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Research Organizations

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Approaches and methods for evaluation of research organizations


APPROACHES AND METHODS FOR EVALUATION OF RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS. This paper presents approaches and methods for evaluation of research organizations.. The evaluation of research organizations is useful tools to support S&T management works since the outcomes of evaluation works would be indicators for management and support agencies to know results of activities of research organizations.

Structural equation model to assess the impact of learning organization and commitment on the performance of research organizations


Structural equation model to assess the impact of learning organization and commitment on the performance of research organizations. research and development organizations. This study analyzed the impact of learning organization and commitment on the perfor- mance of research and development organizations in Thailand.

The necessity of ranking research organizations in Vietnam


RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS IN VIETNAM. Through the study on the world ranking of research organizations 1 , the authors looked at the effect of rating the performance of the institutions concerned. There are two types of rankings, i.e ranking of research institutions in the world (called international ranking) and ranking of research institutions in the country (known as national ranking).

A basic methodology and plan orientation for evaluation of research and development organizations in Vietnam


Therefore, it is necessary to promote evaluation works of research organizations as required by Circular No. It is a new document to govern the evaluation of research organizations.

Solutions to improve structure and operation of strategy and policy research organizations serving state management under ministries and ministerial level


In the context of limited funding for policy research for state management of the Ministry (funding mainly comes from the State budget with insignificant annual rate of increase), the existing duplication of policy research function among different subordinate organizations can make resources disperse and have direct impact on the quality and results of the research.

International science-technology cooperation oriented to research universities


Development of cooperation links with human resource research organizations to enhance the personnel management works of the Academy..

International science and technology cooperation oriented to research universities


Development of cooperation links with human resource research organizations to enhance the personnel management works of the Academy..

Improvement’s process of the network of science and technology organizations in Vietnam and orientations to enhance science industry links: Historical milestones


It was the first decision by the Government permitting to conclude and implement economic contracts in field of scientific research and technical development between scientific research organizations, technical development organizations and economic organizations (production and business organizations) to settle scientific and technique problems..

Commercialization of research results from universities to businesses in Vietnam: Current situation and solutions


The state shall adopt policies to support research organizations to feel secure when publicize their research results on the mass media in order to avoid overlapping research and create references for future research projects. The announcement of research results to public will draw the attention and investment of both domestic and foreign investors and assistance organizations..

The changing role of government research institutes in innovation systems


Within public research organizations, universities have extended their traditional function of basic research into technology development, and even further downstream to design, engineering and entrepreneurship..

Increasing the sustainability of the maritime research and training


Bulgarian researchers and research organizations need better and more systematic support in their efforts to be fully integrated in the European Research Area, including the development of future and emerging technologies at European level, as well as the participation in EU research programs, European technology platforms, partnership projects and networks..

International experience of linking between research, education and innovation in research and development organizations


INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF LINKING BETWEEN RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND INNOVATION. Meeting new requirements, research and development (R&D) organizations in countries worldwide had made every effort to find out solutions and take appropriate actions to promote the internal linkage among research, training and innovation in their organizations.

Policy solutions to build up excellence organizations for scientific research and technological development activities


Excellence organizations for scientific research and technological development play important roles for science and technology (S&T) and socio-economic development of the nation. During the recent time, the Government has issued policies to push up S&T organizations to become excellence scientific research and technological development (R&D) organizations.

History of establishment and development of technological research and development organizations under ministries in Vietnam


All activities of technological R&D institutes have to follow commanding orders from ministry bodies, namely research and application plans assigned by ministry bodies, reports of research results submitted to ministry bodies, research budgets provided by ministry bodies.. Table 1: Comparison of research activities in R&D organizations.

Classification of research and development organizations by sector for assessment: Case of materials science in Vietnam


The criteria of classification of R&D organizations was quite flexible, the main target was to group R&D organizations in the same field of study regardless of level of research (basic and deep).

Improvement of the self management mechanism of science and technology based organizations case study of R&D organizations operated by state budget


11 September 1992 by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on the re-organization of the network of R&D organizations to link research with training and research with production..

Experience of some countries in the evaluation of research in universities and suggestions for Vietnam


From the analysis, the authors found advantages and challenges that the evaluation organizations was faced when performing evaluation of research, assessment of R&D organizations, in general and evaluation of research in universities, in particular.

Some highligh problems on current status and recommendation to improve the performance of material sciences research institutes in Vietnam


Issues in the operation of research and development organizations in the materials sciences field. There are many R&D organizations in the MS field, however, most of them are very small-size organizations and are invested with quite scattered research funding. 6 According to a survey of R&D organizations of the Vietnam Center for S&T Evaluation in 2015, the number of researchers in organizations is averaged over the five-year period 2011-2015..

Science and technology policy reform in businesses and science and technology organizations


Thanks to the market, socialization oriented reform of S&T mechanisms and policies, economic sectors, businesses had been benefited with S&T achievements and had opportunity to apply these achievements for their production and business development. conditions for S&T organizations to meet development needs of businesses as well as accelerate the research process, introduction of research results into service and production.