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Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 81


This is all handled by the sync session. As synchronization takes place, the destination provider supplies its current state to the sync session.. A term that you should remember when working with the Sync Framework is the concept of sync knowledge. It is the information that the Sync Framework algorithms use to utilize change enumeration and conflict detection. Change enumeration:...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 82


Nielsen c33.tex V pm Page 772. When tracking incremental changes, Sync Services uses net change tracking for peer-to-peer synchroniza- tion. Peer-to-peer synchronization can be compared in many ways to a combination of offline data-set technology and replication. Sync Services provides a programming model like that of offline datasets but with a feature set like that of replication. As stated in...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 83


Any clause that is not specified in the query is simply skipped by the query processing engine. In a LINQ query, the first clause is the FROM clause, which specifies the source of the data, and it must end with either a SELECT clause or a GROUP clause. It also specifies the range variable that is used as a reference...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 84


LINQ to XML example. Set the properties of the text box so that it is multi-line and has a vertical scroll bar. Behind button1, add the following code:. new XElement("Riders",. new XElement("Rider",. new XElement("Name Ricky Carmich ael". new XElement("Class . new XElement("Brand Suzuki". new XElement("Sponsors",. new XElement("Name Makita"). new XElement("Name Chad Reed"),. new XElement("Brand Yamaha". new XElement("Name ProTaper"). new XElement("Name...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 85


LINQ to Entities is more than a simple ORM tool. The ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ to Enti- ties enable developers to work against a conceptual model that offers more flexible mapping, which pro- vides the capability to utilize a wider degree of variance from the underlying data source.. What determines whether a project should use LINQ to SQL or...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 86


In addition, there are database catalog views to shed light on the queue:. The next chapter continues the progression through SQL Server technologies and discusses ADO.NET 2.0 and its powerful methods for connectivity.. R eplication is an optional native SQL Server 2008 component that is used to copy data and other database objects from one database or server to another.....

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 87


The Snapshot Agent Security dialog. Connect to your publisher in SQL Server Management Studio and expand the Replication folder and the Local Publications folder.. Click Next to exit the splash screen.. In the Publication dialog, ensure that the publication you wish to create a subscription to is highlighted. Once your publication is highlighted, click Next.. In the distribution Agent Location...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 88


Unlike DTS, in which transformations happen in a single step as data is read from a source and written to a destination, Integration Services enables several transformations to be used between reading and writing data. Data flows can come from several sources, and they can be split and merged, and writ- ten to several destinations within the confines of a...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 89


UNC is a method of identifying a path so that it can be accessed from anywhere on the network a package may be run. The file can be in one of four formats:. Multiple Flat Files: Same as the Flat File connection manager, but it allows multiple files to be selected, either individually or using wildcards. File: Identifies a file...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 90


Then, in the script, additional methods must be overridden:. Search for the topic ‘‘Extending the Data Flow with the Script Component’’ in SQL Server Books Online for full code samples and related information.. Data Flow destinations provide a place to write the data transformed by the Data Flow task. Columns: Map the columns from the data flow (input) to the...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 91


On the Details tab, specify the events for which log entries will be written. Advanced view of the Logging Details tab. The tree view in the left pane represents the container hierarchy of the package. By default, all objects inherit from the package settings. Highlighting an item in the tree displays the details for that object in the current tab....

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 92


When you link to a SQL Server table in Access, Access caches connection information and metadata. A common technique to avoid this fate is to delete all links when you close the Access application, and relink tables on startup.. When writing VBA code in Access, ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) is the preferred object model for working with SQL Server. However,...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 93


Configuring SQL Server. Making sense of SQL Server configuration. Configuring the server-level configuration options. Configuring the database-level configuration options. Configuring the connection-level options. S QL Server has a plethora of configuration options. The difficulty in master- ing them lies in the fact that they are spread across three levels:. Server-level options generally configure how the server works with hardware, and...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 94


The startup configuration properties, described in Table 39-1, control how SQL Server and the processes are launched.. You use the startup parameters with the SQL Server services. The startup parameters are passed as parameters to the SQL Server program when the SQL Server service is started. Although you can add startup parameters from the Services console, I highly recommend using...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 95


In Management Studio, the max worker threads option is set by typing or selecting a value in the Maximum Worker Threads box in the Server Properties Processor tab (refer to Figure 39-6).. From code, the maximum number of worker threads is set by means of the sp_configure stored pro- cedure and the max worker threads option. For example, the following...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 96


In Management Studio, the query governor cost limit configuration option can be set by typing the limit in the ‘‘Use query governor to prevent long-running queries’’ box in the Server Properties Con- nections tab (refer to Figure 39-8).. EXEC sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1;. EXEC sp_configure ‘query governor cost limit’, 300;. Using this feature is not recommended, as it will...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 97


SDC Management Studio ALTER DATABASE <DB Name>. SET cursor_close_on_commit Cursor Default D Management Studio ALTER DATABASE <DB Name>. The CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT option can be set from Management Studio and code at the server, database, and connection level. In Management Studio, the CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT option can be turned on at the various levels as follows:. To set CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT in code, do the following:....

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 98


ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2008 SET ONLINE;. You may encounter a situation in which the database is inaccessible and you do not have a backup.. To access the database regardless of online/offline state, members of the sysadmin role can put the database in EMERGENCY mode. Once in EMERGENCY mode, the database is in read-only mode and is accessible only by members of...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 99


The Facet collection is the associative table between SQL Server object types and properties.. A facet may be opened by double-clicking it or by using the Property command in its context menu.. The Facet Properties dialog, shown in Figure 40-2, has three pages:. General: Describes the property, lists the type of SQL Server objects to which the facet properties may...

Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 100


Backing up user databases Understanding and working with the transaction log Recovering a lost database, a lost system database, or the entire server. SQL Server offers three recovery models, which help organize the backup options and sim- plify database administration.. What’s New in SQL Server Recovery?. B ackup compression is introduced in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition. The following backup...