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The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 20


The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers. To convert this photo to the proper color space for emailing or posting to the Web, go under the Edit menu and choose Convert to Profile. The Source Space at the top shows you the current color space your photo is in (if you’re working in Adobe RGB [1998], like in this...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 21


Once you’re back at the Gradient Editor, and your color stop is now gray, you can drag that middle gray stop around to adjust the tone of your image (as shown here). For example, to darken the photo, you drag to the right, toward the white end of the gradient, and to lighten the photo, you drag left toward the...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 22


If you’ve applied a large stroke using the Stroke layer effect (under the Layer menu) or Stroke layer style (by clicking on the Add Layer Style icon at the bot- tom of the Layers panel and choosing Stroke from the pop-up menu), you’ve probably already noticed that the edges start to get rounded, and the bigger you make the stroke,...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 23


The section at the bottom has two tabs:. The Color tab has Vibrance and Saturation controls (like Camera Raw’s), so if you need to make the colors more vibrant, try dragging the Vibrance slider to the right. If you want to take your image to “Harry Potter world,” then add in the Saturation slider, as well. Here, we’ll set the...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 24


We’re going to take what we learned when using Merge to HDR Pro and apply it here, but again, without moving our sliders nearly as much in either direction.. Start by setting your Edge Glow Radius to 60 and the Strength to 0.87. In the Tone and Detail section, set your Gamma. to 1.00 and your Exposure to +0.57 to...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 25


with nothing on them) automatically (once you get a large multi-layered project going, you wind up with more of these than you’d think). Since Photoshop is a pro tool, most of us probably wouldn’t even think of using Camera Raw’s built-in Noise Reduction feature to remove the noise from our cell phone camera’s photos, but…why not? Cell phone photos are...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 26


If you’ve never used the Magic Wand tool before, you’ve already learned that some- times it leaves little white gaps where it didn’t quite select every little pixel. TIP: The Color Selector Ring That ring that appears when you use the Eyedropper tool is new in CS5, and it’s there to help you see which color you’re selecting. The outside...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 27


Before we get into this, make sure you read the short intro up top here first, or you’re going to wonder what’s going on in Step Two. Now, with both images open, get the Move tool (V), press-and-hold the Shift key, and click- and-drag the “no glasses” shot on top of the “glasses” photo.. The reason is it’s so darn...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 28


Here’s the image we’re going to work on, and if you look at her eyes, and the eye socket area surrounding them, you can see that they’re a bit dark. Brightening the whites of the eyes would help, but the area around them will still be kind of shadowy, so we may as well kill two birds with one stone,...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 29


We need a selection around this layer again, so press-and-hold the Command (PC: Ctrl) key and click on the top layer’s thumbnail to load it as a selection. Once the selection is in place, we’re going to need to get a blend of all the background colors, so go under the Filter menu, under Blur, and choose Average.. It doesn’t...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 30


Go down to the Transform sliders near the bottom of the Custom tab. The Vertical Perspective slider fixes problems where thing are leaning out or in, and there’s a tiny icon on either side of the slider to show you what dragging in each direction will do. In this case, we need to drag over to the right to around...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 31


The name of this chapter comes from the 2009 movie short Side Effects (it’s less than 20 minutes long, which is probably why you can buy it for only $1.99 in the iTunes Store. It’s either that, or it’s so cheap because of its lack of zombies). Anyway, I looked at the movie poster, and the guys in the poster...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 32


Open the image you want to apply a high-contrast look to. Let’s start, right off the bat, by creating an action to record our steps, so when you’re done, you can reapply this same look to other photos with just one click. Go to the Actions panel, and click on the Create New Action icon at the bottom of the...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 33


Press Command-L (PC: Ctrl-L) to bring up the Levels dialog, and drag the shadows Input Levels slider (the triangle under the far-left side of the histogram graph) to the right a bit (as shown here) to darken in the shadow areas, so there’s a big difference between the bright areas and the dark areas.. Now you’re going to darken the...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 34


Then, at the bottom of the panel, in the JPEG and TIFF Handling sec- tion, change both pop-up menus to Automatically Open All Supported JPEGs/TIFFs (luckily, you only have to do this part once). Now, restart Photoshop, then go select multiple JPEG or TIFF images in Mini Bridge, Right-click on any one, and choose Open in Default Application, and they’ll...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 35


If you want to experiment and come up with your own custom blend of sharpen- ing, I’ll give you some typical ranges for each adjustment so you can find your own sharpening “sweet spot.”. You’re fairly safe staying under 150%. (In the example here, I reset my Radius and Threshold to 1 and 4, respectively.). Most of the time, you’ll...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 36


Now, choose a medium-sized, soft-edged brush from the Brush Picker in the Options Bar, and then simply take the Sharpen tool and paint over just the areas you want to appear sharp (this is really handy for portraits like this, because you can avoid areas you want to remain soft, like skin, but then super-sharpen areas you want to be...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 37


It’s the moment when your digitally captured image, edited on a computer, moves from a bunch of 1s and 0s (computer code) into something real you can hold in your hand. If you’ve never made a print (and sadly, in this digital age, I meet people every day who have never made a single print—every- thing just stays on their...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 38


You’ll see the software conduct a series of onscreen tests, using gray and white rectangles and various color swatches, as shown here. because before you know it, you’ll be on your way to Canada in a psychedelic VW Microbus with only an acoustic gui- tar and a hand-drawn map to a campus protest. This testing only goes on for around...

The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers part 39


Once you choose Printer Settings, and those options appear, make sure the type of paper you’ll be printing on is chosen in the Media Type pop-up menu (as shown here). This is very important, because this sends a whole series of instructions to the printer, including everything from the amount of ink it should lay down, to the drying time...