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Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form phần 1


Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form. In this section, you'll use the VS .NET Data Form Wizard to create a Windows. application that accesses both the Customers and Orders tables. The Orders table contains rows that represent orders placed by the customers.. The rows in the Orders table are related to the rows in the Customers...

Using the Data Form Wizard to Create a Windows Form phần 2


Figure 6.23: Creating a relationship between two tables. Note Remember: You're unselecting these columns, so you uncheck the columns for the Orders table.. Figure 6.24 shows the completed dialog box with the selected columns to display from each table.. Figure 6.24: Selecting the columns to display from each table 8. Select the display style for the rows (also known as...

Using the Default Sort Algorithm


If you want to sort the DataRowView objects in your DataView based on the primary key of your DataTable, you can use a shortcut. Instead of setting the Sort property of your DataView, you set the PrimaryKey property of your DataTable and then set the ApplyDefaultSort property of your DataView to true.. The Sort property of your DataView is then...

Using the Get* Methods to Read Column Values


Using the Get* Methods to Read Column Values. Before I show you the other Get* methods that read column values, you need to know the standard C# types and the values they support. You need to know these so that you can understand the type compatibilities between C# and SQL Server shown later. Table 9.3 shows the standard C# types,...

Using the SQL Server Documentation


Using the SQL Server Documentation. SQL Server also comes with extensive electronic documentation. documentation, you select Start ➣ Programs ➣ Microsoft SQL Server ➣ Books Online.. Figure 1.9 shows the SQL Server documentation home page.. Figure 1.9: SQL Server documentation home page. You can browse the online books using the Contents tab, and you can search for specific information using...

Using Transactions with a DataSet (SQL)


Using Transactions with a DataSet (SQL). In Chapter 3, "Introduction to Structured Query Language,". you saw how you can group SQL statements together into transactions. The transaction is then committed or rolled back as one unit. You would then commit both of these changes as one unit, or if there's a problem, rollback both changes.. In Chapter 8, "Executing Database...

Using Windows Controls


Table 6.2 lists the commonly used Windows form controls that you can pick from the Windows Forms section of the Toolbox. You can place any of these controls on your Windows form.. Table 6.2: COMMONLY USED WINDOWS FORM CONTROLS CONTROL DESCRIPTION. You set the text that you want to display using the Text property.. LinkLabel Similar to a label, except...

Writing and Reading XML Using a DataSet Object


You can write out the contents of the DataTable objects contained in a DataSet to an XML file using the WriteXml() method. The XML file written by this method contains the DataTable column names and values.. You can write out the schema of a DataSet object to an XML file using the. The XML file written by this method contains...