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Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P12


We arbitrarily set the event fl ags group to the value slow_fl ags in the preceding statement.. We could have set the event fl ags group to the value speedy_fl ags, thereby giving Slow_Thread the fi rst opportunity to execute.. We need to change all references to a binary semaphore with references to an event fl ags group.. Most of...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P13


If return variable status contains the value TX_SUCCESS, we have retrieved valid information about the message queue.. 13.11 Prioritizing a Message Queue Suspension List. message queue at the front of the suspension list. TX_QUEUE my_queue;. TX_QUEUE *next_queue;. Retrieve information about the previously created message queue "my_queue.". Figure 13.11: Retrieving information about a message queue. Figure 13.12: Effect of prioritizing a...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P14


In addition to the actual data for the event, the protected memory must store the priority and time of the event’s occurrence.. Figure 14.7 summarizes the event overwrite rules.. Figure 14.6: Protected memory. Figure 14.7: Event overwrite rules. 14.4 Design of the System. 14.4.1 Thread Design. Figure 14.8 depicts this thread.. We need a thread to coordinate the capture and...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P15


void event_recorder_process(ULONG thread_input). ULONG frame, event_priority, event_time, index, frame_data[2];. Copy an event from temporary memory to protected memory. from temp_memory to protected_memory. Store event time and event priority in protected memory. frame = frame_data[0];. event_priority = frame_data[1];. protected_memory[event_count][0. protected_memory[event_count][1. protected_memory[event_count][index+2. temp_memory[frame][1];. Store the event time and priority in the next available position in protected memory.. Store the 24 seconds of...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P16


This service initializes the Memory Block Pool Control Block through the parameter pool_ptr.. pool_ptr Pointer to a Memory Block Pool Control Block.. name_ptr Pointer to the name of the memory block pool.. pool_start Starting address of the memory block pool.. pool_size Total number of bytes available for the memory block pool.. TX_SUCCESS 2 (0 x 00) Successful memory block pool...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P17


The event fl ags group services described in this appendix are:. tx_event_fl ags_create Create an event fl ags group tx_event_fl ags_delete Delete an event fl ags group. tx_event_fl ags_performance info_get Get event fl ags group performance information. tx_event_fl ags_performance_system_info_get Retrieve performance system information. tx_event_fl ags_create. Create an event fl ags group Prototype. UINT tx_event_fl ags_create ( TX_EVENT_FLAGS_GROUP *group_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr)....

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P18


The mutex services described in this appendix include:. tx_mutex_create Create a mutual exclusion mutex. tx_mutex_delete Delete a mutual exclusion mutex. tx_mutex_get Obtain ownership of a mutex. tx_mutex_info_get Retrieve information about a mutex tx_mutex_performance_info_get Get mutex performance information tx_mutex_performance_system_info_get Get mutex system performance. tx_mutex_prioritize Prioritize the mutex suspension list. tx_mutex_put Release ownership of a mutex. tx_mutex_create. UINT tx_mutex_create(TX_MUTEX *mutex_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr,...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P19


This service deletes the specifi ed message queue. queue_ptr Pointer to a previously created message queue’s Control Block.. TX_SUCCESS 2 (0x00) Successful message queue deletion.. TX_QUEUE_ERROR (0x09) Invalid message queue pointer.. TX_QUEUE my_queue;. Delete entire message queue. Assume that the queue has already been created with a call to tx_queue_create. status tx_queue_delete( &. If status equals TX_SUCCESS, the message queue...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P20


TX_SEMAPHORE_ERROR (0x0C) Invalid semaphore pointer. TX_SEMAPHORE my_semaphore;. status tx_semaphore_create( &. tx_semaphore_delete. UINT tx_semaphore_delete (TX_SEMAPHORE *semaphore_ptr). This service deletes the specifi ed counting semaphore. semaphore_ptr Pointer to a previously created semaphore’s Control Block.. TX_SEMAPHORE_ERROR (0x0C) Invalid counting semaphore pointer.. status tx_semaphore_delete( &. tx_semaphore_get. UINT tx_semaphore_get( TX_SEMAPHORE *semaphore_ptr, ULONG wait_option). As a result, the specifi ed semaphore’s count is decreased by one....

