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Oxygen desaturation

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Efficacy of early antifibrotic treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fbrosis


Table 3 Comparison of JRS stage I with and without oxygen desaturation on the 6MWT. JRS stage I + desaturation. Fifteen of 48 patients with JRS stage I with oxygen desaturation on the 6MWT and 11 of 39 patients with JRS stage I with GAP stage II/III were treated with nintedanib, and each remaining patient received pirfenidone.

A preliminary assessment of vital-signsintegrated patient-assisted intravenous opioid analgesia (VPIA) for postsurgical pain


Our results showed that all patients had at least one episode of oxygen desaturation (SpO 2 <. More- over, only 8 (42.1%) and 6 (31.6%) patients had persisted Table 2 The characteristics of oxygen saturation and heart rate in recruited subjects. Incidence of oxygen desaturation Percentage % (95% CI). oxygen desaturation for 3 and 5 min, respectively. It was important to understand the percentage of time spent with oxygen desaturation.

Effect of hemoglobin content on cerebral oxygen saturation during surgery for scoliosis in pediatric patients


Effect of head rotation during surgery in the prone position on regional cerebral oxygen saturation: a prospective controlled study. Assessment of risk factors for cerebral oxygen desaturation during neonatal and infant general anesthesia:. Changes in cerebral oxygen saturation and haemoglobin concentration during paediatric cardiac surgery. Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children: guidelines from the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany.

Perioperative adherence to continuous positive airway pressure and its effect on postoperative nocturnal hypoxemia in obstructive sleep apnea patients: A prospective cohort study


Non-adherent = CPAP non-adherent, ODI = oxygen desaturation index, CT90 = cumulative time percentage with SpO2 <. Unadjusted, cross-sectional analysis comparing CPAP adherence vs non-adherence is presented in Supplemen- tal Digital Content 3. Overall, CPAP adherence vs.

Efficacy of premedication with intranasal dexmedetomidine for removal of inhaled foreign bodies in children by flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial


Sevoflurane was discontinued after completion of the procedure, and the patient was allowed to spontaneously breathe 100% oxygen at 6 L·min − 1 . the end of the procedure (T end. The primary outcome measurements were the incidence of adverse events including: oxygen desaturation, CO 2. retention, coughing, body movements, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, breath-holding during the procedure, and coughing in the PACU. CO 2 retention was defined as EtCO 2 ≥ 45 mmHg at the end of the procedure.

The relationship between intraoperative cerebral oximetry and postoperative delirium in patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A retrospective study


Preoperative regional cerebral oxygen saturation is a predictor of postoperative delirium in on-pump cardiac surgery patients: a prospective observational trial. Cerebral oximetry and its role in adult cardiac, non- cardiac surgery and resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Cerebral oxygen desaturation is associated with early postoperative neuropsychological dysfunction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

Chapter 099. Disorders of Hemoglobin (Part 6)


Acute chest syndrome is a distinctive manifestation characterized by chest. pain, tachypnea, fever, cough, and arterial oxygen desaturation. It can mimic pneumonia, pulmonary emboli, bone marrow infarction and embolism, myocardial ischemia, or in situ lung infarction. Acute chest syndrome is thought to reflect in situ sickling within the lung producing pain and temporary pulmonary dysfunction.

Chapter 028. Sleep Disorders (Part 9)


Note the snoring and reduction in air flow in the presence of continued respiratory effort, associated with the subsequent oxygen desaturation (upper panel). Periodic limb movements occur with a relatively constant intermovement interval and are associated with changes in the. Abbreviations: R.A.T., right anterior tibialis. L.A.T., left anterior tibialis. (From the Division of Sleep Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital.).

Effect of interscalene block on intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure


Cerebral oxygen desaturation events assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy during shoulder arthroscopy in the beach chair and lateral decubitus positions. Effect of phenylephrine on the haemodynamic state and cerebral oxygen saturation during anaesthesia in the upright position. Effects of beach-chair position and induced hypotension on cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery.

Effect of intravenous oxycodone on the physiologic responses to extubation following general anesthesia


In addition, it has been reported that administration of oxycodone could result in significantly higher incidence of oxygen desaturation compared with that of fentanyl in patients without pre-oxygenation [5]. In the current study, how- ever, there was no significant alteration in oxygen satur- ation in the patients treated with either oxycodone or saline, suggesting oxycodone injection (5 mg) do not affect oxygen saturation in the patients emerging from general anesthesia..

Deep sedation using propofol targetcontrolled infusion for gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures: A retrospective cohort study


Regarding oxygen desaturation, the use of non-invasive manoeuvres destined to increase oxygen saturation in patients registering SpO 2 values under 95% is not regularly recorded in the anaesthetic chart.. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists. TCI: Target-controlled infusion. MGG conceived the original idea and collaborated on the design of the study.

Safer Surgery part 40


Additionally we programmed three trends for respiratory rate, heart rate and oxygen saturation: ‘RSI classic’, ‘RSI controlled’ and ‘recovery from hypoxemia’ (oxygen desaturation). The induction drugs are drawn up in the predetermined dose and are administered by the anesthesia nurse when prompted by the candidate

Impact of high‑fow oxygen therapy during exercise in idiopathic pulmonary fbrosis: A pilot crossover clinical trial


Supplemental oxygen improves exercise capacity in IPF patients with exertional desaturation. Dowman LM, McDonald CF, Bozinovski S, Vlahos R, Gillies R, Pouniotis D, et al. Greater endurance capacity and improved dyspnoea with acute oxygen supplementation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients with‑. Bell EC, Cox NS, Goh N, Glaspole I, Westall GP, Watson A, et al. Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease: a systematic review. High‑flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults: physi‑.

Efciency of diferent fows for apneic oxygenation when using high fow nasal oxygen application – a technical simulation


oxygenation when using high flow nasal oxygen application – a technical simulation. Background: Preoxygenation and application of apneic oxygenation are standard to prevent patients from desatura- tion e.g. The time before desaturation occurs can be prolonged by applying high flow oxygen into the airway.

Utility of oxygen insufflation through working channel during fiberoptic intubation in apneic patients: A prospective randomized controlled study


Pharyngeal insufflation of oxygen prevents arterial desaturation during apnea. Oxygen insufflation through the fiberscope to assist intubation is not recommended

Risk prediction tool for use and predictors of duration of postoperative oxygen therapy in children undergoing non-cardiac surgery: A case-control study


lt;0.001 3. that caused desaturation which may necessitate postoperative oxygen therapy. Having a probable difficult airway [22, 23] and prolonged anesthetic time [19, 24] may lead to the need for postoperative oxygen therapy due to upper airway obstruction, desaturation, and perioperative reintubation..

A case of hyperventilation leading to apnea and desaturation in PACU


A case of hyperventilation leading to apnea and desaturation in PACU. Background: Respiratory adverse events are not uncommon in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) following general anesthesia. hyperventilation leading to apnea and desaturation in the PACU.. Case presentation: The 15-year-old girl underwent cortical mastoidectomy under general anesthesia. After a smooth anesthesia and an uneventful early recovery, she developed hyperventilation after about 15 min in the PACU.

Determination of oxygen saturation compared to a prescribed target range using continuous pulse oximetry in acutely unwell medical patients


Conclusions: Medical patients receiving oxygen in a ward setting spend significant periods of time with SpO 2 both above and below the prescribed target range while receiving oxygen therapy.. Keywords: Oxygen saturation, Target range. addressing the use of oxygen in the acute care setting was the 2008 British Thoracic Society (BTS) guide- line for emergency oxygen use in adults [3]. recommends the titration of oxygen to achieve a target.