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Intraclass correlation coefficient

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Assessment of agreement and interchangeability between the TEG5000 and TEG6S thromboelastography haemostasis analysers: A prospective validation study


“Interdevice” agreement was estimated using Lin’s con- cordance correlation coefficient (Lin’s CC), intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and reduced major axis re- gression (RMAR) [9–12].

Validation of rapid shallow breathing index displayed by the ventilator compared to the standard technique in patients with readiness for weaning


Table 3 Spearman’s Correlation coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient between the rapid shallow breathing index measured by the Wright spirometer and the average rapid shallow breathing index value displayed by the ventilator at different time points.

Insight into genetic regulation of miRNA in mouse brain


Finally, we find a strong positive correlation between mi-eQTL LOD score and heritability of the miRNA involved (p-value = 3.67e-8. mi-eQTL enrichment analysis. 1 Comparisons of characteristics of mi-eQTL in brain with statistical significance. a The difference in mi-eQTL strength between cis and trans mi-eQTL (Wilcoxon summed rank test-statistic (W. e The relationship between mi- eQTL strength and the heritability (measured by the intraclass correlation coefficient) of the miRNA involved (in the

Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Korean translation of the Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score


Test-retest reliability, which represents the stability of the scale over time, was evaluated by using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (two-way random effects model, absolute agreement definition, single meas- ure) [22]. Internal consistency refers to the degree of homoge- neity of the responses to the items of the questionnaire and was evaluated with the Cronbach alpha coefficient.

Prediction of serosal invasion in gastric cancer: Development and validation of multivariate models integrating preoperative clinicopathological features and radiographic findings based on late arterial phase CT images


The interobserver agreement of the CT value-related and texture parameters was estimated with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC . Table 1 summarizes the results of the univariate analysis of the demographic data, endoscopic biopsy, and morpho- logical characteristics between the T1–3 and T4 groups in the primary and validation cohorts.

Design Creativity 2010 part 9


To assess inter-rater reliability, the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was calculated for each of the parameters rated by the experts, i.e.. Due to the nature of the experiment (all experts rate all ideas and experts not randomly chosen), two way mixed ICC for average measure was used. It can then be checked whether each of the parameters (creativity, feasibility and originality) follow different distributions in the groups..

Translation and transcultural validation of the Dutch hospital for special surgery paediatric functional activity brief scale (HSS Pedi-FABS)


HSS Pedi-FABS Hospital for Special Surgery Paediatric Functional Activity Scale, ICC Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, N/A Not Applicable, PAQ-A/C Physical Activity Questionnaire – Adolescent/Children, SDC Smallest Detectable Change, SEM Standard Error of Measurement. HSS Pedi‑FABS [8] Italian HSS Pedi‑FABS [18] Dutch HSS Pedi‑FABS Quality score a.

Khảo sát vai trò của siêu âm tim 3 chiều trong chẩn đoán hẹp van hai lá so với siêu âm tim qua thực quản


Results: MVA 3D demonstrated best agreement with MVA 2D (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] 0.69) and MVA PHT (ICC 0.73). Ngày phản biện đánh giá bài báo . Siêu âm tim vẫn là phương tiện chẩn đoán khá chính xác với kỹ thuật siêu âm tim TM, 2 chiều, Doppler màu. Với sự phát triển của siêu âm, đặc biệt là siêu âm tim 3 chiều có nhiều ưu điểm hơn so với siêu âm tim 2 chiều, khắc phục được hạn chế của siêu âm tim 2 chiều.

Khảo sát chỉ số huyết áp cổ chân – cánh tay bằng phương pháp đo huyết áp tự động trên bệnh nhân đái tháo đường típ 2


Trong 30 trường hợp thực hiện đo ABI bằng phương pháp đo HA tự động 2 lần bởi 2 người thực hiện khác nhau, chúng tôi ghi nhận hệ số biến thiên cá thể (with-in subject coefficient of variation - CoV) là 3,46% và hệ số tương quan nội cụm (intraclass correlation coefficient - ICC) là 0,82.. Hình 2: Biểu đồ Bland – Altman giữa 2 lần đo bởi 2 người thực hiện khác nhau bằng phương pháp đo HA. tự động.

