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Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 4


You can’t directly adjust the temperature because that would affect the other tenants (other App Engine applications). So, you have to send a request to the building super to change the temperature on your behalf (URLFetch, Bigtable query, Memcache, mail, XMPP, any other Google App Engine service). This is essentially what is happening with App Engine.. If you take a...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 5


Message Body Data Sent: For each e-mail message that is sent by your application, App Engine measures the amount of data in the body of the e-mail. Attachment Data Sent: For each e-mail message that is sent by your application, App Engine measures the amount of data sent as. URL Fetch. App Engine can communicate with other applications or access...

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Signing Up for Google App Engine. Before you get too far, you need to enable your Google account for access to App Engine. To get started, navigate to http://appengine.google.com. You’ll be prompted for your Google account credentials, and you’ll be asked to accept the terms of. That’s it! You’re ready to get started, by launching the sample project that was...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 7


The Google App Engine launcher for Mac. If you’re using Eclipse and the Google Eclipse Plugin, you can launch your application locally by selecting Debug As ➤ Web Application from the Run menu.. It’s time to deploy your application to App Engine where you can browse it publicly and share it with the world. You’ll be presented with a Deploy...

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value="accountLookup"/>. <span class="heading">Search by Account Name:</span>. <p/>. style="width: 300px"/>. value="Search"/>. href="/stylesheets/styles.css"/>. <span class="nav"><a href="index.html">Back</a></span><p/>. <span class="title">Create a New Account</span>. action="telesales">. value="accountCreateDo"/>. bgcolor="#CCCCCC">. <tr bgcolor="#407BA8">. <td style="color: #ffffff. font-weight: bold;">Name</td>. <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><input type="input". name="name"></td>. font-weight: bold;">City</td>. name="billingCity"></td>. bold;">State</td>. name="billingState"></td>. bold;">Phone</td>. name="phone"></td>. bold;">Website</td>. name="website"></td>. <td colspan="2". align="center"><input type="submit". value="Submit"></td>. page import="java.util.List"%>. page import="com.appirio.entity.*"%>. <span class="title">Google App Engine Servlet Example with Bigtable</span>. href="telesales?action=accountCreate"/>create...

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value gt;</td>. bold;">Order</td>. value="Submit"></td>. The code for Account.java package com.appirio.entity;. import javax.jdo.annotations.IdGeneratorStrategy;. import javax.jdo.annotations.IdentityType;. import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable;. import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent;. import javax.jdo.annotations.PrimaryKey;. this.name = name;. this.city = city;. this.state = state;. this.phone = phone;. this.website = website;. @return the id. @param id the id to set. public void setId(Long id. this.id = id;. @return the name. @param name the name to set....

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 10


request.getParameter("name". encoding="utf-8"?>. "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">. <servlet>. <servlet-name>telesales</servlet-name>. <servlet-class>com.appirio.TelesalesServlet</servlet-class>. </servlet>. <servlet-mapping>. </servlet-mapping>. spring-web.jar. spring-webmvc.jar. spring-core.jar. spring-beans.jar. spring-context.jar. standard.jar. jstl.jar. <servlet-name>dispatcher</servlet-name>. <servlet-. class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class>. <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern>. encoding="UTF-8"?>. <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans". xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance". xmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p". xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context". xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd. http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd">. p:suffix=".jsp". "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">. page isELIgnored="false"%>. uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>. You’ll also need to get the latest version of Xalan-J from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/xml/xalan-j. <servlet-name>AMFMessageServlet</servlet-name>. class>org.granite.messaging.webapp.AMFMessageServlet</servlet-class>. messageTypes="flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage">. <destination id="Gateway">. <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

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<channel-definition id="my-graniteamf". class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">. class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>. Create the persistence.xml file with the code from Listing 4-17 in the /src/META-INF/ directory.. JPA persistence.xml file. http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd". <persistence-unit name="transactions-optional">. value="true"/>. value="appengine"/>. encoding="utf-8"?>. <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml". <mx:RemoteObject id="gateway". fault="status.text=event.fault.toString();">. <mx:method name="createAccount". result="status.text='Created.';"/>. <mx:method name="fetchAccount". result="displayAccount(event);"/>. </mx:RemoteObject>. <mx:Script>. gateway.createAccount(frmId.text,frmName.text,frmCity.text,frmState.t ext,frmPhone.text,frmWebsite.text);. remove current text status.text=null;. frmId.text=null;. frmName.text=null;. frmCity.text=null;. frmState.text=null;. frmPhone.text=null;. frmWebsite.text=null;. private function fetchAccount():void { status.text='Fetching account...';. fetch the...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 12


Running the application should now result in an application that looks like Figure 4-10.. Many popular Java libraries and frameworks run on App Engine. While some frameworks work with minor configuration changes, others fail due to App Engine restrictions or unsupported classes.. Out of the box App Engine uses servlets and JSPs for web applications.. You built a small telesales...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 13


The top section of the panel will consist of a HorizontalPanel holding your logo, email address, and sign-out link, while the bottom portion will hold a TabPanel with a number of interfaces.. The bottom of the tab will also have a HorizontalPanel holding the total number of hours for the timecard.. DockPanel A panel that arranges its child. FlowPanel A...

