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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P1


Overall, the new features in SQL Server 2005 give it a very high return on investment.. A Brief History of Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server 2005 is the latest version of a database server product that has been evolving since the late 1980s. Microsoft SQL Server originated as Sybase SQL Server in 1987. Later, Aston-Tate dropped out of the SQL...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P2


Reporting Services project templates start the Reporting Services Designer, where you can select data sources and visually lay out reports. The Properties window shown in the bottom-right corner of Figure 1-9 is used at design time to set the properties of the objects selected in the Solution Explorer. If the Properties window is not already displayed, you can show it...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P3


NONCLUSTERED Indexes A nonclustered index on a table or view is an index where the order of the index does not depend on the physical order of the data rows. NONCLUSTERED is the default mode when no keyword is specified in the CREATE INDEX statement.. However, one of the restrictions to using an indexed view is that the index must...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P4


This table is based on the rows in the HumanResources .Department table where the DepartmentID is less than or equal to 8. The next code block creates a second new table named dbo.SecondHalfDept using the rows in the HumanResources.Department table where the DepartmentID is greater than 8. The results of the union of the dbo.FirstHalfDept table and the dbo.SecondHalfDept table...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P5


The .NET Framework CLR is very tightly integrated with the SQL Server 2005 database engine. In fact, the SQL Server database engine hosts the CLR. This tight level of integration gives SQL Server 2005 several distinct advantages over the .NET integration that’s provided by DB2 and Oracle. You can see an overview of the SQL Server 2005 database engine and...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P6


Another important new feature in SQL Server 2005 that is enabled by the integration of the .NET CLR is the ability to create true user-defined types (UDTs). Using UDTs, you can extend the raw types provided by SQL Server and add data types that are specialized to your application or environment.. After naming the project and clicking OK, I filled...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P7


the SQL Server Service Broker subsystem to enable functionality in several other areas of SQL Server 2005, including Notification Services, Reporting Services, and asynchronous query notifications.. The SQL Server Service Broker is completely integrated with the SQL Server 2005 engine and is fully transactional. In addition, the new SQL Server Service Broker also supports reliable delivery of messages to remote...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P8


Developing Notification Services Applications. In the first part of this chapter you got an overview of the new SQL Server 2005 Notification Services. In this next section, you learn about the actual steps required to develop SQL Server 2005 Notification Services applications. First, you’ll see a quick overview of the development process, and next we’ll dive in and build a...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P9


These must correspond to the definitions that were previously defined in the XML-based Notification Services configuration file. You can also see these values beneath the Notification Services node in the SQL Server Management Studio.. The SubscriberId in combination with the DeviceName property uniquely identifies the device in the system. In this example, the notification will be created in the file...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P10


The DataColumn class is located in the .NET Framework at System.Data.DataColumn.. The DataColumn class contains several properties that are used to define the type of data contained in the DataColumn object. Found in the .NET Framework at System.Data.DataRow, the DataRow class represents a row of data in the DataTable object. Found in the .NET Framework at System.Data.DataView, the DataView class...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P11


functions would be considered part of the same logical transaction. If the withdrawal operation succeeded, but the deposit failed, the entire transaction could be rolled back, which would restore the database to the condition it had before the withdrawal operation was attempted. incorporate transactions into your ADO.NET applications, you first need to create an instance of the SqlTransaction object and...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P12


Then the DataSet is filled in the Try-Catch loop. Rows.RowState property and all of the remaining rows in the DataTable have a RowState of Unmodified. The XML Data Type XQuery Support XML Data Type Methods XML Indexes Using the For XML Clause OPENXML XML Bulk Load Native HTTP SOAP Access. The XML data needed to be stored in a SQL...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P13


You can see an example of using the FOR XML clause with the XML Type directive here:. It uses the FOR XML AUTO clause to return the results as XML.. You can see the results of using the Type directive here:. FOR XML Path. Essentially, the new PATH mode is a simpler alternative to the FOR XML EXCPLICIT mode. However,...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P14


delivered as part of the SQL Server 2000 client components. However, there are still many COM-based ADO applications written in Visual Basic 6.0 that connect to SQL Server.. As you saw in Figure 8-2, OLE DB provides two distinctly different methods for accessing SQL Server data: the OLE DB for SQL Server provider and the OLE DB provider for ODBC....

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P15


This ADO Connection object is set to an instance of the Connection object that will be returned by the Data Link object. ADO lets you retrieve data using either the Recordset or the Command object. In the following section, you see how to retrieve data from SQL Server using the Recordset object. Like the Recordset object found in DAO or...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P16


Find Volume Discount over 60, display the remainder of the resultset rs.Find "Description = 'Volume Discount over 60'". In the beginning of the BookmarkFind subroutine, you can see where instances of the ADO Connection and Recordset objects are passed into the subroutine. Next, a With statement is used to assign values to properties of the rs Recordset object. The first...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P17


Reporting Services 9. Reporting Services Architecture Report Server Report Manager Reporting Services Configuration and Management Tools Report Authoring Tools Programmability Accessing Reports Report Authoring. In the second part of this chapter, you get a look at how you design reports using the report designer and report wizard. Reporting Services Architecture. SQL Server 2005’s Reporting Services isn’t just a report design...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P18


You can also develop and manage extensions consumed by the Reporting Services components using the available managed code API. You can create assemblies using the Microsoft .NET Framework that add new Reporting Services functionality to meet your specialized business tasks.. Internet Explorer can be started from a Windows form using the Process class of the System.Diagnostics namespace. To view a...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P19


To create a new Integration Services project, select Business Intelligence Projects from the Project Types list and then Integration Project from the list of templates, as is shown in Figure 10-4. When the SSIS Designer first starts, you’re presented with a blank design surface like the one shown in Figure 10-5.. Figure 10-4 Opening a data transformation project. The SQL...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P20


SSIS package encryption is controlled using the package’s ProtectionLevel property, which supports the following values:. DontSaveSensitive Sensitive data is not saved in the package. When the package is opened, the sensitive data will not be present and the user will need to provide the sensitive data.. EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey Sensitive data is saved as a part of the package and is encrypted...