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Digitale Hardware/ Software-Systeme- P20


In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), Seiten . In: Proceedings of the High-Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT), Seiten . In: Proceedings of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), Seiten . In: Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference (DAC), Seiten . In: Proceedings of the Interna- tional Conference on...

Digitale Hardware/ Software-Systeme - Part 21


mit Fließbandverarbeitung, 293–308 mit Multizyklen-Funktionseinheit, 293,. Modellpr¨ufung Abstraktionsverfeinerung. von Programmen 425 BDD-basierte, 156 CTL, 179–185 existentielle, 200. LTL, 185–188 SAT-basierte, 156. von Hardware 331–345 von Programmen 422–425 SE-LTL, 473–474. symbolische BDD-basierte 197–199 SAT-basierte 199–207 TCTL, 211–222. TLM, 476–484 universelle, 200. von Programmen, 422–431 Modulebene 14, 15 Moment. bin¨arer, siehe BMD Monitor Monitorschaltung 323. reduziertes, siehe ROBDD. reduziertes, siehe ROFDD Off-Testfall...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P1


No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the informa- tion contained herein.. All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Sams Publishing cannot attest to the accuracy of this...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P2


Figure 1.7 shows the Xenium mod chip installed in an Xbox motherboard. Figure 1.8 shows the Xenium OS, which allows you to run custom software on the Xbox. FIGURE 1.7 The Xenium mod chip has been installed on the Xbox motherboard.. FIGURE 1.8 The Xenium 0/5 2.0 (built into the mod chip's BIOS) is used to run custom Xbox software.....

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P3


This connector comes from the power supply, which is located on the right side of the motherboard, screwed into the case.. Locate the power supply connector by referring to Figure 2.45. This is identical to an ATX motherboard power connector in a PC (see Figure 2.46).. FIGURE 2.45 Locating the power supply connector on the motherboard.. After you have disengaged...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P4


I recommend against sending your Xbox to a madder for mod chip installation. It is best to learn how to install your own mod chip!. The war, it seems, between Microsoft and the mod chip manufacturers achieved something of a stalemate when Xbox 1.6 was released, which pretty much wiped out the mod chip community with its significant archi- tectural...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P5


FIGURE 6.10 The pin header is soldered to the LPC.. FIGURE 6.11 The LPC is located near the Nvidia MCPX processor.. Installing a Pin Header (All Revisions) 107. You first need to remove pin 4 from the pin header. Pin 4 is shown in Figure 6.12. Note that pins on the LPC start at the top right (pin 1), down...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P6


The Disk Tools menu in the Xenium O/S (see Figure 7.10) includes a handy feature that will copy one entire partition of a hard drive to another drive: Copy Partition. FIGURE 7.10 The Copy Partition option.. Select the Copy Partition menu option to bring up the next screen, shown in Figure 7.11. The Xenium O/S Main Menu 137. FIGURE 7.11...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P7


FIGURE 8.11 Customizing the Xbox BIOS with XBtool.. bin file I created (back in Figure 8.1l), the evoxdash. You can edit the EvoX menu by simply modifying the evox. Figure 8.12 shows the evox. Alternatively, you can open the evox. FIGURE 8.12 The EvoX settings file.. I prefer to use a static IP most of the time, as you can...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P8


As you can see, there are several subscreens for IP, FTP, IRe, and other settings.. You can use the D-pad to navigate from the items in each Settings screen and back to the tabbed list of subitems in each Settings screen. From the IP Settings screen, you can edit almost every. As you can see, Avalaunch can even connect to...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P9


Type in the name of the city in which you live using the virtual keyboard, as shown in Figure 10.34.. Replacing the Xbox Case. 234 CHAPTER 11 Replacing the Xbox Case. Here, you'll learn to take your stock Xbox (see Figure 11.1) and transplant its components into another stock case (see Figure 11.2). FIGURE 11.1 A typical stock Xbox case.....

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P10


Figure 11.39 shows the power supply in the new case.. FIGURE 11.39 Installing the power supply into the new case.. Upgrading the Xbox Hard Drive. This chapter explains how to replace the stock hard drive in your Xbox with a higher capacity drive. I will show you how to format the new drive, copy your existing hard drive data over...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P11


Cooling Down Your Xbox. In the rush to install a mod chip, a new hard drive, and case lighting, many assume that the Xbox will run with the same operating temperature that it ran in the stock configuration.. However, modifications to the Xbox tend to decrease airflow within the case, which is critical to cooling and based on the limited...

The Black Art of Xbox Mods- P12


Weather (XBMC), 226-228 WebTV,9. wizards, Drive Upgrade Wizard, 135-136. X-Chip mod chips, 80 XBIT mod chips, 79 XBMC (Xbox Media. Center adding to Launch menu,. BIOS, 209-21 1 fan speed, setting,. installing, 208-21 1 BIOS, 209-211 XBMC files, 209 My Files, 215-217 My Music, 221-223 My Pictures, 217-220 My Programs, 212-214. My Videos, 224-225 Settings, 229 Weather, 226-228 xBomberbox2, 76...

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P1


All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965,...

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P2


Joining the Dots 1 was originally a series of one day, one hundred person commu- nications events held for all of the IT staff to inform them of changes that had been made to the BT strategy in early 2006.. While the model of reaching one hundred people at a time is leveraged, the objective of the event has been...

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P3


Unfortunately subteams frequently cause a reinventing of the wheel. Keeper of the Theory of the Code: The architect is a member of the team with sig- nificant design and development talent and experience. A large part of the architect’s role is to understand the ‘whole’ application code-base. The architect understands the ‘theory’ of the code and can help guide others...

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P4


Trigger is the class that represents a specific question, component, or probe that evaluates a specific attribute in a given moment of the development process.. however, a distributed control mechanism is used to manage unpredictability and to guarantee flexibility, responsiveness, and reliability of the results. In the following sections we propose an instance of our development process meta-model based on...

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P5


Let M i ∈ M={MCC, WMC, CBO, RFC, LCOM} be a subset of the maintainability metrics listed in Table 1. We consider them at a class level and average later over all classes of the software system. grows rapidly with LOC its derivative with respect to LOC will be high (and probably grow) and affect in a negative way maintainability...

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming- P6


Currently the main drawback of the static code analysis is the lack of empirical evidence of the correlation between the tool reports and the actual defects rate. The metrics used for the defect rate prediction are produced by the process of static code analysis – the analysis of software statically, without attempting to execute it [3].. This study focuses on...