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MiRNA expression profile

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MicroRNAs expression profile of gefitinib resistant non small cell lung cancer HCC827 cells


There are few studies showing miRNA expression patterns associated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy resistance in various kinds of cancer as the profile of miRNA expression in chemotherapy drugs (Cisplatin, Paclitaxel, and/or Cyclosporin A)-resistant ovarian cancer A2780 cell line [18]. the miRNA expression profile to predict gemcitabine resistance in Bladder carcinoma cell lines as RT4, J82 and TCCSUP cell lines [14]. and miRNA expression and function in postoperative radiotherapy sensitive and

MicroRNA expression profile of HCT-8 cells in the early phase of Cryptosporidium parvum infection


There has been no report of the changes in the miRNA expression profile in the intestinal epithelium after C. The quality of the RNA was measured with a Nano- Drop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). RNA purity was assessed from the absorbance (A) of the solutions at various wavelengths: 2.0 >. The hybridization melting temperatures were balanced by chemical modifications of the detection probes.

Effects of short-time exposure to atrazine on miRNA expression profiles in the gonad of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)


Therefore we aimed to investigate the effect of atrazine exposure on the global expression profile of miRNAs in the two key stages of gonad development by deep se- quencing. The length distribution of the high- quality reads had different trends in the samples within the nine libraries. In the case of PG-CK samples, two peaks of length were observed at 22 nt and 27 nt. In the case of IIX-CK samples, higher miRNA mapped rates were observed in small RNAs of 26–28 nt in length.

Integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in testes of Duroc and Meishan boars


Integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in testes of Duroc and Meishan boars. Results: In this study, miRNA expression profile was investigated in testes of Duroc and Meishan boars at 20, 75, and 270 days of age by high-throughput sequencing. Forty-five differentially expressed miRNAs were identified from testes of Duroc and Meishan boars before and after puberty.

Effects of propofol and etomidate anesthesia on cardiovascular miRNA expression: The different profiles?


Effects of propofol and etomidate anesthesia on cardiovascular miRNA expression:. Background: The effects of the intravenous anesthetics propofol and etomidate on circulation are significantly different. however, their differing effects on miRNA expression in the cardiovascular system are not clearly understood.. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of these two anesthetics on miRNA expression profiles in the heart and blood vessels..

MicroRNA expression profile analysis in sperm reveals hsa-mir-191 as an auspicious omen of in vitro fertilization


This study revealed differences in the miRNA expression profiles of the FR, EER, and HQER groups and suggested. 5 Expression characteristics of hsa-mir-34c: a Differential expression of hsa-mir-34c between different FR, EER and HQER groups. b Correlation analysis between hsa-mir-34c and sperm density, morphology and viability. that hsa-mir-191-5p expression in patients with a high FR, EER and HQER who underwent IVF was higher than in those with a low FR, EER and HQER, highlighting a possible role

A unique insight into the MiRNA profile during genital chlamydial infection


Heat map showed that there is a difference in miRNA expression profile 1 week after chlamydia infection and reinfection. Heat map showed that there is a difference in miRNA expression profile 2 weeks after chlamydia infection and reinfection. Heat map showed that there is a difference in miRNA expression profile 4 weeks after chlamydia infection and reinfection. Heat map showed that there is a difference in miRNA expression profile 8 weeks after chlamydia infection and reinfection.

Small RNA-seq analysis of single porcine blastocysts revealed that maternal estradiol-17beta exposure does not affect miRNA isoform (isomiR) expression


Background: The expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) is essential for the proper development of the mammalian embryo. The high number of generated sequence reads enabled a comprehensive analysis of the isomiR repertoire showing various templated and non-templated modifications. Neither the sex of the embryo nor a maternal E2 exposure affected the miRNA expression profile of developing porcine blastocysts.

Refinement of breast cancer molecular classification by miRNA expression profiles


Most of the tu- mors classified as HER2-enriched using the PAM50 sig- natures cluster together and are mainly defined by high expression of three miRNA genes: mir-34a, mir-2115, mir-4728, and mir-7158. In fact, just as for mir-548ao in triple negative tumors, mir-7158 is hardly expressed in any other tumor type, indicating a strong functional association with the HER2-enriched profile and not necessary with the overexpression of the HER2 oncogene itself.

Identification of miRNA-eQTLs in maize mature leaf by GWAS


The object- ive of this study is to reveal this relationship by combining the maize HapMap and miRNA expression profile of a maize panel (200 maize lines) to identify miR-eQTLs. This is the first report on the identification of four miR-eQTLs in maize and the finding that miRNAs regulate their target genes in both negative and positive ways.. Identification of the highly expressed miRNAs in the maize panel.

