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Working conditions

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Present conditions and problems of work style reform in Japan


In this way, differences in the way of determining wage and other working conditions could be classified in terms of two criteria, individual or collective bargaining and firm, industry, or country level bargaining (see Ishida 2009). Although often regarded as coordinated market economy, Japan is characterized by individual and firm level bargaining in the way of determining wage and working conditions. Germany and Japan are located in the opposite extreme.

Manual handling of heavy loads and low back pain among different occupational groups: Results of the 2018 BIBB/BAuA employment survey


The survey is conducted periodically every 6 years and aims at gath- ering information about the working conditions of the German workforce. The main topics of the survey, which were assessed are information on the respondent’s current occupation, working conditions, education, health status and job sat- isfaction [27].

CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility


Continuing media attention on working conditions and wages of laborers in factories. Brands/retailers with a product focus on marketing to children have been a prominent target for negative. media attention. Labor practices receiving media attention include:. Paying low wages. Unsafe working conditions. Recent impacts. Source: Internet. Source: www.time.com. Recent impacts - Vietnam. Source: Internet …and much more. Why are Brands/Retailers concerned?.



If the working conditions are improved B. If not working conditions are improved C. Unless the working conditions are improved D. Unless the working conditions aren’t improved Câu 5: If I had known you would come,. I would not have waited for you B. I would wait for you. I will wait for you D. I would have waited for you. Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch dưới cần phải sửa để các câu sau trở thành chính xác.. Câu 6: He never goes home before he will finish his work..

Workload in occupational health nursing: A study among occupational health nurses in Finland


Employers should pay attention to OH nurses' working conditions and workload and continue to provide adequate education to keep up with the demands of the work. The results provide useful information for the development of OH nurses' working conditions.. Finnish Association of Occupational Health Nurses and OH nurses who participated in our study are warmly thanked for their contribution to this study.. [1] Occupational Health Care Act. Annual Statistics of Occupational Health Service 2017.

Particle emissions from ships at berth using heavy fuel oil


HFO (3.13). in Table 3, the value of NO x emission in the present research was much lower than that of previous studies, this may be due to difference engine types and working conditions..

Spanish-Speaking Construction Workers Discuss Their Safety Needs and Experiences


Safety and health awareness and working conditions. The 47 who were interviewed were asked seven open-ended questions, to gauge their concerns about safety and health and other workplace issues (44, or 94%, were working union). Forty-one (87%) of those interviewed had concerns about safety and health, safety and health training, and working conditions generally. Eighteen of the construction workers were born outside the United States and all had worked union on their last U.S.



(B) Attributing good working conditions in the meat-packing industry to the efforts of labor agitators. (C) Overemphasizing the importance of the availability of unskilled labor as an influence on conditions in the meat packing industry. (D) Interpreting the meat-packers' feelings for their community as appreciation of their industry. (E) Failing to observe the pride and commitment felt by the meat-packers.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh chủ đề Văn phòng


Shipping department: phòng vận chuyển. cubicle: không gian làm việc (của 1 người. offer of employment: lời mời làm việc - part-time: bán thời gian. timekeeping: theo dõi thời gian làm việc - to accept an offer: nhận lời mời làm việc - to fire someone: sa thải ai đó. travel expenses: chi phí đi lại (được cấp cho nhân viên đi công tác, đi làm việc. win-win: kiểu làm việc 2 bên cùng có lợi - working conditions: điều kiện làm việc - working hours: giờ làm việc. workroom: phòng làm việc - workspace: không

Đánh giá sự hài lòng trong công việc của giảng viên tại Trường Đại học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam


Independent variables were measured by 8 factors including personal development (PDE), job’s characteristics (JOB), co-workers (COW), working conditions (WOR), management policy (MPO), administration (ADM), compensation (COM) and relationship with students (RWS) (Table 1). Basing on statistical method, the number of samples needed in this research was 145 with the confident interval level of 6%.

