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Label control

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Thiết kế Form sử dụng label control


Thi t k Form tìm hi u ho t đ ng c a Textbox control nh hình minh h a ế ế ể ạ ộ ủ ư ọ. Khi User ch n 1 label con tr chu t bi n thành hình bàn tay và n i dung c a label ọ ỏ ộ ế ộ ủ có đ nh d ng UnderLine. Tìm hi u cách s d ng 1 m ng các label control ể ử ụ ả. Thi t k Form tìm hi u Textbox control và các bi n c bàn phím nh hình minh h a ế ế ể ế ố ư ọ. Nút Copy và Paste ch ho t đ ng khi User ch n 1 đo n text trong textbox b ng ỉ ạ ộ ọ ạ ằ chu t ho c bàn phím ộ ặ.

Label control and four RadioButton controls


Add another Label control and four RadioButton controls to the Web form. Set the properties of these controls to the values listed in the following table.. All buttons with the same value for GroupName are in the same group—only one can be selected at a time.. Position these controls so that your Web form looks like the following graphic:. Add another Label control and a DropDownList control to the Web form. Set their properties to the values shown in the following table..

ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 6


For example, if you assign a value to a Label control’s Text property, the Label control retains this value across multiple page requests.. Consider the page in Listing 1.9. This page contains a Button control and a Label control.. Each time you click the Button control, the value displayed by the Label control is incre- mented by 1 (see Figure 1.10). How does the Label control preserve its value across post- backs to the web server?. FIGURE 1.9 Clicking an ImageButton.

ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 9


You learn how to display information to users by using the Label and Literal controls. The ASP.NET Framework includes two controls you can use to display text in a page: the Label control and the Literal control. Whereas the Literal control simply displays text, the Label control supports several additional formatting properties.. Using the Label Control. Whenever you need to modify the text displayed in a page dynamically, you can use the Label control.

ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 10


If you used a Label control in Listing 2.4 instead of a Literal control, the uninterpreted. The page in Listing 2.4 uses a format specifier to format the date before assigning the date to the Label control. For a list of these for- mat specifiers, look up the Format Specifiers topic in the index of the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK Documentation..

Windows Forms Controls and Data Binding


Add a Label control to the form. Change the Text property of the control to Number of Products:, and set its Location property to 25, 34.. Add another Label control to the form. Set the Location property of the control to 131, 34, and change its (Name) property and Text property to numProducts.. Click the Text property (inside DataBindings), and then click the drop-down menu that appears.. This action binds the Text property of the Label control to the NumProducts column in the.

Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 30


Therefore, within the content page’s Page_LoadComplete event, you populate a Label server control within the content page itself. Note that the Label control in the content page has the same ID as the Label control in the master page, but this doesn’t make a difference. You can differentiate between them with the use of the Master property..

For Windows Forms Success


If you click the Label control, the window displays the properties for the label instead.. Click the Label control on the form. In the Properties window, locate the Text property, change it from label1 to Enter your name, and then press Enter. On the form, the label's text changes to Enter Your Name.. By default, the properties are displayed in categories. If you prefer to display the properties in alphabetical order, click the Alphabetical button that appears above the properties list..

ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 32


For example, if you modify a Label control’s BackColor property, an additional Style attribute is rendered when the Label control is rendered.. For example, if you create a Skin for a Label control, the properties of the Label Skin must be merged with each Label control on each page before the Label is rendered.. FIGURE 6.4 Styling with Cascading Style Sheets.. Instead, I per- form all the formatting in a Style Sheet embedded in the page (using the <style>.

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010


Double-click the link label object, and then type the following program code in the. An ampersand appears in the text box in front of the word Clock.. Click the Label control in the Toolbox . Create a label in the middle of the form. Note In the following exercises, you’ll enter program code to process menu choices . The TimeToolStripMenuItem_Click event procedure appears in the Code Editor . The DateToolStripMenuItem_Click event procedure appears in the Code Editor .

Netframwork 2.0 (phần 3)


ReadOnly Indicates whether the Text of the control can be altered by the user.. Text Gets or sets the text of the control.. When ReadOnly is set to False, the user can choose to type a string in the DomainUpDown control instead of choosing one of the strings. What is the purpose of the TreeView control?. Set the Text of the Label control to Choose Ski Run.. Set the DropDownStyle property of the ComboBox to DropDownList.. erty of the Label to Lesson Length..

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (P2)


The size of the text in the label in the Design View window changes back. In the XAML pane, examine the other properties of the label control. If you modify any property values by using the Properties Window, they appear as part of the label definition in the XAML pane. In the Design View window, click the label control . Place the mouse over the right edge of the label control .

ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 163


The control in Listing 36.11 works quite nicely in all recent browsers (Internet Explorer 6, Firefox, Opera 8) without requiring an HTML table for layout (see Figure 36.6).. FIGURE 36.6 Performing CSS layout.. View State and Control State. For example, if you change the text displayed by a Label control, the Label control continues to display the new text even if you repeatedly post the page containing the Label control back to the server..

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Windows Presentaion Foundation


The Label control is one of the simplest WPF controls. You can designate a target control by setting the Target property of the Label control. TextBlock is one of the simplest WPF elements. By default, the font of the text in the TextBlock element will be the same as the font of the window. The chief property of the Image control is the Source property. Important properties of the ProgressBar control are shown in Table 3-2.. Table 3-2 Properties of the ProgressBar Control Property Description.

asp.net 4 unleased - p 48


For example, the page in Listing 10.7 contains a DropDownList control that has its AutoPostBack property enabled. When you select a new item from the DropDownList control, the page is automatically posted back to the server and the Label control displays the selected item.. LISTING 10.7 AutoPostBackListControl.aspx. <title>AutoPostBack List Control</title>

Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 97


In this case, the Button control and the HTML elements are outside of the <ContentTemplate>. section of the UpdatePanel control and therefore will not be sent back to the client for each asynchronous page post- back. The only item contained in the <ContentTemplate>. section is the only item on the page that needs to change with the postbacks — the Label control. Tying this all together is the <Triggers>.

Session 7: Advanced Windows Forms Features


Controls should be positioned as we want them to appear in the final . user control Implement any . User control that inherits from the Label control. Form that uses the user control can modify the Text property of the . Add a User Control named UserControl1. Add a Label control to UserControl1 and change the name of the label to lblMessage . Create a blank form and add UserControl1 from My User Controls tab of the ToolBox.

Developing a Simple Windows Application phần 1


In the next section, you'll learn how to add a label and button control to your form. You'll also set a couple of the properties for those controls.. Adding a Label and a Button Control. To add a label and a button control to your form select the appropriate control from the Toolbox and drag it to your form. For example, to add a label to your form, you select the label control from the Toolbox.

Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and Visual Basic Part 24


Using the OnActivate attribute in the third WizardStep control, the content provided by the end user in earlier steps is used to populate a Label control. Imagine you want to add another WizardStep control to the process, and you want to display it only if a user specifies that he is a member in WizardStep2 .

Multiprotocol Label Switching on Cisco Routers


Usage Guidelines For a router interface (for example, an AIP), ATM label switching can be enabled only on a label-switch subinterface.. Examples The following commands create a label switching subinterface on a router and select VPI 1 and VCI 34 as the control VC:. Multiprotocol Label Switching on Cisco Routers mpls atm control-vc. show mpls interfaces Displays information about one or more interfaces for which label switching has been enabled..