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Multidimensional data

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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P45


ADOMD.NET data provider is a .NET Framework data provider that you can use to communicate with multidimensional data sources from a client application.. The AdomdConnection class is used to open a connection to a multidimensional data source. It can also be used to connect to the multidimensional data source metadata, for example, a local cube (.cub) file. You can review the local cube file to learn about the metadata properties that represent the cube on the multidimensional data source..

Data Mining P2


A data cube allows such multidimensional data to be effectively modeled and viewed in the n dimensions. Drill through: From the bottom level of the cube to its back-end rela- tional tables (using structured query languages SQL).. Some of the important issues in data mining include the identification of appli- cations for existing techniques, and developing new techniques for traditional as well as new application domains, like the Web, E-commerce, and Bioinfor- matics.

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2 Edition part 15


Caussinus H., Roiz A., ”Interesting projections of multidimensional data by means of gener- alized component analysis,” In Compstat Heidelberg: Physica, 1990.. A., ”Robust estimation in the presence of outliers,” In Robustness in Statistics, eds.. Davies L., Gather U., ”The identification of multiple outliers,” Journal of the American Sta- tistical Association .

Managing and Mining Graph Data part 4


This cost is in terms of the complexity of data representation, access, and processing, because inter- mediate operations such as similarity computations, averaging, and distance computations cannot be naturally defined for structural data in as intuitive a way as is the case for multidimensional data. Furthermore, traditional rela- tional databases can be efficiently accessed with the use of block read-writes;.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P46


The AdomdCommand object also allows returned multidimensional data to be displayed in XML format. To view data in XML format, the AdomdCommand’s ExecuteXmlReader method is used that returns an XmlReader object. The next subroutine shows retrieving data to an XmlReader and displaying it in a Listbox control:. "[Dim Time].[English Month Name].MEMBERS ON COLUMNS, ". Dim xmlReader As System.Xml.XmlReader Try. xmlReader = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader() xmlReader.MoveToContent().

Data Mining Multimedia Soft Computin And Bioinformatics P2


A data cube allows such multidimensional data to be effectively modeled and viewed in the n dimensions. Drill through: From the bottom level of the cube to its back-end rela- tional tables (using structured query languages SQL).. Some of the important issues in data mining include the identification of appli- cations for existing techniques, and developing new techniques for traditional as well as new application domains, like the Web, E-commerce, and Bioinfor- matics.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P21


It can also be used to connect to the multidimensional data source metadata, for example, a local cube (.cub) file. Unlike objects of most other ADOMD.NET classes that are instantiated by calling the constructor, objects created from the AdomdDataReader class are instantiated by calling the ExecuteReader method of the AdomdCommand object.. The AdomdDataAdapter class is responsible for both filling up the CellSet as well as sending changes made in the CellSet back to the data source.

Lập Trình C# all Chap "NUMERICAL RECIPES IN C" part 154


For multidimensional data, the output is the transpose of the conventional arrangement (e.g., the output of fourn). Note that, if the lengths of the different dimensions are not all the same, then you must reverse the order of the values in nn[1..ndim]. Note also that, just like fourn, performing a transform and then an inverse results in multiplying the original data by the product of the lengths of all dimensions..

Fast Fourier Transform part 7


For multidimensional data, the output is the transpose of the conventional arrangement (e.g., the output of fourn). Note that, if the lengths of the different dimensions are not all the same, then you must reverse the order of the values in nn[1..ndim]. Note also that, just like fourn, performing a transform and then an inverse results in multiplying the original data by the product of the lengths of all dimensions..

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services- P1


You can use DTS with a wide variety of data stores, including relational data- bases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, multidimensional databases such as Microsoft OLAP Services, text files, and spreadsheets. Some of the data sources that are nor- mally installed with SQL Server 2000 are shown in Figure 1.4.. Are you connecting to a SQL Server database, an Oracle database, or a text file?

Oracle Essbase 9 Implementation Guide- P4


Data warehousing concepts. Data warehousing is not a new concept. What is relatively new is the addition of the multidimensional database architecture to data warehousing family.. The fathers of the data warehouse. We guess we shouldn't tell you about the data warehousing concept without first telling you who is widely recognized as the creator or father of the modern data warehouse.

Multidimensional Segmentation


In the data analysis phase of the segmentation study, be sure to allow sufficient time for detailed exploration of data structures, for exploring alternative segmentation schemes, and for validating the results. Ultimately, the selection of the final segmentation solution is judgmental, but external validation is essential..

A practical model from multidimensional layering: Personal finance information framework using mobile software interface operations


The composition of the informative multidimensional layering is the extensional framework of the early stage of this study (Figure 1). The samples of the component names are DisplayTotal, CompareStatement, InsertAccount, UpdateAccount, and DeleteAccount. informative multidimensional layering is the extensional framework of the early stage of this study (Figure 1).

04 On Multidimensional Sampling


This chapter gives an overview of the most relevant facts of sampling theory, paying particular attention to the multidimensional aspect of the problem. The signals we encounter in the physical reality around us almost invariably have a continuous domain of definition. precision arithmetic capabilities of digital systems, we only record an approximated (quantized) value at every point of the sampling set.

Data Storage


Starting from the high-level behavioral specification of a given application, where the code is organized in sequences of loop nests and the main data structures are multidimensional arrays, this framework performs the assignment of the multidimensional signals to the memory layers – the on-chip scratch-pad memory and the off-chip main memory – the goal being the reduction of the dynamic energy consumption in the memory subsystem.

Data Preparation for Data Mining- P12


This is no more than a multidimensional description of the way that a single variable was sampled in Chapter 5. By extension of the same discussion, multidimensional variability can be captured, to any selected degree of confidence, using density manifold stability.. Two of the questions a miner may need answers to are. Given a data set, how much more data is estimated to be needed to yield a given level of confidence that the sample is representative of the population?.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P44


You can issue query commands against an XMLA data source using SQL, Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), or Data Mining Extensions (DMX).. of each row and column in the table, a single element of data is represented. You can access and manipulate multidimensional objects and data using Multidimensional Expressions (MDX). XMLA is used for all communications between a client application and an instance of Analysis Services..

Data Preparation for Data Mining- P7


The terms point and data point indicate that the location represents recorded instance values and therefore corresponds to an actual measured state of the system.. Naturally, in a state space of a fixed number of dimensions, the absolute mean density of the data points depends on the number of data points present and the size of the space.. of another part of the same space regardless of how many data points are added..

Success in the exchange rate management and its multidimensional impacts on the macroeconomy


Multidimensional impacts on macroeconomic objectives of current foreign currency management policy. the commercial bank system’s foreign currency liquidity has improved significantly compared to that in several recent years..

Rethinking poverty analysis, towards a multidimensional approach to deprivation


However, in an investigation we conducted in the region of Sefrou (Morocco), we came up with the conclusion that poverty is multidimensional by its very nature. The assessment and analysis of poverty requires adaptation to the diversity of the studied individuals and populations.