • Turbidimetry • Homogeneous Properties of the antibody-antigen bond • Non-covalent • Reversible • Intermolecular forces – Coulombic interactions (hydrogen bonds. log concentration Antigen

A novel missense mutation in the gene encoding major intrinsic protein (MIP) in a Giant panda with unilateral cataract formation


Structural predictions in SWISS-MODEL showed that the path of the MIP polypeptide backbone is altered by the mutation due to the addition of two hydrogen bonds, increasing the attraction between residue 229 and nearby amino acids (Fig.

Insights into high-pressure acclimation: comparative transcriptome analysis of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus at different hydrostatic pressure exposures


High pressure can also strengthen hydrogen bonds. Since deep-sea species. japonicus has the potential to acclimatize to high-pressure environment, and used this species in high-pressure incubations. A pressure vessel was used to perform high-pressure ex- posure on experimental samples, provide a stable and controllable experimental context, and examine pressure acclimation accurately [35]..

Đề thi IPhO 2019 Bài 2


Due to the strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules in liquid water, one cannot treat them as independent dipoles. Rather, one should refer to the polarization vector 𝑃 (𝑡. and oscillates in time with an amplitude that is proportional to the amplitude of the local alternating electric field, but with a phase lag 𝛿. The local alternating electric field at a given location inside the water is 𝐸(𝑡. Let us now consider the propagation of the radiation through the water.

Tổng hợp polycaprolacton bằng xúc tác cơ magie theo phương pháp trùng hợp mở vòng =



As concerned in the chapter 1, adding a protic compound such as an alcohol or a carboxylic acid induces a transfer reaction between the protic molecule and the alkoxide: in addition to the basic character due to the lone pair of the oxygen atom, the alcohol function allows the formation of hydrogen bonds with the oxygen atom of the alkoxide group which increases the strength of the coordination complex [13].

Tạp chí Physics Today tháng 6/2016


So in contrast to small-molecule chemistry—in which researchers speak of transition states representing the forming or breaking of a single chemical bond—the transition between protein- folding intermediates involves the re- arrangement of dozens of amino-acid units and the formation of a similar num- ber of hydrogen bonds that hold the. movements reflected the folding and unfolding of the hairpin. the speed of the jump is a rough estimate of the duration of the transition.. in the conventional sense—how

Tạp chí Physics Today tháng 01/2017


The floppy segments are linked by hydrogen bonds (red), which both strengthen the material and give it the ability to self-heal: They’ll snap if the polymer is stretched too tight but then spontaneously reform when it’s treated with sol- vent and heat. So far, no viola- tions of the corollary have been found at accelerators or in the laboratory, but the hunt.

Effect of adding lemon peels powder on some quality properties of minced beef patty during refrigerated storage


Kethireddipalli et al., (2002) reported that WHC depends on matrix structure formed by polysaccharide chains which can hold large amounts of water through hydrogen bonds.. Meat pH is considered as one of the most important technological properties as it alters pigment and lipid stability. Table.1 Preparation of the Minced beef patties samples. Control beef patties sample. Beef patties samples with 1%. Beef patties samples with 2% lemon peels[LP].

Article - Energy and environmental potential of solid waste in Brazil, Năng lượng và môi trường tiềm năng của chất thải rắn ở Brazil (Vietsub)


Paper and cardboard 50% of the territorial area of the continent with a population of Paper manufacturing relies on the fact that wet cellulose fiber 194 millions in 2010, of which 84% are concentrated in the urban bind together with hydrogen bonds when dried under pressure.

Effects of electrical current frequency on the physicochemical characteristics of wastewater


Hydrogen bonds. Many of these properties are a direct reflection of the fact that most water molecules are in contact with their neighbors entirely through hydrogen bonds.

Electrochemical synthesis of polypyrrole nanowires and application of biosensor



Hydrogen bonds between the A-T and G-C bases of the two trands of DNA Figure 2.1. Schematic of electrochemical synthesis system of polypyrrole Figure 2.2. The wave form of the Lock-in Amplifier SR830 Figure 2.5. Equivalent electrical circuit of differential system Bui Dai Nhan Master Thesis 2011 8 Figure 3.1. Cyclic voltammogram of Ppy between -1.0 V and +1.0 V at 250 mV/s scan rate Figure 3.2. Potentiostatic polymerization curve for the electrodeposition of Polypyrrole.

Hydrogen Fuel-Energy Today


Hydrogen Fuel. HYDROGEN FUEL. Energy Today: Hydrogen Fuel. Hydrogen fuel / by Barbara J. What Is Hydrogen Fuel. CHAPTER 2: How Is Hydrogen Fuel Made? ...14. CHAPTER 3: Hydrogen Fuel Cells ...24. CHAPTER 4: Challenges in Using Hydrogen Fuel. CHAPTER 5: The Future of Hydrogen Fuel. 1 What Is Hydrogen Fuel?. Hydrogen fuel is one exciting possibility.. Hydrogen fuel is a material that is made of the element hydrogen. Liquid hydrogen fuel powers the rockets of the U.S.

Quy trình “cháy bốc hơi” thành Hydrogen


Quy trình mới này lại bỏ qua giai đoạn tạo thành dầu diesel sinh học mà chuyển dầu ăn trực tiếp thành hydrogen và khí CO bằng cách gia nhiệt đun dầu ăn lên nhiệt độ khoảng 10000C. Khoảng 70% hydrogen trong dầu ăn sẽ chuyển thành khí hydrogen.

Nền kinh tế hydrogen: Con đường còn xa?


Một hướng nghiên cứu khoa học để giải quyết các khó khăn trên là đi tìm một cách {tồn trữ hydrogen bằng hoá học} (chemical hydrogen storage). Nói nôm na là tìm một hợp chất hoá học có chứa H2, và chất này có thể tạo ra H2 bằng một phản ứng hoá học đơn giản, và sau khi được tạo ra, H2 được chuyển trực tiếp vào pin nhiệt điện để tạo ra năng lượng. Hợp chất hoá học có thể ở thể lỏng hay thể rắn, phải có nồng độ H2 cao, dễ bảo quản, không nguy hiểm khi tồn trữ trong xe, chuyên chở hay phân phối..



Câu 126: Which is the correct sequence of wavenumbers associated with the stretching of the following bonds? A. Absorptions at and 2873 cm–1 are assigned to the stretching of the C(sp3)–H bonds. Absorptions at and 3028 cm–1 are assigned to the stretching of the C(sp2)–H bonds. Stretching of the C(sp3)–H bonds gives rise to absorptions at lower wavenumbers than stretching of the C(sp 2)–H bonds. The symmetric stretching of the four C–Br bonds. The asymmetric stretching of the four C–Br bonds.

Công nghệ sản xuất Hydrogen peroxid (H202) theo phương pháp anthraquinol xúc tác paladi


Bài viết này, chỉ giới thiệu nguyên lý sản xuất H2O2 theo phương pháp xúc tác tầng cố định, được tổng hợp từ tài liệu ‘Sản xuất Hydrogen peroxid theo phương pháp anthraquinol xúc tác paladi’ của Viện Nghiên cứu công nghiệp hoá chất Liming, Trung Quốc.. Nguyên lý sản xuất theo công nghệ này gồm những công đoạn chính sau đây:. Công đoạn Hydro hoá..