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Activation of metabolic and stress responses during subtoxic expression of the type I toxin hok in Erwinia amylovora


Bacterial growth was monitored by measuring OD 600 of the cultures using a Tecan spectrophotometer. to a greater extent in the toxic condition. amylovora cul- tures expressing wild-type, subtoxic, or toxic levels of hok in our transcriptomic analysis. Based on the read count, the ratio of hok to sok was approxi- mately 18 in the wild-type condition, that increased to ~ 200 in the subtoxic condition and ~ 6000 in the toxic condition (Fig.

Summary of Biological Thesis: A study on creating of attenuated mutant Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains and their potential as live vaccine candidate against nephrotic and hepatic necrosis disease in some marine fish


Three strains (LBT6, A3.3 and B3.13) was wild-type strains because they are isolated from diseased fish tissue. of rifampicin-resistant bacteria were selected from three wild-type strains: 3 strains were selected from wild-type A3.3 strain (symbol A400, A500 and A650). 06 strains (L1380, L2100, L3600, L3900, L4200, L4650) from wild-type LBT6 strain and 4 strains (B7900, B7050, B5700, B5250) from wild-type B3.13 strain..

Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals ectopic delta-5 and delta-6 desaturases enhance protective gene expression upon Vibrio vulnificus challenge in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)


A comparative analysis of liver transcriptomes of wild- type and D56-transgenic tilapia infected with V. The KEGG pathway analysis showed several FA-associated pathways in wild-type and D56-transgenic tilapia groups at 0 hpi with V. Several such pathways were also differ- entially activated between wild-type and D56-transgenic fish group 6 h and 24 h post infected with V.

Transcriptome profile of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in response to iron limitation


Regarding gene ontology classification, most of the DEGs belonged to the categories of cellular metabolic processes (GO:. d Comparative analysis of the DEGs between wild-type and Cp13 mutant is represented by a scaled Venn diagram showing 52 genes expressed only in the wild-type T1 strain, 34 genes expressed only in the Cp13 mutant and 25 genes common to both wild-type and mutant (intersection).

Long non-coding RNAs and their potential functions in Ligon-lintless-1 mutant cotton during fiber development


Table 1 Common differentially expressed LncRNAs in Ligon- lintless-1 mutant as compared to wild-type during cotton fiber development. In this study, we identified 14 miRNAs which were differentially expressed during cotton fiber development in Ligon-lintless-1 as compared to wild-.

Insights from transcriptome profiling on the non-photosynthetic and stomatal signaling response of maize carbonic anhydrase mutants to low CO2


The maize homolog of SLAC1 (GRMZM2G106921) is strongly downregulated in ca1ca2 mutants compared to wild-type at the first low CO 2 time point, although it returns to wild-type levels after two days at low CO 2 . In addition to SLAC1, two isoforms of OST1 were down- regulated in response to CO 2 , with more pronounced downregulation in the mutants compared to wild-type..

Differential expression profiling of ΔlitR and ΔrpoQ mutants reveals insight into QS regulation of motility, adhesion and biofilm formation in Aliivibrio salmonicida


Values indicated in bold are differentially expressed genes with fold change values (FC) that are ≥ 2 and. 6 Venn diagram of differentially expressed genes a) Venn diagram of upregulated genes in the Δ litR and Δ rpoQ mutants and downregulated genes in the wild-type at HCD. b) Venn diagram of downregulated genes in the Δ litR and Δ rpoQ mutants and upregulated genes in the wild-type at HCD.

Virulence factor landscape of a Staphylococcus aureus sequence type 45 strain, MCRF184


The pres- ence of all three types of PSMs—four α-types, two β-types and one δ-type—and their ability to enhance virulence through cytolysis of cells of the immune system and biofilm formation suggest further mecha- nisms for the enhanced virulence of MCRF184.. Wang et al [6] showed that psmα mutants were se- verely attenuated in their ability to cause subcutaneous abscesses in the skin of mice compared with the wild-type strain.

Relation between DNA ionization potentials, single base substitutions and pathogenic variants


Non-linear correlation coefficients between the vIP of the wild-type nucleotide motifs and the normalized SBS frequency in the different gene regions. Statistical power and confidence interval for the linear correlation coefficients between the vIPs of the wild-type nucleotide motifs and the normalized SBS frequencies..

Altered expression of K13 disrupts DNA replication and repair in Plasmodium falciparum


The sequencing quality for the wild-type and mutant 6-h samples are equivalent (Additional file 1: S4), indicating the disruption seen in the mutant at 6 h cannot be attributed to library prepar- ation differences.