Human resource development of Vietnamese textile & garment industry to grasp the opportunities and overcome challenges in the new generation free trade agreements


(iii) Ensure working conditions for workers at textile and garment enterprises. Currently, matters of occupational health and safety are really appreciated in commitments in the new generation FTAs such as: leaders in enterprises need to guarantee OHS for workers, ensure a healthy working environment to prevent accidents and injuries.. Enterprises need to develop and organise the implementation of measures to minimize hazards in the working environment.

Đề thi thử cao đẳng, đại học môn tiếng anh - Đề số 6


The migrant workers had no labour unions that could bargain for better wages, better hours, or improved working conditions. 1,Which of the following correctly describes migrant workers ? a-Only Mexicans were permitted to work on crops.. 2, Which of the following correctly describes the work done by migrant workers ?

Ten Principles of Economics - Part 58


In a company town, if workers do not accept the wages and working con- ditions that the firm offers, they have little choice but to move or stop working. In the absence of a union, therefore, the firm could use its market power to pay lower wages and offer worse working conditions than would prevail if it had to com- pete with other firms for the same workers. In this case, a union may balance the firm’s market power and protect the workers from being at the mercy of the firm owners..

Studies on electrolyte formulations to improve life of lead acid batteries working under partial state of charge conditions


Battery testing conditions according to Stop and Start profile.. Moreover, the batteries were recharged every 500 microcycles at 16 V/30 A during one hour to compensate the capacity loss due to the limited charge conditions of the proposed working profile.. Chemical analyses of the active material samples were carried out using internal volumetric (PbO 2 ) and gravimetric (PbSO 4 ) procedures.

Summary of Doctoral Thesis in Science Education: Teaching technical practice towards developing collaborative working skills for pedagogical students


Collaborative working skills. Characteristics of collaborative working skills. On the basis of the skill of teaching skills, it has been practiced in normal conditions, students can apply to cooperate effectively in new situations.. Assess collaborative working skills. Completeness: Assessing the implementation of the 5 CWS in the CWS process (skill in teamwork, team communication, task assignment, development relationships skills, skills to action together)..

Summary of Mechanical engineering Doctoral thesis: Research on traction-grapping capacity and stability of tractor with combination of disc plow working on steep terrain


Consequently, it is necessary to conduct the thesis topic “Research on traction-grapping capacity and stability of tractor with combination of disk plow working on steep terrain”. The influence of some structural factors and utilisation conditions on traction-gripping capacity and stability is determinated to improve working effeficiency of the rubber-tired agrimotor system assembled with a two- gang disc plow working on steep terrain..

Positive end-expiratory pressure improves elastic working pressure in anesthetized children


Flow and pressure parameters in these quasi-static conditions at the Y piece (proximal flow sensor) were recorded in an ad hoc Microsoft Excel 2010 (Microsoft®, NY, USA) data- base to calculate respiratory system compliance (C RS , mL·cmH 2 O − 1 ·kg − 1. Spearman’ s analysis was used to examine correlations between changes in respiratory mechanics and age and ideal body weight. Thirty patients were included in the study.

Conditions of Contract


TẠM NGỪNG VÀ CHẤM DỨT HỢP ĐỒNG BỞI NHÀ THẦU PART III – Conditions of Contract 4/103January 2011 PV Power – PV Power TB2 2 x 600MW Thai Binh 2 Power Plant EPC RFP Document 16.1 Quyền tạm ngừng công việc bởi Nhà thầu Chấm dứt Hợp đồng bởi Nhà thầu Ngừng công việc và di dời thiết bị của Nhà thầu Thanh toán khi chấm dứt Hợp đồng .

Reacting to Multiple Conditions


These two actions occur as soon as the if statement is analyzed, and both use the value of conditions to react in unique ways. weather_mc movie clip instance to a frame label based on the value of conditions.. If conditions has a value of "Rainy", the weather_mc movie clip instance moves to that frame label, where the weather appears rainy. The next action determines what will be displayed in the weatherText_txt text field in the lower-right portion of the stage.

Determining Conditions


Your project may contain numerous conditions you can use to control the way your script works or interacts with the user. A movie clip's position, size, or other property is greater than, less than, or equal to another value. The user has a specific interaction with the mouse or keyboard. Text or numeric values are greater than, less than, or equal to another value