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Chủ đề : ASP.NET Web developer's Guide

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Microsoft ADO .NET 4 Step by Step - p 40


366 Microsoft ADO .NET 4 Step by Step. This is just the connection string portion of the Web.config file. providerName="System.Data.SqlClient". The actual data binding occurs through the data-enabled features of the GridView control.. <asp:GridView ID="GridView1". <asp:BoundField DataField="CourseID". HeaderText="CourseID". SortExpression="CourseID". <asp:BoundField DataField="CourseName". <asp:CheckBoxField DataField="OfferedFall". <asp:CheckBoxField DataField="OfferedSpring". <asp:BoundField DataField="CreditHours". <asp:BoundField DataField="Prerequisite". </asp:GridView>. The control also includes an EmptyDataText attribute that adjusts the...

Microsoft ADO .NET 4 Step by Step - p 41


For entity permissions, the key configuration setting is the DataServiceConfig.SetEntitySet AccessRule method, as used in the previous example. You pass this method the name of an entity set and a set of rights from the EntitySetRights enumeration.. Call this method for each entity set you plan to make available or use an asterisk. Table 22-1 lists the rights available for...

Microsoft ADO .NET 4 Step by Step - p 42


AddObject method 272 add operator in REST 380 AddWithValue method 157 ADO.NET. providers in 127 ADO.NET Data Services. ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer about 218. 240 using 230–236 ADO.NET Entity Data. Model Wizard ADO.NET EntityObject. Generator 241 ADO.NET Self-Tracking. ADO.NET 4 Aggregate clauses 301,. in expressions 98 aliases, using in Entity SQL. “applies” as keyword in Entity SQL language 248–249....

Microsoft ADO .NET 4 Step by Step - p 43


EXISTS keyword, in Entity SQL language 250 Exp function 323. expressions, filter elements 63–64. filter expression elements 63–64. filtering, results with the Where clause 295 Find method. Floor function 251 Foreign Key Columns 229 ForeignKeyConstraint class. formats, aggregation 90 FOR UPDATE clause 195 FROM clause, in Entity SQL. in Entity SQL language 251. “SqlServer” in Entity SQL language 251 SQRT...