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Inguinal hernia

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Comparison of spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia in inguinal hernia repair in adult: A systematic review and metaanalysis


Comparison of spinal anesthesia and. general anesthesia in inguinal hernia repair in adult: a systematic review and meta-. Background: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures. The objective of this meta-analysis was to assess the efficacy of spinal anesthesia (SA) vs. general anesthesia (GA) in inguinal hernia repair in adults..

Comparison of laryngeal mask airway and endotracheal tube in preterm neonates receiving general anesthesia for inguinal hernia surgery: A retrospective study


Comparison of laryngeal mask airway. and endotracheal tube in preterm neonates. receiving general anesthesia for inguinal hernia surgery: a retrospective study. Background: Preterm neonates are at higher risk of developing inguinal hernia, and have an increased risk of periop‑.

Ultrasound-guided quadratus lumborum block for postoperative pain control in patients undergoing unilateral inguinal hernia repair, a comparative study between two approaches


This randomized comparative trial was designed to compare the duration of analgesia provided by the posterior QLB (QLB-2) ver- sus transmuscular QLB (QLB-3) in patients undergoing surgical repair of unilateral inguinal hernia.

The effect of intraoperative lidocaine infusion on opioid consumption and pain after totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty: A randomized controlled trial


Although lidocaine infusion was effective for postoper- ative analgesia in open inguinal hernia surgery [12], its use has not been reported in totally extraperitoneal (TEP) laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty.

Genome-wide association study reveals a QTL and strong candidate genes for umbilical hernia in pigs on SSC14


The prevalence of scrotal/inguinal hernias is shown to be approximately in the same range, between 0.5 and 1.5%, and with an estimated heritability of around 0.3 in different breeds [3, 4]. Several studies have explored the genomics of scrotal/inguinal hernia [4–7], but very few have devoted efforts to decipher the genetic architecture of umbilical hernia. This is mainly because umbilical hernia is relatively rare and sometimes complicated to diagnose properly..

A single dose of dezocine suppresses emergence agitation in preschool children anesthetized with sevoflurane-remifentanil


Preschool children undergoing laparoscopic repair of an inguinal hernia by high ligation of the hernia sac at our institution between December 2014 and November 2016 were eligible for this study. and 2) scheduled for elective laparoscopic repair of an inguinal hernia by high ligation of the hernia sac under sevoflurane-remifentanil anesthesia. Upon arrival in the operating room, heart rate (HR), pulse oximetry (SpO2) and non-invasive blood pressure (BP) monitor- ing were applied.

Effects of awake caudal anesthesia on mean arterial blood pressure in very low birthweight infants


In this retrospective study we evaluated the course of in- traoperative blood pressure in very low birthweight in- fants who received either caudal anesthesia, as a stand alone method, or a combination of general anesthesia, and caudal anesthesia, both for inguinal hernia repair.. Anesthesia in both groups was performed by senior anesthetists with more than 5 years experience in the Table 1 Baseline characteristics of very low birthweight infants receiving open inguinal hernia repair.

Distribution frequency of FCER2 genotypes related to corticosteroid response in asthma children treated at National Hospital of Pediatrics


In our study, the control group were chosen by the convenient sampling method (the children going to the hospital for the surgery of cystic spermatic cord, inguinal hernia, hidden testicles)

Đánh Giá Kết Quả Phẫu Thuật Nội Soi Hoàn Toàn Ngoài Phúc Mạc (Tep) Đặt Lưới Nhân Tạo 3D Điều Trị Thoát Vị Bẹn Hai Bên Ở Người Lớn


Laparoscopic tỷ lệ đau mãn tính sau mổ dao động từ 1-3,4% inguinal hernia repair using an anatomically [3], [5]. A Acar thấy tỷ lệ đau mãn tính vùng bẹn contoured three-dimensional mesh.

Đánh Giá Kết Quả Phẫu Thuật Nội Soi Hoàn Toàn Ngoài Phúc Mạc (Tep) Đặt Lưới Nhân Tạo 3D Điều Trị Thoát Vị Bẹn Hai Bên Ở Người Lớn


Laparoscopic tỷ lệ đau mãn tính sau mổ dao động từ 1-3,4% inguinal hernia repair using an anatomically [3], [5]. A Acar thấy tỷ lệ đau mãn tính vùng bẹn contoured three-dimensional mesh.