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P21


status tx_thread_entry_exit_notify( &. if (condition TX_THREAD_ENTRY. tx_thread_create, tx_thread_delete, tx_thread_entry_exit_notify, tx_thread_identify, tx_. thread_info_get, tx_thread_performance_info_get, tx_thread_performance_system_info_. get, tx_thread_preemption_change, tx_thread_priority_change, tx_thread_relinquish, tx_thread_reset, tx_thread_resume, tx_thread_sleep, tx_thread_stack_error_notify, tx_thread_suspend, tx_thread_terminate, tx_thread_time_slice_change,. tx_thread_wait_abort. tx_thread_identify. TX_THREAD* tx_thread_identify (VOID). This service returns a pointer to the currently executing thread’s Control Block. thread pointer Pointer to the currently executing thread’s Control Block. TX_THREAD *my_thread_ptr;. my_thread_ptr tx_thread_identify();. tx_thread_info_get. UINT tx_thread_info_get( TX_THREAD...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P22


thread_ptr Pointer to an application Thread Control Block.. TX_CALLER_ERROR (0x13) Invalid caller of this service.. This service terminates the specifi ed application thread regardless of whether or not the thread is suspended. A thread may call this service to terminate itself. This service modifi es the Thread Control Block through the parameter thread_ptr.. tx_thread_time_slice_change. UINT tx_thread_time_slice_change( TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, ULONG new_time_slice,...

Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS- P23


status tx_timer_performance_system_info_get( &. timer_info_get, tx_timer_performance_info_get. UINT tx_byte_allocate(TX_BYTE_POOL *pool_ptr, VOID **memory_ptr,. UINT tx_byte_pool_create(TX_BYTE_POOL *pool_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr,. UINT tx_byte_pool_delete(TX_BYTE_POOL *pool_ptr);. UINT tx_byte_pool_info_get(TX_BYTE_POOL *pool_ptr, CHAR **name,. TX_THREAD **fi rst_suspended, ULONG *suspended_count, TX_BYTE_POOL **next_pool);. UINT tx_byte_pool_performance_info_get(TX_BYTE_POOL *pool_ptr, ULONG *allocates,. UINT tx_byte_pool_performance_system_info_get(ULONG *allocates, ULONG *releases,. UINT tx_byte_pool_prioritize(TX_BYTE_POOL *pool_ptr);. UINT tx_byte_release(VOID *memory_ptr);. UINT tx_block_allocate(TX_BLOCK_POOL *pool_ptr, VOID **block_ptr,. UINT tx_block_pool_create(TX_BLOCK_POOL *pool_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr,. UINT tx_block_pool_delete(TX_BLOCK_POOL *pool_ptr);. UINT...

Standardized Functional Verification- P1


Standardized Functional Verification. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. A whitepaper from one major CAD company states that, “Design teams reportedly spend as...

Standardized Functional Verification- P2


A Brief Overview of Functional Verification. 1.5 Functional Verification in a Nutshell. 1.7 Standardized Functional Verification. 2.6.1 Example – Rules and Guidelines. 2.7 Variables of Connectivity. 2.7.1 Example – External Connectivity. 2.7.2 Example – Internal Connectivity. 2.8 Variables of Activation. 2.8.1 Example – Activation. 2.9 Variables of Condition. 2.9.1 Example – Conditions. 2.11 Variables of Stimulus and Response. 2.11.4 Example...

Standardized Functional Verification- P3


The CRV technique exercises the tar- get by driving its inputs with signal values chosen pseudo-randomly but constrained such that they are meaningful to the target being exercised.. Habits of human programmers: Programmers have habits (particular ways of writing loops or other common code sequences) that limit the novelty that their tests can present to the target being verified. Inefficiency...

Standardized Functional Verification- P4


Both the rule and the guideline can be expressed formally in the e language as follows 1. 1 The examples in this chapter are intended to illustrate how the formal standard variables may be found in existing code or expressed in new code. In the example, the relevant section of the specifications document is in- cluded in the comment preceding...

Standardized Functional Verification- P5


2.9 Variables of Condition 25. exceed some high-water mark so that the queue can be emptied more quickly and thereby prevent overflow.. Such a condition could be classified either way as convenient for the verification software.. Finally, it is practical to consider not only those conditions that govern the operation of the target but also those that govern the operation...

Standardized Functional Verification- P6


Choosing the values of the external conditional variables and the values of stimulus variables determines the excitation of an instance within its con- text.. 2.14 Special Cases. Most special cases will be associated with stimuli or responses, but there may also be other things to verify that just don’t seem to fit neatly into any subset. Eventually, with time and...

Standardized Functional Verification- P7


3.2.3 Variables of Condition. Variables of condition are also time-variant, but because they are by defi- nition persistent, it is useful to consider the valid tuples of values of condi- tion to get a grasp on the multiplicity of function points corresponding to the many ways in which the system can be made to operate.. Variables of condition are separated...

Standardized Functional Verification- P8


3.4 illustrates the condensed functional space of the queue after this addition of the high-water mark and the indirect condition that establishes drain priority.. Functional space of an 8-entry queue. 56 Chapter 3 – Exploring Functional Space. Condensed functional space of an 8-entry queue. Reaching HWM at 6 sets the indirect condition for drain priority We can also add a...