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When the widget detects a change to its date, it sets the class variable to the widget’s selected date, renames the columns of the FlexTable based on the start date, and displays the major visible components of the application.. listen for the changes in the value of the date. show the main parts of the UI now flexEntryTable.setVisible(true);. hide the...

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add all of the widgets to the flex table. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 0, lbProjects);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 1, lbMilestones);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 2, new CheckBox());. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 3, day1);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 4, day2);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 5, day3);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 6, day4);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 7, day5);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 8, day6);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 9, day7);. flexEntryTable.setWidget(row, 10, new Label . flexEntryTable.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){. HTMLTable.Cell cellForEvent = flexEntryTable.getCellForEvent(event);. day1.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. day2.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. day3.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. day4.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. day5.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. day6.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. day7.addValueChangeHandler(timeChangeHandler);. flexEntryTable.setText(0, 3,...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 16


The code for LoginInfo.class package com.appirio.timeentry.client;. public void setLoggedIn(boolean loggedIn. public void setLoginUrl(String loginUrl. public void setLogoutUrl(String logoutUrl. public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress. public void setNickname(String nickname. Now you need to create two interfaces defining your login service and its methods.. You’ll configure this path in the deployment descriptor to map the configuration to this service.. The code for LoginService.class package...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 17


If you want to implement your own key system, you simply use the createKey static method of the KeyFactory class. So, to create a key for an Order entity with the key name "[email protected]". "[email protected]");. Note If your implementation inadvertently creates a duplicate key for your entity, this new entity will overwrite the existing entity in the datastore.. The phone...

Apress bắt đầu ứng dụng với java google - p 18


For more complex indexes, you will have to build them manually in the index. configuration file, as shown in Listing 7-2.. xmlns="http://appengine.google.com/ns/datastore-indexes/1.0". You must specify in the index configuration file any queries containing:. During development, App Engines tries to create your indexes for you in the. you think your tests call all possible queries but your application still fails at...

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public String addEntries(Vector<TimeEntryData>. LOG.log(Level.INFO, entries.size()+". entries added.");. return entries.size()+". entries added.";. public Vector<TimeEntryData>. Vector<TimeEntryData>. entries = new Vector<TimeEntryData>();. ted.setBillable(entity.getBillable());. ted.setDate(entity.getDate());. ted.setHours(entity.getHours());. ted.setMilestone(entity.getMilestone());. ted.setProject(entity.getProject());. entries.add(ted);. "Milestone 1-1";. "Milestone 1-2";. "Milestone 1-3";. "Milestone 2-1";. "Milestone 2-2";. "Milestone 2-3";. "Milestone 3-1";. "Milestone 3-2";. "Milestone 3-3";. determines if the user is currently logged in. Please login with your Google Accounts credentials.");. utility method to...

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CHAPTER 7 ■ USING THE APP ENGINE DATASTORE. In the onSuccess Async method of the. For the remainder of the chapter the focus was on finishing up your application.. In the next chapter we'll focus on some of the functional services available to App. App Engine Services. In Chapter 7 you spent a lot of time in the data layer...

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resp.getOutputStream().println(e.getMessage());. Next, you’ll take a quick look at another App Engine service for manipulating images.. You’ll continue to build on the same Eclipse project, but you need to add some more libraries:. Right-click the file in the Eclipse Package Explorer and select Build Path ➤ Add to Build Path.. commons.apache.org/io. Now that the prerequisite libraries have been set up in...

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In this section you used the Images service in Google App Engine to flip an uploaded image on its vertical axis. You also leveraged some of the things you learned about the data store in Chapter 7. Before moving on to the Mail API, experiment with the transformation options available from the Images service.. You can find a full list...

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http://appengine.google.com/a/yourdomain.com, where yourdomain.com is your Google Apps domain name. If this is the case, your App Engine applications will show up only in your Google Apps Administration Console.. Your list will appear empty until you log in with the /a/yourdomain.com suffix.. Start by logging in to the appropriate URI to open your Google Apps. Administration Console. App Engine Administration Consoles...