The use of perineural dexamethasone and transverse abdominal plane block for postoperative analgesia in cesarean section operations under spinal anesthesia: An observational study


Effect of addition of dexamethasone to ropivacaine on post-operative analgesia in ultrasonography-guided transversus abdominis plane block for inguinal hernia repair: a pro- spective, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Efficacy of preemptive dexamethasone added to bupivacaine in ultrasound guided transversus abdominis plain block for postoperative analgesia after inguinal herniorraphy. ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block in cesarean sec- tion.

Retrospective study of quadratus lumborum block for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy


Ultrasound-guided quadratus lumborum block for postoperative pain control in patients undergoing unilateral inguinal hernia repair, a comparative study between two approaches. Quadratus Lumborum block III for postoperative pain after percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. Quadratus Lumborum block: analgesic effects and chronological Ropivacaine concentrations after laparoscopic surgery.

Spinal subdural hematoma and subdural anesthesia following combined spinal– epidural anesthesia: A case report


Acute spontaneous spinal subdural hematoma in a patient with bilateral incarcerated inguinal hernia. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbspin . Doi:https://doi.org/1 0.1111/j tb06791.x.. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijoa . Doi:https://doi.org/10.5313/. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/AOG.0b013e31820093a9.. https://doi.org/10.5505/agri . Doi:https://. doi.org/10.1111/j x.. Doi:https://doi.org/1 0.1111/aas.12064..

Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery part 15


These include incarceration of the colonoscope within an inguinal hernia, (52) cecal volvulus with subsequent perforation, (53) ischemic colitis, (54) aortic thrombosis in a patient with Bechcet’s syndrome, (55) and splenic injury (56).. This theory has been confirmed by laparotomy in several of the reported cases. It is interesting to note that in most of the injuries, the endoscopists felt the procedure had been performed without difficulty.

Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery part 16


Incarceration of the colonoscope in an inguinal hernia. Conio M, Repici A, Demarquay JF et al. Injuries of the rectum and colon. In Surgery of the Anus Rectum and Colon. Iatrogenic perforation of the colon and rectum. Proctoscopic perforation of the large bowel. 6 days in the conventional group. Schwenk et al. A recent observational study by Dowson et al.

Luận án “Nghiên cứu đặc điểm lâm sàng, cận lâm sàng và kết quả điều trị thoát vị bẹn bằng mổ mở đặt mảnh ghép theo Lichtenstein tại Cần Thơ”


Thoát vị trượt (sliding inguinal hernia. Thoát vị bẹn không biến chứng thường không ảnh hưởng đến tổng trạng [1],[4]. Thoát vị kẹt. Thoát vị nghẹt. LỊCH SỬ ĐIỀU TRỊ THOÁT VỊ BẸN. CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP MỔ THOÁT VỊ BẸN Ở NGƯỜI LỚN Có hai phương pháp chính:. Tụ máu vùng bìu: Thường gặp ở bệnh nhân có khối thoát vị lớn, dính.. Thoát vị nghẹt.. Thoát vị bẹn – đùi phối hợp.. Tiền sử về mổ thoát vị bẹn.. Thoát vị một bên (phải, trái), hai bên.. Thoát vị nguyên phát, tái phát..

Analgesic efficacy of postoperative bilateral, ultrasound-guided, posterior transversus abdominis plane block for laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery: A randomized, prospective, controlled study


Comparison between ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane and conventional ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks for day-case open inguinal hernia repair.. https://doi.org/10.1093/bja/aeq363.. Studies on the spread of local anaesthetic solution in transversus abdominis plane blocks. Transversus abdominis plane block. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACO.0b013e328357b165..

The effect of transversus abdominis plane block on the chronic pain after colorectal surgery: A retrospective cohort study


Theodoraki K, Papacharalampous P, Tsaroucha A, Vezakis A, Argyra E: The effect of transversus abdominis plane block on acute and chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair. A randomized controlled trial. Effect of Transversus Abdominis plane block on postoperative pain after colorectal surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Type of anesthesia and quality of recovery in male patients undergoing lumbar surgery: A randomized trial comparing propofol-remifentanil total i.v. anesthesia with sevofurane anesthesia


Efficacy of local anesthetic with dexamethasone on the quality of recovery following Total Extraperitoneal bilateral inguinal hernia repair: a randomized clinical trial. Leslie K, Troedel S, Irwin K, et al. Quality of recovery from anesthesia in neurosurgical patients. Effect of superficial cervical plexus block on postoperative quality of recovery after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a randomized controlled trial.

Preoperative dexamethasone for acute post-thoracotomy analgesia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study


Effect of a single bolus of dexamethasone on intraoperative and postoperative pain in unilateral inguinal hernia surgery.. Does dexamethasone improve the quality of intravenous regional anesthesia and analgesia? A randomized, controlled clinical study