Characterization of cotton ARF factors and the role of GhARF2b in fiber development


Thus, duplicated genes from A t and D t subgenomes might be functionally diverged in the allotetraploid cotton after the merge of the two genomes. c Expression of GhARF2b in 0 dpa ovules in the overexpression (OE), RNAi (ds) lines compared to wild-type (WT). d Expression of GhARF2b in 6-dpa fibers in the overexpression (OE), RNAi (ds) lines compared to wild-type (WT). e Expression of GhARF2b in 12-dpa fibers in the overexpression (OE) and the RNAi (ds) lines compared to the wild-type (WT).

The genome of Ensifer alkalisoli YIC4027 provides insights for host specificity and environmental adaptations


The chemotaxis defects of the ΔcheA1 mutant were restored by the introduction of a plasmid carrying the wild-type cheA1 gene (ΔcheA1-com) (Fig. When ΔcheA1 and ΔcheA2 were inoculated alone, the number and morphology of the nodules showed no differences as compared to the wild-type (data not shown).. The growth kinetics of the.

A study on cloning and expression of stress induced DREB transcription factor gene from rice (Oryza sativa)


The tolerance to freezing and high-salt stresses of the 35S:OsDREB1A plants was compared with those of the wild-type and 35S:DREB1Ac plants (Figure 6). of the wild-type plants survived this treatment, the 35S:OsDREB plants were highly tolerant to the freezing stress (45 or 28% survived) like the 35S:DREB1Ac plants (62% survived;.

Whole-genome sequencing of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici mutant isolates identifies avirulence gene candidates


In the present study, the 30 mutant isolates were sequenced and compared to the wide-type isolate to determine the genomic variation and identify candidates for avirulence (Avr) genes.. Results: The sequence reads of the 30 mutant isolates were mapped to the wild-type reference genome to identify genomic changes.

Comparative acetylome analysis reveals the potential roles of lysine acetylation for DON biosynthesis in Fusarium graminearum


Approximately 14.24% of the acetylated proteins iden- tified in this study were only detected in the wild type strain and are potential targets of FgGCN5 lysine acetyltransferase.. 1 Colony and DON production in Fggcn5 mutant. a Colony of the wild-type strain PH-1. b Colony of the Fggcn5 mutant on PDA. c Expression of the FgGCN5 gene in PH-1 and Fggcn5 mutant. Functional annotation and enrichment analysis of the proteins differentially acetylated in PH-1 and the Fggcn5 mutant.

Transcriptional profiling of PPARα−/− and CREB3L3−/− livers reveals disparate regulation of hepatoproliferative and metabolic functions of PPARα


To study the potential interaction between PPARα and CREB3L3 in metabolic regulation in the fasted state, we first performed basic metabolic measurements in wild-type, PPARα. Plasma triglyceride levels were markedly elevated in the CREB3L3. but not in the PPARα. 1b and c), suggesting a dominant effect of PPARα ablation. mice compared with wild-type mice and were highest in the combined PPARα/CREB3L3.

Genome-wide expression and network analyses of mutants in key brassinosteroid signaling genes


To gain insight into which pathways in each of the studied lines were responsible for recovering the bri1–5 growth phenotype to wild-type level, we performed gene expression analysis. All suppressor lines, together with the wild-type (WS2) and the bri1–5 background were sampled at a 7-day seedling stage.

Retrospective application of transposondirected insertion-site sequencing to investigate niche-specific virulence of Salmonella Typhimurium in cattle


Competitive indices (CIs) were calculated as the ratio of mutant to wild-type in output pools divided by the ra- tio of mutant to wild-type in the inocula. Massively-parallel sequencing of the regions flanking each transposon allowed disrupted genes to be identified. A comparison of the number of sequence reads derived from the input and output pools at each transposon insertion allowed the relative fitness of each mutant to be assessed.

Tracing key genes associated with the Pinctada margaritifera albino phenotype from juvenile to cultured pearl harvest stages using multiple whole transcriptome sequencing


J and M datasets PCAs were able to discriminate the albino phenotype from black wild-type samples along the first principal compo- nent, accounting for 36.91% (J) and 31.91% (M) of the total variance. In the PS dataset PCA, no clustering of samples according to phenotype can be observed (Fig. Out of the total number of DEGs, 79.70% (J), 83.33%.