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Chủ đề : cách làm người

Có 40+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "cách làm người"

Hành trình xa thẳm phần 10


Tất cả nơi này là “lãnh địa” của “No. (Lại nói thầm - “No. Ở nhà với hai người già chán ngấy, “No. 1” phóng tia nhìn ai oán về phía vị “bác sĩ tóc trắng”. Nhưng còn làm bếp? Không thể “Okay”! Thử tưởng tượng một đứa con trai sức dài vai rộng, mặt mũi sáng láng thông minh...

Hành trình xa thẳm phần 11


Nhưng mình vẫn muốn có thêm nữa, thêm nhiều nhiều nữa - “No. “Top-girl” nhún vai:. “top-girl” đổi giọng thầm thì - Ngay cả chuyện mình xin được vào lớp năng khiếu của nhà văn hóa quận cũng không! Mẹ bảo mình không nên quá đòi hỏi, vì mình còn hai đứa em. Nói xong câu tự vấn, “top-girl” tuôn...

Hành trình xa thẳm phần 12


Chị nói thế là sao? Con gái chị, trước đây tôi đã từng chữa trị cho nó rồi kia mà? Vị bác sĩ xen ngang.. Tôi hiểu – Vị bác sĩ ấp úng.. Đừng đi, “top-girl”! Tôi muốn nói vài điều. Vị bác sĩ nhìn “No. Lòng đầy mất mát, “No. Đi được một đoạn, vị “bác sĩ tóc trắng”...



Section 4 Effective Job Hunting 21. To win through – and to win quickly – you will need all the help you can get.. I had left the job hunting until after the finals were over



Nevertheless, let's be a little more scientific about it and look at some of the fundamentals.. First, looking up my target company in the careers office. Start with whatever lead you have and get the phone number of the Personnel department you will be dea ling with and give them a call. Use something along the lines of the following...



My next stint was in the rolling mill. Actual control was in the hands of the operators. If the cogging mill driver (the sole gateway for material to the rest of the mill) had a hangover and only wanted to go for 700 Tonnes on the shift, then 700 Tonnes in the shift it was. If he'd scored in the...



The job ad.. If you're applying cold, don't expect much success. Unfortunately, the people who write job ads – and it can be either the company themselves, an agency or a joint effort – know as much about creating good adverts as they do about creating good CVs. Although most job ads lack content, substance, specifics and a proper explanation...



The best ones require you to do much of the talking, have a general structure to the questioning, but where the interviewer is also skilled enough to dictate the flow of the interview by feeding off the answers you give. And you can have the confidence that you are talking to a pro.. Of course, you can do the same....



If you want to make a serious job out of your job hunting and career planning – and I strongly recommend that you do – Appendix B lists further references that can fill in the detail for you.. OK, you guessed it – here comes the sales pitch! But seriously, folks, the information you can get from ProFile can add...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 1


How To Stop Worrying And Start Living. Sixteen Ways in Which This Book Will Help You Preface - How This Book Was Written-and Why. 4 - How to Analyse and Solve Worry Problems. 5 - How to Eliminate Fifty Per Cent of Your Business Worries Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most Out of This Book. Part Three -...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 2


through the day slowly and evenly, as do the grains of sand passing through the narrow neck of the hourglass, then we are bound to break our own physical or mental structure.'. One task at a time.' By repeating those words to myself over and over, I accomplished my tasks in a more efficient manner and I did my work...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 3


And speaking of cigarettes-the best-known cigarette manufacturer in the world recently dropped dead from heart failure while trying to take a little recreation in the Canadian woods. are caused not by a physical deterioration of the nerves, but by emotions of futility, frustration, anxiety, worry, fear, defeat, despair. We are just now beginning to develop a new kind of medicine...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 4


If I hadn't done that, I might have floundered and hesitated and done the wrong thing on the spur of the moment. and that alone might have aroused the suspicion of the Japanese admiral and spurred him to act.. It is the failure to arrive at a fixed purpose, the inability to stop going round and round in maddening circles,...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 5


For a quarter of a century, this Kansas couple travelled all over the world, making motion pictures of the vanishing wild life of Asia and Africa. When I asked her why she did it, she replied: "I did it so that I would have no time for sorrow and worry.". Osa Johnson had discovered the same truth that Tennyson had...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living


and of the forty that did sink, only five sank in less than ten minutes. Did this help morale? "This knowledge of the law of averages wiped out my jitters,". and that, by the law of averages, we probably wouldn't be killed.". "Let's examine the record.". Chapter 9 - Co-Operate With The Inevitable. When I was a little boy, I...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 7


in the woods. She even rolled on the floor with an opium bottle held to her lips, and threatened to commit suicide, while the children huddled in a corner of the room and screamed with terror.. One of those reasons was their burning desire to impress you and me. Yes, I honestly believe that this is one of the greatest...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 8


Montaigne, the great French philosopher, adopted these seventeen words as the motto of his life: "A man is not hurt so much by what happens, as by his opinion of what happens.". and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not.". he explains, "The sovereign...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 9


Here is the first point I am trying to make in this chapter: It is natural for people to forget to be grateful. They long to be loved. but the only way in this world that they can ever hope to be loved is to stop asking for it and to start pouring out love without hope of return.. It...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 10


Gershwin heeded that warning and slowly transformed himself into one of the significant American composer of his generation.. When Charlie Chaplin first started making films, the director of the pictures insisted on Chaplin's imitating a popular German comedian of that day. When she tried to be just what she was-a plain country girl from Missouri-she became one of the most...

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 11


The day before Christmas, I left my office at three o'clock in the afternoon and started walking aimlessly up Fifth Avenue, hoping that I might banish my self-pity and melancholy. I didn't even know the name of the town. While waiting for the next bus home, I started walking up a residential street. The church was empty except for the...