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Chủ đề : Color Atlas of Pharmacology

Có 26+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "Color Atlas of Pharmacology"

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 21): Psychopharmacologicals


All these actions result from augmenting the activity of inhibi- tory neurons and are mediated by spe- cific benzodiazepine receptors that form an integral part of the GABA A re- ceptor-chloride channel complex. Increased chloride conductance of the neuronal membrane effectively short- circuits responses to depolarizing in- puts. At a given concentration of GABA, binding to the receptors will, therefore,...

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 22): Hormones


Nerve cells of the hypothala- mus synthesize and release messenger substances that regulate adenohy- pophyseal (AH) hormone release or are themselves secreted into the body as hormones. They reach their target cells in the AH lobe by way of a portal vascular route consisting of two serially connected capillary beds. The first of these lies in the hypophyseal stalk, the...

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 23): Antibacterial Drugs


Appro- priate treatment employs substances that injure bacteria and thereby prevent their further multiplication, without harming cells of the host organism (1).. Clearly this applies to inhibitors of cell wall synthesis, because human and ani- mal cells lack a cell wall. In the following sections, polymyx- ins and tyrothricin are not considered further. The effect of antibacterial drugs can be...

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 24): Disinfectants


Disinfection denotes the inactivation or killing of pathogens (protozoa, bacteria, fungi, viruses) in the human environ- ment. This can be achieved by chemical or physical means. the latter will not be discussed here. Sterilization refers to the killing of all germs, whether patho- genic, dormant, or nonpathogenic. Anti- sepsis refers to the reduction by chemi- cal agents of germ numbers...

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 25): Therapy of Selected Diseases


An anginal pain attack signals a tran- sient hypoxia of the myocardium. The underlying causes are: most com- monly, an atherosclerotic change of the vascular wall (coronary sclerosis with exertional angina). Whereas the more com- mon coronary sclerosis cannot be over- come pharmacologically, the less com- mon coronary spasm can be relieved by appropriate vasodilators (nitrates, ni- fedipine). O 2...

Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 26 and the end): Further Reading


Principles of drug ac- tion—the basis of pharmacology. the generic (nonproprietary) name – a trade or brand name. For the sake of clarity, only INNs or generic (nonproprietary) names are used in this atlas to designate drugs, such as the name “diazepam” in the above example.. In order to find the generic (nonproprie- tary) name, the second index “Proprie- tary...