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Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 41


INSERT dbo.Dept (DeptName, RaiseFactor) VALUES (’Engineering’, 1.2),. (’Sales’, .8), (’IT’, 2.5),. INSERT dbo.Employee (DeptID, LastName, FirstName,. When developing complex queries, I work from the inside out. it selects the data required for the raise calculation, assuming June 25, 2009, is the effective date of the raise, and ensures the performance rating won’t count if it’s only 1:. CASE WHEN Employee.PerformanceRating...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 42


The first section of the merge query identifies the target and source tables and how they relate.. Applying the MERGE command to the airline check-in scenario, there’s an appropriate action for each match combination:. Note that the data from the source table is gathered by the INSERT command using INSERT. Here’s the complete working MERGE command for the scenario:. The...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 43


VALUES (DEFAULT, ‘From Default’);. GUID from function INSERT dbo.ProductCategory. INSERT dbo.ProductCategory. To view the results of the previous three methods of inserting a GUID, the following SELECT statement is filtered to those rows that are like `From. SELECT ProductCategoryID, ProductCategoryName FROM dbo.ProductCategory. From CHA2.dbo.Guide;. The following SELECT statement retrieves the new GUIDs:. SELECT ProductCategoryID, ProductCategoryName FROM dbo.ProductCategory;. The function is...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 44


Therefore, a transaction ROLLBACK command in the trigger will roll back all pending transactions.. Print ‘After Trigger Demo’;. After Trigger Demo. Note that the sample code in the file for this chapter drops the AfterDemo trigger so that the code in the remainder of the chapter will function.. Non-Updateable Views. Non-updateable views may affect INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 45


FIGURE 17-1. Jean Trenary and her crew are the able Information Service Department at AdventureWorks.. 267 Karen Berg Application Specialist. Application Specialist 266. 269 Dan Bacon Application Specialist. 272 Janaina Bueno Application Specialist 264. 263 Jean Trenary Information Services Manager. 263 Jean Trenary Information Services Manager 1 Ken S´ anchez. To examine one row from the employee perspective, Karen Berg’s...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 46


ON C.BusinessEntityID = Emp.BusinessEntityID LEFT JOIN Person.Person AS M. ON Emp.ManagerID = M.BusinessEntityID ORDER BY Lv, BusinessEntityID;. 1 263 Jean Trenary Information Services Manager 1 Ken S´ anchez 2 264 Stephanie Conroy Network Manager 263 Jean Trenary 2 267 Karen Berg Application Specialist 263 Jean Trenary 2 268 Ramesh Meyyappan Application Specialist 263 Jean Trenary 2 269 Dan Bacon Application...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 47


The primary work of a hierarchy is returning the hierarchy as a set. The adjacency list method used sim- ilar methods for scanning up or down the hierarchy. Not so with materialized path. Searching down a materialized path is a piece of cake, but searching up the tree is a real pain.. Searching down the hierarchy with materialized path. Navigating...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 48


The following script adds the level to the WHERE cause of the previous script and finds only those mem- bers of the Information Servies Department who report directly to Jean:. The HierarchyID data type is a compact data type optimized for storing relative node postion. HierarchyID embeds data within a binary data type so it’s more difficult to navigate and...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 49


XQuery can be used to query XML documents just like a SQL query is used to retrieve information from relational tables. The XML data type implements a limited subset of the XQuery specification and a T-SQL query can use XQuery to retrieve information from XML columns or variables.. Results of XQuery opera- tions can be joined with relational data, or...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 50


INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID = oh.CustomerID INNER JOIN Items i ON. i.ItemNumber = x.value(’@ItemNumber’,’CHAR(4. Another way to write this query is to embed the join operators as part of the XQuery expression itself.. The following example demonstrates this:. x.value(’@Quantity’,’INT’) AS Quantity, x.value(’@Price’,’MONEY’) AS Price FROM OrderHeader oh. INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID = oh.CustomerID CROSS JOIN OrderXML....

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 51


Though the root element is correctly added, the XML output is not in the required structure. This behavior is caused by the fact that the XML generator consumes rows in the same order as they are returned by the SELECT query. To generate the results in the correct order, the SELECT query should contain an ORDER BY clause that controls...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 52


<Orders xmlns="http://www.sqlserverbible.com/orders">. The following example demonstrates how to generate elements with multiple namespaces:. ‘http://www.sqlserverbible.com/customers’ AS cust,. ‘http://www.sqlserverbible.com/orders’ AS ord. <Orders xmlns:ord="http://www.sqlserverbible.com/orders". xmlns:cust="http://www.sqlserverbible.com/customers">. An element can be associated with a namespace by specifying a colonized name as the element name (a name that contains a namespace name and element name separated by a colon).. XML documents can be created with one...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 53


A call to xp _ xml _ preparedocument parses the XML document and stores it in the internal cache of SQL Server. The MSXML parser uses one-eighth of the total memory available to SQL Server. XSD and XML Schema Collections. SQL Server supports a subset of the XSD specification and can validate XML documents against XSD schemas.. SQL Server implements...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 54


It’s like looking for all the instances of ‘‘Paul’’ in the telephone book. Basically, Integrated Full-Text Search (iFTS) extends SQL Server beyond the traditional relational data searches by building an index of every significant word and phrase. In addition, the full-text search engine adds advanced features such as the following:. Searching character data with embedded binary objects stored with SQL...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 55


The crux of the decision regarding how to solve the multiple-column search is the conflict between fast reads and fast writes — OLAP versus OLTP.. Because the full-text search engine has its roots in Windows Index and was not a SQL Server–developed component, its wildcards use the standard DOS conventions (asterisk for a multi-character wildcard, and double quotes) instead of...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 56


Creating the Physical Database Schema. Creating the database files Creating tables. Configuring constraints Creating the user data columns Documenting the database schema. T he longer I work with databases, the more I become convinced that the real magic is the physical schema design. No aspect of application devel- opment has more potential to derail an application or enable it to...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 57


The file sizes and growth options can be adjusted in code with the ALTER DATABASE DDL command and the MODIFY FILE option. ALTER DATABASE NewDB MODIFY FILE. M any DBAs detest the default autogrowth settings because the database is locked during an autogrowth.. As the database grows, so will the growth size. For serious production databases the best solution is...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 58


PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED, OrderPriorityName NVARCHAR (15) NOT NULL,. The primary and foreign keys are the links that bind the tables into a working relational database. The database schema must transform from a theoretical logical design into a practical physical design, and the structure of the primary and foreign keys is often the crux of the redesign. Getting the primary keys...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 59


SQL Server tables may have up to 1,024 columns, but well-designed relational-database tables seldom have more than 25, and most have only a handful.. To list the columns for the current database using code, query the sys.objects and sys.columns catalog views.. Column data types. The column’s data type serves two purposes:. Character data won’t be accepted into a datetime or...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 60


By default a clustered index is created automatically when the primary key constraint is created.. To remove an index use the DROP INDEX command with both the table and index name:. Updates can frag- ment the index and affect the index page’s fill factor. While this chapter mentions index maintenance, Chapter 42, ‘‘Maintaining the Database. A composite index is a...