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Figure Drawing - Beer and Deer


BROWN BEAR Ursus arctos. Walks on sole and heel of rear foot and usually on digits of front foot. Five digits per limb with long, curved, nonretractile claws. Short tail. Grizzly and brown bear belong to the same species, but differ in geographical range and size. The giant panda is now considered to be a member of the bear family,...

Figure Drawing - Bird Horns


218 BIRD + ANATOMY. CHICKEN SKELETON Callus gallus. Bird characteristics: Body always covered with feathers. Clavicles fused into single bone, the furculum (wishbone).. posterior thoracic, all lumbar, and all sacral ver- tebrae fused into synsacrum, which in turn is fused to the pelvis. Short, flexible tail terminates in stout bone (pygostyle) for support of highly mobile long tail feathers.. Wrist...

Figure Drawing - Compostion


Figure 6.1 The line drawing cap- tures the personality of the pet.. It is not merely the placement of the figure. Figure 6.2 shows an example of a stipple drawing.. Figure 6.2 Stipple drawings are made up of many tiny dots.. Figure 6.3 Adding variation in weight can make a line more expressive.. Figure 6.4 is a line drawing of...

Figure Drawing - Dog


FCR Flexor carpi radialis;. FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris. FCU-UH Flexor carpi ulnaris, ulnarhead. ECR Extensor carpi radialis;. FCR Flexor carpi radialis. ECR Extensor carpi radialis. FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris;

Figure Drawing - Domestic Phinoceros - Indian Elephant


1/6 DOMESTIC PIG + ANATOMY. Domestic pig characteristics: Domestic pig derived from European wild boar. Tusk-like upper canines (larger in males) grow upward and outward. Lower canines grow upward and backward to fit against larger upper canines. short neck. Four digits per limb, only two middle digits functional. walks on toes. Hoofs on toes (reduced side toes have small hoofs)....

Figure Drawing - Dynamic Figure Drawing


Figure 8.1 A live model could not hold this pose for more than a fraction of a second.. Figure 8.1 shows a pose taken from a model in Figure Artist that would be impossible for a live model to hold for more than a fraction of a second.. Although a live model is always the preferred situation for drawing the...

Figure Drawing - Feline and Domestic Cat


148 FELINE >. CROSS SECTIONS. DOMESTIC CAT. FELINE » CROSS SECTIONS 149. FORELIMB HIND LIMB. AbDiS Abductor digit! V. ECRB Extensor carpi radiaiis brevis. ECRL Extensor carpi radialis longus. ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris;. EDBr Extensor digitorum brevis. EDLat Extensor digitorum lateralis. EDLon Extensor digitorum longus. ExAbO External abdominal oblique. FCR Flexor carpi radialis. FCU—HH Flexor carpi ulnaris, humeral head. FCU—UH...

Figure Drawing - Figure Anatomy


By understanding the many dif- ferent aspects of the human form, you can better grasp how the fig- ure works as a whole. For example, if you feel along the bone on the lower part of your jaw, you will notice that there is a small indentation about halfway between the chin and the back of the jaw. The significance...

Figure Drawing - Figure Construction


I n this chapter I will cover how to construct the figure using some sim- plified methods to make the process of drawing a little easier. It is very important in the initial stages of a figure drawing to be able to use some kind of simple framework to define the dimensions and proportions of the figure on the paper....

Figure Drawing - Giraffe - Camel - Hippopotamus


Giraffe characteristics: Very tall with long neck (elongated neck vertebrae) and long limbs. Bony prominences of neck vertebrae can be seen on the surface. brachiocephalicus and omotransver- sarius muscles, which usually cover the neck, begin low on the side of the neck, rather than up at the skull and first neck vertebra. Two located on either side of rear of...

Figure Drawing - Hand - Feed - Head


In this chapter we will take a closer look at each of these aspects of the figure.. The hand is the very def- inition of the all-around instrument. Because of this extreme flexi- bility, there is not one view of the hand that is adequate for learning to draw it. Anatomy of the Hand. The bones of the wrist are...

Figure Drawing - Horse


112 HORSE >. AbDlL Abductor digit! I longus. Bicep Biceps brachii. BiFemLH Biceps femoris, long head. BiFemSH Biceps femoris, short head. Brcph Brachiocephalicus. DelRe Deltoid, rear portion. DelSp Deltoid, spinal por- tion. ECR Extensor carpi radialis. EDC Extensor digitorum communis. EDLat Extensor digitorum lateralis;. EDLon Extensor digitorum longus. ExAbO External abdominal oblique. FCR Flexor. carpi radialis. FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris....

Figure Drawing - Individual Muscles - Face and Head


When they contract, they move the fea- tures of the face (eyes, nose, mouth, ears). there- fore, it is the most mobile part of the face.. Attachment: A short ligament at the inner corner of the eye, whose inner end attaches to the skull.. Origin: Upper surface of the skull, above the eye (horse), or to the rear of the...

Figure Drawing - Individual Muscles - Front Limb


Origin: Outer surface of the front portion of the scapula and the adjacent cartilage.. Insertion: Inner and outer front corners of the top of the humerus.. In the ox, however, the supraspinatus alone creates the front of the shoulder form (the subclavius is deep).. Insertion: Single area of insertion on top of the humerus. Origin: Outer surface of the rear...

Figure Drawing - Individual Muscles - Neck


Origin: Entire side of the expanded upright spine of the second neck vertebra (axis).. Insertion: Rear surface of the expanded side projection, or wing, of the first neck vertebra (atlas).. Structure: Largest of the group, this thick muscle is directed forward and outward. Origin: Front surface of the wing of the first neck vertebra (atlas).. Insertion: Rear part of the...

Figure Drawing - Individual Muscles - Rear Limb


The rear portion sits on top of the gluteus medius. Origin: Side projections of the first, second, and third tail vertebrae.. Origin: Point of the hip (outer front corner of the ilium of the pelvis).. Structure: The lower end of the belly ends in a wide inverted "V.". The front edge of the belly ends a short distance above the...

Figure Drawing - Individual Muscles - Trunk


Ox: Also from the crest of the pelvis and the sides of the lumbar vertebrae.. Insertion: Upper ends of all the ribs, and the side of the last (seventh) neck vertebra.. Structure: This narrow, flattened, thin muscle lies on the surface of the upper portion of the rib cage. Origin: Inner (deep) surface of the wing (ilium) of the pelvis...

Figure Drawing - Lighting the Figure


In Figure 7.1 the lighting on the dress indicates that it is a dark satin material.. In a studio situation the artist can change the lighting of the figure by moving the light sources or by opening and closing window coverings. Too often the artist does not take enough time to make sure the lighting of the figure is exactly...

Figure Drawing - Lion


142 LION >. Proportion of skull varies—large in lion, jaguar, and tiger, small in cheetah and mountain lion. Large temporalis and masseter muscles of skull to powerfully close jaw. Five digits on front limb (thumb reduced). four digits on hind limb (small vestigial big toe). AbDIL Abductor digit! I longus. AbDiS Abductor digiti V. Bleep Biceps brachii. BiFem Biceps femoris....

Figure Drawing - Ox


Extensor digitorum brevis. EDLat Extensor digitorum lateralis. EDLon Extensor digitorum longus. TrILa Triceps brachii, lateral head. EDLon Extensor digitorum longus;. TriLa Triceps brachii, lateral head;. TriLa Triceps brachii, lateral head. EDBr Extensor digitorum brevis. EDLat Extensor digitorum tateralis