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Luyện thi IELTS (p81)


Page 1 of 3. Question 1: The government has indicated that the system would be beneficial to the pensioners.. Question 2: Some candidates find speaking to be the most difficult thing they’ve got to do.. Question 3: As a result of the findings, the scientists commenced research into sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).. Question 4: It was shown that the...

Luyện thi IELTS (p82)


Page 1 of 4. STUDY NOTES EPISODE 17: WATER AND AGEING FORMAL AND INFORMAL WRITTEN. Students writing academic essays would be expected to use formal English, and. maintain consistency and uniformity in their writing, in other words, formal and informal styles would not be mixed.. Formal language is characterised as being more objective and impersonal. It is the type of...

Luyện thi IELTS (p83)


Today on Study English, we’re going to look at some of the features of formal, written English.. In our clip, we’ll hear from a man who believes that drinking water is the key to being healthy and living a long time.. When we looked at these animals and saw what they were doing, it was exactly as we’d hypothesised and...

Luyện thi IELTS (p84)


Page 1 of 3. Based on the context, identify whether the adverbial clause of time in the following sentences is formed using a time sequence marker, the present or the perfect participial form.. Question 1: After melting the copper in the smeltery, the workers pour it into a mould for pipes.. time sequence marker b. present participial form c. perfect...

Luyện thi IELTS (p85)


It is important to be familiar with the main varieties of English since they are all used in the listening section of the IELTS test. adverbial clauses of time and participial phrases of time STUDY TIPS. When describing processes in IELTS Writing Task 1, it is important to identify clearly the sequence and order of the stages using a variety...

Luyện thi IELTS (p86)


Listen for how the process of salinity is described here.. One of the main causes of salinity is waterlogging. Now, instead of trees pumping the water out of the ground, and keeping the salt stored, whatever water the crops don’t use percolates down into the soil.. Gradually, over a number of years, the earth gets wetter and wetter, and eventually...

Luyện thi IELTS (p87)


It is obvious that he is inspiring / inspired by the topic.. The student did not understand the confusing / confused enrolment form, but when advised by the counsellor was further confusing / confused.. The new movie was amusing / amused but, gauging from the reaction, not all the viewers were amusing / amused by the odd cartoon characters.. The...

Luyện thi IELTS (p88)


Page 1 of 2. PARTICIPIAL ADJECTIVES. Adjectives are an important part of good writing because they provide specific, qualifying detail.. There are various kinds of adjectives that perform this function but the focus here is on the use of participles as adjectives.. Participles used as Adjectives: -ing and –ed forms. Adjectives provide specific, qualifying detail. There are various kinds of...

Luyện thi IELTS (p89)


Today we’re going to listen to a ‘weather report’.. Listen to the weather in Sydney.. Humidity will be high again today, ranging from 80-90% across the metropolitan area, and possibly for the next 5 or 6 days.. Sunrise will be at 5.45 am and the sun will set at 7.43 pm. The next full moon will be on December 9...

Luyện thi IELTS (p90)


Provide the appropriate capitalisation in the following sentences.. because of the spring festival, schools and shops will be closed from monday to saturday during the first week of march.. insearch, university of technology is located in sydney just north of the anzac bridge.. the drought is causing serious problems not only in the northern areas of south australia, but also...

Luyện thi IELTS (p91)


TRANSCRIPT EPISODE 20: TORRES STRAIT Hello. Listen to this clip about the history and geography of the Torres Strait.. JOHNNY HARDING: The Torres Strait is situated above Queensland, between the Arafura Sea and the Coral Sea, Cape York Peninsula and Papua New Guinea. Darnley Island, also known as Erub, is the largest volcanic island in the eastern Torres Strait, with...

Luyện thi IELTS (p92)


Page 1 of 3. Question 1: Because the Australian dollar has gone up, exports . are struggling b. is dealing with c. was dealing with. Question 3: At the moment they. Question 4: Generally speaking, it is the personal assistant who . Question 5: The course coordinators are in the boardroom. are having b. Page 2 of 3 Question 6:...

Luyện thi IELTS (p93)


In IELTS Writing Task 1 when describing current trends and changes that are taking place at the moment, remember to use the present continuous tense.. Generally, the present simple tense would be used in IELTS Writing Task 2.. The Present Continuous (progressive) tense is often used in conjunction with the present simple tense for narratives or writing descriptions.. These study...

Luyện thi IELTS (p94)


interesting to see what they're doing. What I'm doing is looking to see what's outside this hide because I'm doing a sheet for the 'Bird Atlas' of a radius of 500 metres from here to see all the species that are in it.. A day like today's not much good, but normally you do a lot by call, and the...

Luyện thi IELTS (p95)


Page 1 of 3. Question 1: If a company holds meetings biannually, how often are they held?. Question 2: The organisers of the benefit concert received support from the. corners of the world.. Question 3: If a group of musicians formed an octet, how many would there be?. Question 4: According to the Zodiac periods, Pisces is from the. to...

Luyện thi IELTS (p96)


Understanding numbers, numerals and digits is an important part of the IELTS test, and may be assessed in any section of the test.. numbers is an important skill which may be assessed in any section of the IELTS test, regularly practising saying and writing numbers, numerals and digits in various contexts is helpful, and this will also build your confidence.....

Luyện thi IELTS (p97)


It’s filled with numbers and amounts, expressed in a variety of ways.. It’s important to be able to understand and describe numerical data using decimals, fractions and currencies.. The latest retail figures showed that turnover grew by 3.2% in the June quarter, the fastest quarterly growth rate for five and a half years. But internationally, it’s written like this ‘AUD’....

Luyện thi IELTS (p98)


Match the adjectives in the left-hand column with the descriptions on the right.. very unkind, mean, cause someone distress. rude, bad mannered. someone who gives more than expected quiet, shy, difficulty talking to people. understand the feeling of others certain about one’s own abilities/ideas brave, unafraid in difficult situations unpleasant, behave as if you are more important than others. polite,...

Luyện thi IELTS (p99)


STUDY NOTES EPISODE 23: OCTOPUSES DESCRIPTIONS. In the IELTS speaking test, when describing someone, make your description more interesting by including information about the person’s attitude, behaviour and intellectual ability, in addition to describing their physical. This will give you an opportunity to demonstrate a good range of vocabulary.. Providing a good clear description of someone may be particularly useful...

Luyện thi IELTS (p100)


Here’s the clip. They’ve got such a weird shape. They’ve got eight arms coming off their mouth. When they walk around it’s like they’re running round on super lips. They’ve got a head in the middle of their body. They’ve got a doughnut shaped brain.. They’ve got three hearts, blue blood and jet propulsion, and they’ve got a bag on...