The advantages of the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) over F1 score and accuracy in binary classification evaluation


Instead, if one decided to take advantage of the Matthews correlation coefficient in the Use case A1, he/she would notice the resulting MCC = –0.03 (Fig.

Surgical correction for adult spinal deformity increases acetabular lateral coverage of femoral heads


Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for acetabular lat- eral coverage parameters were calculated within and between the observers by selection of randomly selected 20 patients among included patients. 1 Posterior‑anterior pelvic radiographs of a 72‑year‑old female patient showing the changes in acetabular coverage after surgical correction for ASD. On the other hand, SA and LCEA increased. postoperative spinopelvic and acetabular coverage parameters.

An efficient correlation power analysis attack using variational mode decomposition


Performance comparison to CPA attack on. 5 shows the relationship between the correlation coefficient and the number of power traces obtained by performing CPA on original traces and VMD-CPA on VMD mode 1 of power traces. The correlation coefficient is significantly larger than the rest when the number of power traces is 91 for CPA and for VMD-CPA is 79 (Table 1). This means that the number of power traces for VMD-CPA to recover the correct key decreased approximately by 13%.

Correlation between clinical risk factors and tracheal intubation difficulty in infants with Pierre-Robin syndrome: A retrospective study


The correlation was strongest between the throat area and. The correlation between clinical risk factors and intubation difficulty level denoted by the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. tracheal intubation difficulty with the correlation coeffi- cient of − 0.54. Risk factors that were moderately corre- lated with tracheal intubation difficulty were BSA, weight, and gender with correlation coefficients of − 0.29.

Cluster analysis and correlation study for yield attributing traits in aromatic rice landraces (Oryza sativa L.)


Genetic variability, heritability, correlation coefficient and path analysis for yield and yield related traits in upland rice. Study of correlation among yield related traits and path coefficient analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L. Genetic architecture, interrelationship and selection criteria for yield improvement in rice. Assessement of genetic variability, correlation and path association in rice.

Correlation studies of indigenous biofilm forming bacteria for resistance against selected metals, antibiotics and dyes degradation


The correlation between metals and different antibiotics was determined through Pearson’s correlation coefficient using SPSS statistics software (version 24).. Paleontological statistics software (PAST 3.08 , Hammer et al., 2001) was employed for estimating similarities dendogram.. Basic Green 4, C.I.

Seasonal incidence of major insect pests of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and their correlation with abiotic factors under foothill conditions of Nagaland


The data recorded was subjected to simple correlation studies to find out the effect of abiotic factors viz., temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on the incidence of major insect pests and their natural enemies.. The findings on incidence of major insect pests of potato and their natural enemies during rabi season of 2016-17 and correlation coefficient of insect pest and natural enemy. Seasonal incidence of insect pests Potato aphid (Myzus persicae).

Cluster analysis of replicated alternative polyadenylation data using canonical correlation analysis


Therefore, the correlation coefficient of the m th and n th poly(A) site is [63]:. If the null hy- pothesis is rejected, then it means that at least one of the canonical correlation coefficients is greater than 0, therefore the first pair of canonical variables is consid- ered as significantly correlated. PASCCA: Cluster analysis of poly(A) site data using canonical correlation analysis. Techniques for clustering gene expression data. Clustering gene-expression data with repeated measurements

New N -4 piperazinyl derivatives of norfloxacin: Design, synthesis, and correlation of calculated physicochemical parameters with antibacterial activity


Correlation results between the antibacterial activity expressed in log MIC and the calculated parameters of the tested compounds and the reference norfloxacin are outlined in Table 4. Correlation coefficient between log MIC of the tested strains and the calculated parameters of the target compounds and the reference norfloxacin..

7C: Computational Chromosome Conformation Capture by Correlation of ChIP-seq at CTCF motifs


To this end, we built a logistic regression model that takes into account only four features: the correlation coefficient between the ChIP-seq signals of the paired CTCF motifs (in a win- dow of 1000 bp around the motif), the genomic distance between motifs, the orientation, and the (minimum) motif hit significance score (see Methods for details).. For each ChIP-seq data set, we trained and evaluated a separate model (Additional file 5: Figure S2A).