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Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 52


What’s the basic function of a web server?. What are default index files, and what’s the advantage of using them in all directories?. Name some of the ways that you can promote your website.. You can obtain an Internet connection through school, work, or commercial Internet or web services, or you can set up your own web server.. Typical examples...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 53


The following. target=“blue_page” statement in the parent.html page is what causes the new window to open:. <a href=“blue.html” target=“blue_page”>Open</a>. the Blue Page in a new window.</p>. The third link, however, uses the target=“yellow_page” statement to open the green page in the window named yellow_page . You accomplish this using the following code in par- ent.html. <p><a href=“green.html” target=“yellow_page”>Replace</a>. the yellow...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 54


ptg In addition, the frameset is defined as having no borders, but the first frame is supposed. n Attributes in the outermost frameset have the lowest priority.. n Any bordercolor attribute in the current frame overrides previous ones in. Table 17.1 shows a few extra attributes for the <frame>. TABLE 17.1 Control Attributes for the <frame>. longdesc URL Specifies a...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 55


block is nested inside another, the nested block must replace one of the <frame>. In this case, you’ll replace the line that loads the temporary dummy.html page (which doesn’t really exist).. <frameset cols=”125,*”>. <frame src=”choice.html”>. <frameset rows=”60,*”>. <frame src=”away.html”>. <frame src=”reason1.html”>. The embedded rows frameset defines two rows, the first being 60% of the height of the embedded frame area...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 56


Instead of hard coding the URL, I pass this.href to the popup() function so that it opens the URL in the link.. Here’s the code:. When the page is ready, I apply the same onclick handler to all the links on the page with the class popup . The anonymous event handler opens a new window with the URL stored...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 57


If you look closely at the screenshot, you can see that at the time I validated this page, it came out with 42 errors, all of which are violations of the XHTML 1.0 Transitional rec- ommendation. The page looks fine in the popular browsers, but it’s not in sync with the recommendation. One common error that appears on this page...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 58


Without links, web pages would be dull and finding anything interesting on the Web would be close to impossible. Here’s some friendly advice on creating and using links.. If you organize your links into lists or other menu-like structures, your visitors can scan their options for the page quickly and easily.. For example, using menus of filenames or other mar-...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 59


n If you’re using a background image, make sure that it doesn’t interfere with the text—Some images may look interesting on their own but can make text diffi- cult to read when you put it on top of them. Your visitors are visiting your pages for their content, not to marvel at your ability to create faux marble in your...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 60


Make it easy for the visitor to scan for the important points on the page.. How can you arrange the information so that it’s easier to find the important points and links on the page?. Designing for the Real World. There’s another important fac- tor that you should take into consideration, and that’s how to design your pages for the...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 61


It’s unknown whether browsers will ignore those tags if a page uses the HTML5 DOCTYPE, but they are no longer part of HTML5.. Likewise, HTML5 also enables you to create images using markup via the <canvas>. The <canvas>. tag is used to define the size and location of the generated image, and the actual image is defined using JavaScript. Browsers...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 62


Just as important as taking advantage of the HTML features provided specifically for accessibility is taking care to design your pages in a manner that’s as accommodating as possible for users who are in need of assistance. For exam- ple, they print an error on the page and change the font color to red to indicate that something went wrong....

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 63


ptg You’ll have to ask your system administrator, computer consultant, webmaster, or net-. You’ll learn more about what to ask later in this lesson.. Restrictions might apply as to the kinds of pages you can publish or whether you can run server-side scripts. You can probably find out more about the web hosting options offered by your Internet service provider...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 64


After you’ve done the hard work of creating an interesting site, the next step is to get other people to link to it.. If they are, there’s a good chance that they’ll provide a link to your site. Figure out what kinds of people might be interested in what you’re publishing, and let them know what you’re up to. Just...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 65


ptg Other numbers on the page provide insight into how users are interacting with your site.. The average pages per visit and average time on site provide a further idea of the degree to which users are drilling down on your site. If your page is a set of links to other sites, a high bounce rate and low time...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 66


Here’s an example:. $stuff = (‘colors’ =>. array(‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’),. ‘numbers’ =>. array(‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’));. The values for each of the elements are arrays themselves. I can access this data structure by stacking the references to the array indexes, like this:. The most common data type you’ll work with in PHP is the string type. To define a string, just...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 67


These variables are all associative arrays, and the names assigned to the form fields on your form are the keys to the arrays.. $_REQUEST contains all the form parameters regardless of how they were submitted. <form action=”post.php” method=”post”>. Enter your name: <input type=”text” name=”yourname” /><br />. <input type=”submit” />. When the user submits the form, the value of the yourname...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 68


<style type=”text/css”>. <p>Please fill out the form below to register for our site. Fields with bold labels are required.</p>. <li><. $error ?></li>. <form method=”post” action=”<. $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] ?>”>. <p>. <?php if (array_key_exists(‘name’, $errors. <label for=”name” class=”error”><b>Name:</b></label>. <label for=”name”><b>Name:</b></label>. <input name=”name” value=”<. ?>” /></p>. <label for=”age” class=”error”><b>Age:</b></label>. <label for=”age”><b>Age:</b></label>. <input name=”age” value=”<. ?>”/></p>. <label class=”error”><b>Toys:</b></label>. <label><b>Toys:</b></label>. <label><input type=”checkbox” name=”toys[]”. value=”<. $key ?>”...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 69


Content Management Systems and. These types of applications are generally called content management systems, and I explain how to use them to keep track of your content so that it’s easier to publish and maintain.. n How content management systems came into being. n How to decide whether to use a content management system for your website. n What the...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 70


All the applications I’m going to discuss in particular work with MySQL. If you want to read more about it, the manual is available online at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/.. All the applications discussed in this lesson run on a web server. That’s the job of the application provider. In cases where you are installing your own applications, it’s up to you to...

Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 71


If you have root. If you’re using shared hosting, you’ll probably have to enter the database name and login information for your database and then let MediaWiki cre- ate its tables. MediaWiki, like WordPress, lets you pick a prefix for your table names so that you can avoid naming conflicts if multiple applications use the same database. After setup is...