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PHP programming

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PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P9


Ensure that you have a reasonably recent version of PHP installed on the server.. I n chapter 1, “Exploring the PHP Environment,” you learn the foundations of all PHP programming. If you have your environment installed, you’re ready to write some PHP programs. In this chapter you begin looking at the way programs store and manipulate data in variables. Specifically, you learn how to:. Create a variable in PHP. Recognize the main types of variables.

PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P59


You can develop this fancy page with a minimum of PHP programming.

Advanced PHP Programming- P3


For most Web-programming needs, PHP fills that role quite nicely.The PHP devel- opment model has remained close to its Web-scripting roots. Is PHP the best language for scripting back-end tasks? If you have a large API that drives many of your business processes, the ability to merge and reuse code from your Web environment is incredibly valuable.This value might easily outweigh the fact that Perl and Python are more mature back-end scripting languages.. ./phpscript.php.

PHP Developer's Dictionary- P14


in the PHP programming language.. PHP element is another method of defining a comment in the PHP language. The # PHP element, which is commonly referred to as a "UNIX shell-style comment,". In this section of the book, we look at several predefined PHP constants that reflect the environment in which the PHP interpreter is running.. The __FILE__ constant reflects the name of the current file being parsed by the PHP interpreter..

Advanced PHP Programming- P1


Chapter 2 details PHP 5’s object-oriented programming (OOP) features.The capabilities are showcased in the context of exploring a number of common design patterns.With a complete overview of both the new OOP features in PHP 5 and the ideas behind the OOP paradigm, this chapter is aimed at both OOP neophytes and experienced pro- grammers..

php and mysql discussion part1


pidshare.de QL_-_Prent rd: www.eb ookbook. ar.html .org. 1 edition (October 31, 2002) Language: English. http://rapidshare.de/files/24829004/PHP_Cookbook.rar.html Core PHP Programming, Third Edition. 3 edition (August 8, 2003) Language: English.

Advanced PHP Programming- P5


Having an outside party check your work works well for identifying bugs that you miss because you know the application should not be used in a particular fashion.The inabili- ty of people to effectively critique their own work is hardly limited to programming: It is the same reason that books have editors..

PHP Developer's Dictionary- P39


Within the PHP programming language are several sets of functions that provide the ability to use these protocols. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard Internet protocol that is used to exchange files. For those of you using PHP 3, this library of functions was not added until 3.0.13.. ftp_cdup(). int ftp_cdup(int ftp_stream).



To aid with this, I have attempted to stick with a basic subset of PHP functions so you can familiarize yourself with them as you work through the book. And while this book isn’t a programming manual or a teaching guide, I do hope that by reading through the plug-in explanations, rather than just including them in your projects, you’ll pick up a number of tips and tricks that many programmers take years to discover, and by osmosis you will learn more about the PHP programming language..

Học php, mysql và javascript - p 2


In the following section, you will gain a grounding in the PHP programming language, covering the basics of syntax, arrays, functions, and object-oriented programming.. Then, with PHP under your belt, you will move on to an introduction to the MySQL database system, where you will learn everything from how MySQL databases are structured up to generating complex queries..

Advanced PHP Programming- P2


PHP internally supports both logging to a file and logging via syslog via two settings in the php.ini file.This setting sets errors to be logged:

Advanced PHP Programming- P15


Extreme Programming, unit testing, 154 languages, 482-483. publish() method, MetaWeblog API, 397 pushing individual files, 199-200 pushing production code, 201-203 Python, exceptions, 104. database scaling, 390 indexes, 300-302. queries, 300-302. profiles, 305-306 tables, 300-302. read() method, streams, 570 readability indexes, 169. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) MetaWeblog API, 397.

Advanced PHP Programming- P14


Extreme Programming, unit testing, 154 languages, 482-483. publish() method, MetaWeblog API, 397 pushing individual files, 199-200 pushing production code, 201-203 Python, exceptions, 104. database scaling, 390 indexes, 300-302. queries, 300-302. profiles, 305-306 tables, 300-302. read() method, streams, 570 readability indexes, 169. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) MetaWeblog API, 397.

PHP and MySql P2


M ost great programming books sway far more toward the realm of the practical than of the academic. That said, if you’re interested in gaining practical and comprehensive insight into the PHP programming language and MySQL database server, and how these prominent technologies can be used together to create dynamic, database-driven Web applications, this book is for you..

MeGanBook version 6.1 part 43


PHP 5 Power Programming PASSWORD: [email protected] Prentice.Core.PHP.Programming.3rd.Edition.eBook-LiB.rar.html Premier_Press_-. _PHP.MySQL_Programming_for_the_Absolute_Beginner.rar.html Advanced PHP Programming PASSWORD: Mat.Riks.Info. Advanced PHP Programming PASSWORD: vdownbombsquad Advanced PHP Programming. SAMS Advanced PHP Programming isbn PASSWORD: password : www.blueportal.org. Advanced PHP Programming Feb 2004. Prentice_Hall_PTR_-_Core_PHP_Programming__Third_Edition.rar.html.

Advanced PHP Programming- P7


PHP hides this effort from you.The preg_match() function internally performs. PCREs are implemented inside an extension and thus have greater control of their own memory than does user-space PHP code.This allows PCREs to not only cache com- piled regular expressions with a request but between requests as well.

PHP: The Good Parts: Delivering the Best of PHP- P2


has depreciated and only works in PHP 5 if the short_open_tag directive is enabled. After this combination of tags, you can begin adding PHP programming statements.. You can use one of four different language constructs: statements like the echo com- mand, function calls (either from a PHP library or one of your own), flow control statements ( if. Additionally, you can define object-oriented classes in PHP (see Chapter 6)..

Học php, mysql và javascript - p 9


In this chapter, you will get a thorough grounding in how PHP programming works in practice and how to control the flow of the program.. 9” (20 is greater than 9) is TRUE , and the expression “5. For each line, it prints out a letter between a and d , followed by a colon and the result of the expressions (the <br />. echo "a: [". "]<br />";. echo "b: [". echo "c: [". echo "d: [".

Advanced PHP Programming- P13


If your goals are less ambitious than full custom PHP integration and you only want to execute PHP code as part of an application, the embed SAPI may be the right solu- tion for you.The embed SAPI exposes PHP as a shared library that you can link against and run code..

Advanced PHP Programming- P11


PHP provides a number of tools that make bridging PHP and C code easy.This section provides all the steps necessary to build a PHP extension that registers procedural functions..