The deregulated microRNAome contributes to the cellular response to aneuploidy


We analyzed the differential miRNA expression in aneuploid cell lines in comparison to their diploid counterparts by applying DESeq2 for normalization and statistical testing [33]. 1 miRNAome in aneuploid model cell lines. a Schematic summary of the work flow. b Heat map of significantly altered miRNAs in seven different aneuploid cell lines (adjusted p -value <=0.05). c miRNA expression profile of miRNA cluster upregulated in all HCT116-derived aneuploid cell lines. d miRNA expression profile

Mapping the Pax6 3’ untranslated region microRNA regulatory landscape


Expression profiling of miRNAs predicted to target the mouse Pax6 3 ’ UTR. We next sought to determine the expression profile of the miRNAs identified above that are predicted to target to Pax6 3’UTR. Characterization of a Pax6 miR-code in α TC1 – 6 cells While the miRNA expression profiles generated above provide valuable information about potential cell and tissue-specific Pax6 regulation, they do not provide in- formation about whether any of the miRNAs actually interact with the Pax6 3’UTR.

MicroRNAs associated with early neural crest development in Xenopus laevis


The miRNA expression profile of the blastula animal pole is more distinct. Unlike the other tissue types, miR-428 is not one of the 10 most abundant miRNAs.. 5 miR-301a and miR-338 are expressed in NC and blastula tissue suggesting a role for these miRNAs in maintaining multipotency of NC cells.. The most abundant miRNA in the blastula after miR- 427 was miR-148a (Fig. Also highly expressed in the blastula were miR-16, miR-30a and miR-101 (Fig.

Characterization and expression profiles of miRNAs in the triploid hybrids of Brassica napus and Brassica rapa


For instance, novel_82 had 3-fold higher expression in the F1 hybrid than the average level in its progenitors. napus and the F1 hybrid, B. rapa and the F1 hybrid, and B. rapa were and 48.66, respectively, which indicates that the expression profile of miRNAs of the F1 hybrid was more similar to that of B. rapa and the F1 hybrid, we analyzed the ex- pression abundance of each miRNA by normalizing the read count to TPM (Fig. napus and the F1 hybrid, in- cluding 13 upregulated and 23 downregulated

DNA methylation and gene expression profiles to identify childhood atopic asthma associated genes


In the miRNA–target gene regulatory networks, 9 KEGG pathways were identified. Analysis of the miRNA–target gene network noted an overlapping KEGG signaling pathway, hsa04060: cytokine‑cytokine receptor interaction, in which the gene CCL2, directly related to asthma, was involved. Keywords: Atopic asthma, Gene expression profile, DNA methylation profile, miRNA.

Comparison of splenocyte microRNA expression profiles of pigs during acute and chronic toxoplasmosis


Initially reported in Caenorhabditis elegans [4], miRNAs are involved in the regulation of gene expression primarily by binding to the 3′. Studies of the interactions between the host and the Chinese I genotype strain of T. Changes in miRNA expression in the spleen following acute T.. Information on changes in miRNA expression in the porcine spleen after acute and chronic T.

MicroRNA expression profiles of bovine monocyte-derived macrophages infected in vitro with two strains of Streptococcus agalactiae


For ST103 infected samples, PC1 explained 31% and PC2 explained 22% of the overall miRNA expression variabil- ity. and PC2 explained 20% of the overall miRNA expression variability. Heatmap analysis of the top most significant DE miRNAs in the ST103 and the ST12 challenged samples, respectively, shows that the infected samples and most of the control samples cluster into different groups (Fig. bta-miR-2478, bta-miR- 1249 and bta-miR-2898.

Gene expression profile of human T cells following a single stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with anti-CD3 antibodies


Nevertheless, in the majority of the investigations, anti-CD3 is not the unique stimulus but is combined with anti-CD28 anti- body and/or interleukins, such as IL2. antibody format, the three anti-CD3 antibodies induced a common pattern of gene expression strongly enriching regulatory genes as well as genes involved in inhibitory signaling. Global change in the gene expression profile in human T cells induced by anti-CD3 treatments.

Alterations in exosomal miRNA profile upon epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human lung cancer cell lines


However, no study has reported changes in the overall exosomal miRNA expression pro- file in the EMT process. Our study revealed changes in the exosomal miRNA profile upon EMT.