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Scaffolding in EFL college classes in Vietnam


Abstract: The current study adopted sociocultural discourse analysis framework to analyze scaffolding in verbal interaction in EFL university classes. The students were learning English from a prescribed textbook.. From the findings, implications were put forward regarding grouping students and training both teachers and students the strategies to use scaffolding.. Sociocultural theory was adopted as the framework for the analysis of...

3000 most used words


about adv., prep.. across adv., prep.. all right adj., adv., exclamation ally n., v.. alone adj., adv.. around adv., prep.. as prep., adv., conj.. back n., adj., adv., v.. blonde adj., n., blond adj.. bound adj.: bound to bowl n.. certain adj., pron.. deep adj., adv.. double adj., det., adv., n., v.. down adv., prep.. downstairs adv., adj., n.. early...

target vocabulary


P E N G U I N E N G L I S H Published by the Penguin Group. Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England. Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V...

The 4000 Words Essential for an Educated Vocabulary


(Think of the phrase “to champion a cause. All the other quizzes contain words from any part of the list.. alliteration repetition of the same sound. corporeal of the body corps group of people corpulent fat corroborate confirm cortege procession coruscate sparkle. courtier member of the king’s court covenant agreement, pact. cynical scornful of the motives or sincerity of others....

Lục bát Tam Thiên Tự Anh­ Việt


HERE đây, THERE đó, WHICH nào, WHERE đâu SENTENCE có nghĩa là câu. FIVE năm, FOUR bốn, HOLD cầm, PLAY chơi A LIFE là một cuộc đời. SORRY xin lỗi, DULL đần, WISE khôn BURY có nghĩa là chôn. SIR ngài, LORD đức, thưa bà MADAM ONE THOUSAND là một ngàn. A BOWL là một cái tô. YOUNG SPIRIT tinh ...