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Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2

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Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1


SqlConnection object to connect to a SQL Server database. formulate a string containing the details of the. database connection. create a SqlConnection object to connect to the. database, passing the connection string to the constructor SqlConnection mySqlConnection. open the database connection using the. Open() method of the SqlConnection object mySqlConnection.Open();. display the properties of the SqlConnection object.

Using an IP Address to Connect to SQL Server


Recipe 1.6 Using an IP Address to Connect to SQL Server Problem. You want to connect to a SQL Server using its IP address instead of its server name.. Creates and opens a connection to a SQL Server using its IP address. Information about the SQL Server is displayed from the properties of the SqlConnection object.. "Network Library=dbmssocn;Network Address=

Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2


This is because the first connection makes the actual connection to the database. When it is closed, it's stored in the connection pool. When the connection is then opened again, it's retrieved from the pool, and this retrieval is very fast.. Getting the State of a Connection Object. The state of a connection enables you to know the progress of your connection request to the database. You use the Connection. object's State property to get the current state of the connection to the database.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- Part 24


The SqlDataAdapter uses the SqlConnection object of the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server to connect to a SQL Server data source, and a SqlCommand object that specifies the SQL statements to execute to retrieve and resolve changes from the DataSet back to the SQL Server database. Once a SqlConnection object to the SQL Server database has been created, a SqlCommand object is created and set with a SELECT statement to retrieve records from the data source.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P11


The SqlDataAdapter uses the SqlConnection object of the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server to connect to a SQL Server data source, and a SqlCommand object that specifies the SQL statements to execute to retrieve and resolve changes from the DataSet back to the SQL Server database. Once a SqlConnection object to the SQL Server database has been created, a SqlCommand object is created and set with a SELECT statement to retrieve records from the data source.

Using a DataGrid Control to Access a Database


Figure 6.9: Form with a DataGrid. Next, you'll add a SqlConnection object and a SqlDataAdapter object to your form.. Note You use a SqlConnection object to connect to a SQL Server database, and a SqlDataAdapter object to move rows between SQL Server and a DataSet object.. You'll learn the details on how to pull rows from the database into a DataSet in Chapter 10, and how to push changes made in a DataSet to the database in Chapter 11..

Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases


Within a database application, it is necessary to allow users to select a SQL Server back end to which to connect. flexibility, you should not have hard-coded SQL Server or database names within my application. How do you create a dialog box that lists available SQL Servers and databases and that the user can utilize to connect to a new database?. For this How-To, you will be using the base object in SQL-DMO, which is the.

Connecting to SQL Server Using Integrated Security from ASP.NET


Recipe 1.8 Connecting to SQL Server Using Integrated Security from ASP.NET Problem. You want to coordinate Windows security accounts between an ASP.NET application and SQL Server.. Connect to SQL Server from ASP.NET using Windows Authentication in SQL Server.. Connecting to a SQL Server database provides two different authentication modes:. SQL Server Authentication. Uses a SQL Server login account providing a user ID and password..

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 91


Access project files, also called ADPs or .adp files, provide an alternative to using the Access database engine by allowing an Access application to connect to the tables in a SQL Server database using OLE DB as an alternative to the Jet engine, which connects to SQL Server using ODBC. ADPs also provide visual designers for creating database objects in SQL Server. However, these features can become outdated as new versions of SQL Server are released.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- Part 21


You can use the DataException objects to report error conditions in your ADO.NET applications.. Using the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server. The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server will give you a significant performance boost if your application only needs to connect to SQL Server and it doesn’t need to connect to any other database systems.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P10


The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server will give you a significant performance boost if your application only needs to connect to SQL Server and it doesn’t need to connect to any other database systems.

Apress - Beginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers_ From Novice to Professional (2008)02


Therefore, when you try to connect to SQL Server, the only check that is per- formed is whether the user has access to SQL Server either via membership of an operating system group or through the specific logged-in user account. Attempting to connect to SQL Server. Object Explorer for SQL Server. This means that any username that is part of the Administrators group will have the capacity to log on to this SQL Server.

Understanding the SqlConnection Class


Understanding the SqlConnection Class. You use an object of the SqlConnection class to connect to a SQL Server database, and this object handles the communication between the database and your C# program.. Note Although the SqlConnection class is specific to SQL Server, many of the properties, methods, and events in this class are the same as those for the OleDbConnection and OdbcConnection classes.

Developing Your First ADO.NET


Connect to the SQL Server Northwind database.. Display the columns from the row.. Close the database connection.. step 1: create a SqlConnection object to connect to the. SQL Server Northwind database. step 3: set the CommandText property of the SqlCommand object to. step 4: open the database connection using the.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P30


Like an ODBC File DSN, a UDL file stores OLE DB connection information, such as the provider, server, database username, password, and other connection options you can use to establish an ADO connection. From an application developer’s standpoint, using a UDL file to connect to SQL Server is similar to using the standard OLE DB connection string. The following example illustrates how you can use an existing UDL file to connect to SQL Server..

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P14


You also see how to connect to SQL Server using the ADO Connection object, as well as making a connection directly using ADO Recordset object.. Opening a Connection with the OLE DB Provider for ODBC. If you’re familiar with the DAO or RDO object frameworks, using the ADO Connection object with the OLE DB provider for ODBC to establish a connection to a SQL Server system is probably the most familiar starting point for beginning to build an ADO application.

Performing a SQL SELECT Statement and Storing the Rows Locally phần 1


Performing a SQL SELECT Statement and Storing the Rows Locally. In the example featured in this section, you'll see how to connect to the SQL Server Northwind database and perform a SQL SELECT statement to retrieve the CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, and Address columns for the first 10 rows from the Customers table. These rows are stored in a DataSet object.. Note Since I'll be using a SQL Server database, I'll use the SQL Server managed provider classes in the example..

Connecting to a Named Instance of SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)


Recipe 1.7 Connecting to a Named Instance of SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE). You want to connect to a named instance of a SQL Server or Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE).. You need to understand what a SQL Server or MSDE named instance is and how to connect to one. Creates and opens a connection to a named instance of a SQL Server.

To create a Microsoft SQL Server database for OPN Systemô XT Server


You need a database management tool to create Microsoft SQL Server database and to. Step 2: Modify the opn_mssql.sql. The sql script needed to create the database and the tables required by the OPN System ™ XT Server are provided with the OPN System installation.. Open the opn_mssql.sql file in a text editor.. Replace to change the $DATABASE_NAME$ to the designated database name, e.g. How to create a Microsoft SQL Server database for the OPN System ™ XT Server?.

Using a Single Stored Procedure to Update Multiple Changes to a SQL Server Database


Recipe 8.11 Using a Single Stored Procedure to Update Multiple Changes to a SQL Server Database. You need to update a SQL Server 2000 database with changes to multiple rows in a DataSet by executing a single stored procedure.. Use OpenXML with an XMLdocument representing a DataSet of the changes made.. Example 8-16 uses a single stored procedure:.